My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your soul's rest and find refuge in Christ with "My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found." Discover strength and peace in Him.

My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found – Hymn Lyric

In “My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found,” a of comfort and hope, we are reminded that finding rest in Christ is the answer to our weary . Through beautiful imagery and powerful lyrics, the hymn invites us to seek refuge in Him, finding security and . No matter our struggles, Christ offers a sure and certain anchorage ground, providing the rest and renewal we long for.


My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found – Hymn Lyric

My soul at last a rest hath found,
A rest that will not fail;
A sure and certain anchorage ground
In Christ within the vail.

O Rock of Ages cleft for me,
In my soul securely hide;
My tower of strength, I fly to Thee,
And safely there abide.

I’ll hide me in this refuge strong,
From every stormy blast;
And sit and sing until the waves
Of wrath are over-past.


Ye comfortless and tempest-tossed,
By sins and woes opprest;
Ye tempted, troubled, ruined, lost,
Come find in Christ your rest.


Ye thirsty, from this smitten Rock,
Life’s crystal waters spring;
There hide from every stormy shock,
And rest, and drink, and sing.



Meaning of My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found

In times of trouble and turmoil, we all long for a of refuge and a sense of security. This hymn, “My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found,” reminds us of the comfort and solace that can be found in our faith in Christ. As we delve into the verses and chorus of this hymn, we are inspired to seek the unwavering strength and peace that can only be found in Him.

The first verse of the hymn emphasizes the rest that is found in Christ. Our soul, weary and burdened, can finally find a resting place that will not fail us. Just as an anchor grounds a in turbulent waters, our souls find a sure and certain anchorage ground within Christ, who is metaphorically referred to as being within the vail. This imagery brings about a sense of security and protection, as if we are hidden and shielded from harm.

The chorus, “O Rock of Ages cleft for me, In Thee my soul securely hide; My tower of strength, I fly to Thee, And safely there abide,” expands on the idea of finding refuge in Christ. The hymn writer likens Christ to a cleft rock, a solid and unmovable foundation. Just as a rock provides shelter and safety from external dangers, Christ becomes our stronghold. In Him, we can securely hide and find the strength to face life’s challenges. The use of the word “fly” suggests a sense of urgency and desperation in seeking refuge, showing that our dependence on Christ is not just a casual choice, but a necessity.

Moving on to the second verse and chorus, the hymn addresses those who are suffering and burdened by sins and woes. We are reminded that in Christ, we can find rest and comfort even in the midst of our troubles. No matter how tempest-tossed we may feel, there is solace to be found in Him. Christ becomes the source of our relief and the safe haven we long for in times of distress, offering respite from the storms that threaten to overwhelm us.

In the third verse and chorus, the focus shifts to those who are thirsty and in need of spiritual nourishment. The hymn paints a beautiful picture of life’s crystal waters springing forth from the smitten Rock, referring to the biblical account of striking the rock in the wilderness, from which poured out to satisfy the thirst of the Israelites. In the same way, Christ is portrayed as the source of living water, providing refreshment to our parched souls. Just as a person seeks shelter from a storm, we are encouraged to hide from the turbulent shocks of life in Christ, finding rest and satisfaction in Him.

Through the repetition of the chorus after each verse, the hymn emphasizes the central message of finding refuge in Christ. The hymn writer recognizes the varied struggles and needs that people may have, whether burdened by sins or thirsty for spiritual fulfillment. However, the solution remains the same – Christ is the answer to all our needs. We are invited to come to Him, find rest, and experience the joy of singing praises in His presence.

The title, “My Soul at Last A Rest Hath Found,” beautifully encapsulates the essence of the hymn. The phrase “at last” alludes to a long and arduous journey, a desperate search for peace and security that has finally culminated in finding rest in Christ. It suggests a sigh of relief and a sense of fulfillment, as the soul has found its true home in the embrace of the Savior. The title itself, being a phrase from the hymn, serves as an effective SEO keyword, ensuring that those searching for or reflections on finding rest in Christ will come across this relevant and comforting piece.

In conclusion, “My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found” is a hymn that speaks to the deep longing within us for rest and security. Through the beautiful imagery of Christ as a refuge, a rock, and a source of living water, the hymn inspires us to seek solace in Him. It reminds us that no matter what struggles we face, Christ offers a sure and certain anchorage ground, a place of rest and renewal. May this hymn continue to resonate in our hearts, leading us to find our rest in the everlasting arms of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize your soul's rest and find refuge in Christ with My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found. Discover strength and peace in Him.
My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found - Hymn Lyric - Maximize your soul's rest and find refuge in Christ with "My Soul At Last A Rest Hath Found." Discover strength and peace in Him.