My Soul In Silence Waits For God – Hymn Lyric

Discover strength and security in God as you wait in silence. Find solace and assurance in His unwavering faithfulness. Trust in Him for lasting strength and rewards.

My Soul In Silence Waits For God – Hymn Lyric

“My In Silence Waits For ” is a hymn that highlights the unwavering faithfulness of God and the strength and security we can find in Him. In a filled with deception and unreliable helpers, God stands as our Rock and Tower, protecting us from harm. By putting our trust in Him and pouring out our hearts before Him, we can experience His lovingkindness and receive His just rewards.


My Soul In Silence Waits For God – Hymn Lyric

My soul in silence waits for God,
My Savior He has proved;
He only is my Rock and Tower;
I never shall be moved.

My honor is secure with God,
My Savior He is known;
My Refuge and my Rock of strength
Are found in God alone.

My enemies my ruin seek,
They plot with fraud and guile;
Deceitful, they pretend to bless,
But inwardly revile.

My soul in silence waits for God,
He is my help approved;
He only only is my Rock and Tower,
And I shall not be moved.

On Him, ye people, evermore
Rely with confidence;
Before Him, pour ye out your ,
For God is our defense.

For surely men are helpers vain,
The high and the abased;
Yea, lighter than a breath are they
When in the balance placed.

Trust not in harsh oppression’s power,
Nor in unrighteous gain;
If wealth increase, yet on your gold
Ye set your hearts in vain.

For God has spoken o’er and o’er,
And unto me has shown,
That saving power and lasting strength
Belong to Him alone.

Yea, lovingkindness evermore
Belongs to , O Lord;
And , according to his ,
Dost every man reward.


Meaning of My Soul In Silence Waits For God

My Soul In Silence Waits For God: Finding Strength and Security in Him

In this hymn, we find solace and assurance in the unwavering faithfulness of God. The verses affirm that God is our Rock, our Savior, and our Tower of strength. With God as our refuge, we can firmly stand, knowing that we shall never be moved.

The hymn emphasizes the honor and security we have in God. As our Savior, He is intimately acquainted with us, knowing our weaknesses, yet upholding us with His strength. In times of trouble, He is our Rock, an immovable foundation upon which we can lean. By putting our trust in God, we find the lasting security that cannot be found in anything or anyone else.

The hymn also sheds on the presence of enemies and their cunning tactics. They plot and deceive, often disguising their intentions with false blessings. It is vital for us to discern their true motives and not be swayed by their deceitful words. Instead, we are encouraged to rely on God as our true help, our approved source of deliverance.

In this world, many may appear as helpers, but ultimately, they are vain and unreliable. Both the high and the lowly are likened to a breath, fleeting and transient. It is a timely reminder that our trust should not be placed in human power or material gain. Even if wealth increases, it is vanity when our hearts are solely set on it. Instead, our focus should be on the power and strength that belongs to God alone.

Throughout the hymn, we see a call to pour out our hearts before God, knowing that He is our defense. He is our stronghold and refuge, a place where we can find comfort, safety, and guidance. By opening ourselves to Him, we allow Him to work in our lives and to be our source of strength.

The hymn concludes with a resounding declaration of God’s lovingkindness and His just rewards. His lovingkindness encompasses us always, reminding us of His unfailing love and . He rewards each person according to their work, acknowledging the accountability we have before Him.

“My Soul In Silence Waits For God” speaks volumes about the deep trust we can have in God. It echoes the sentiments of Psalm 62, where the psalmist declares, “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

As we meditate on these words, it is essential to take them to heart and apply them to our lives. In the midst of life’s uncertainties and challenges, may our souls find solace in the silence, knowing that our trust in God is not misplaced. He alone is the source of our strength, security, and salvation. Let us confidently rely on Him, pour out our hearts before Him, and experience the richness of His lovingkindness and rewards.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover strength and security in God as you wait in silence. Find solace and assurance in His unwavering faithfulness. Trust in Him for lasting strength and rewards.
My Soul In Silence Waits For God - Hymn Lyric - Discover strength and security in God as you wait in silence. Find solace and assurance in His unwavering faithfulness. Trust in Him for lasting strength and rewards.