My Soul Is Sad And Much Dismayed – Hymn Lyric
In the face of countless foes and trials that leave our souls sad and dismayed, we can find strength and solace in our faith. Just like the psalmist in this hymn, we can seek God’s help to chase away the darkness and heal our wounds. By relying on our faith and surrendering our burdens to God, we can rise above the challenges and remind ourselves that our strength lies in our relationship with Him.
Table of Contents
My Soul Is Sad And Much Dismayed – Hymn Lyric
My soul is sad and much dismayed;
See, Lord, what legions of my foes,
With fierce Apollyon at their head,
My heavenly pilgrimage oppose!
See, from the over-burning lake
How like a smoky cloud they rise!
With horrid blasts my soul they shake,
With storms of blasphemies and lies.
Their fiery arrows reach the mark,
My throbbing heart with anguish tear;
Each lights upon a kindred spark,
And finds abundant fuel there.
I hate the thought that wrongs the Lord;
O, I would drive it from my breast,
With Thy own sharp two-edged sword,
Far as the east is from the west!
Come then, and chase the cruel host,
Heal the deep wounds I have received!
Nor let the powers of darkness boast
That I am foiled, and Thou art grieved!
Meaning of My Soul Is Sad And Much Dismayed
My Soul Is Sad And Much Dismayed: Finding Strength in Faith
My soul is sad and much dismayed;
See, Lord, what legions of my foes,
With fierce Apollyon at their head,
My heavenly pilgrimage oppose!
In life’s journey, we often face challenges and hurdles that can leave our souls feeling sad and dismayed. It may seem like there are countless foes standing in our way, just like the biblical figure Apollyon. These foes may take the form of doubt, fear, or even external forces that seek to hinder our progress. But amidst these trials, we can find solace and strength in our faith.
As we look around, it might feel as if the world is surrounded by darkness, like a smoky cloud rising from an over-burning lake. This darkness may manifest in the form of negativity, cynicism, or even the pressures and temptations we face on a daily basis. And within this cloud of darkness, our souls are shaken by the horrid blasts of blasphemies and lies.
But fret not, for even in the midst of this storm, we have the power to rise above and find solace in our faith. Our faith is like a shield that protects us from the fiery arrows seeking to tear apart our hearts. It is in this faith that we find solace and comfort, as it ignites a spark within us that fuels our resilience.
Every challenge and obstacle we face has the potential to strengthen and polish our souls. It is through these challenges that we learn the power of perseverance and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. While the trials we face may be painful, they can also become a catalyst for growth, propelling us further on our heavenly pilgrimage.
In our journey towards righteousness, it is crucial to guard ourselves against thoughts and actions that dishonor the Lord. Like the psalmist in this hymn, we should actively seek to remove any harmful thoughts or desires from our hearts. We can rely on God’s word, represented as a sharp two-edged sword, to guide us in this pursuit. By aligning our thoughts with His teachings, we can distance ourselves from the wrongs that burden our souls.
We call upon the Lord to chase away the cruel host that seeks to harm us. Through prayer and faith, we invite God to heal the wounds inflicted upon our souls. Our wounds may come in many forms emotional, spiritual, or even physical but we trust in God’s power to bring restoration. By surrendering our burdens to Him, we acknowledge that we cannot face the powers of darkness alone.
Moreover, when we walk in faith, we deny the powers of darkness the satisfaction of seeing us defeated. We stand firm and resolute, and in doing so, we remind ourselves and those around us that our strength lies in our relationship with God. We refuse to allow the forces of darkness to boast and claim victory over us.
Through this hymn, we are reminded that our souls may face trials and tribulations, but we need not despair. Our faith acts as an anchor, providing us with the strength to persevere. It is important to remember that challenges and darkness are temporary. As we continue on our heavenly pilgrimage, we draw comfort from the knowledge that God is always by our side, ready to heal and uplift our souls.
So, let us find solace in our faith as we face the challenges of life. Let us be encouraged by the knowledge that, through God’s grace, we can overcome any obstacle. May our hearts be filled with hope and our souls be comforted, knowing that our journey is guided by a loving and compassionate God.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!