Now Jesus Knocks O Let Him In – Hymn Lyric

Open the door of your heart and let Jesus in. Experience His love

Now Jesus Knocks O Let Him In – Hymn Lyric

Now Knocks: O Let Him In – Welcoming Jesus into Your Heart Imagine Jesus, the Son of God, standing at your door, gently knocking, and waiting for you to let Him in. This hymn reminds us of the importance of opening our hearts to Jesus, accepting His love, and experiencing the peace and healing only He can bring. When we let Jesus in, we receive , rest, and guidance from our faithful Friend and Guide who longs to lead us to an home filled with love and joy. So, don’t hesitate, open the door of your heart and let Jesus in.


Now Jesus Knocks O Let Him In – Hymn Lyric

Now Jesus knocks, O let Him in,
He’s standing at thy door;
Thy heart He’s seeking still to win
As oft He’s done before.

Let Jesus in, Let Jesus in,
Let Jesus in, poor soul;
Let Jesus in, His love alone
Can make the wounded whole.

Let Jesus in, there’s none but He,
Can give thee peace with God;
He died that sinners might go ,
He paid their debt with blood.


Let Jesus in, He’ll give thee rest,
Thou canst not find elsewhere;
With sin no longer be oppressed,
No longer burdens bear.


Let Jesus in, He pleads with thee,
In low sweet tones of love;
Thy Friend, and Guide He’ll be
Unto the home above.



Meaning of Now Jesus Knocks O Let Him In

Now Jesus Knocks: O Let Him In – Welcoming Jesus into Your Heart

Have you ever heard a knock at your door and wondered who could be on the other side? Well, imagine this – Jesus, the Son of God, is standing at your door, gently knocking, waiting for you to let Him in. Isn’t that an incredible thought? This hymn reminds us of the importance of opening our hearts to Jesus, accepting His love, and experiencing the peace and healing only He can bring.

In our lives, we often face various struggles and burdens that make us feel lost and alone. We may search for happiness and healing in different places: relationships, material possessions, or even our own accomplishments. But the truth is, true peace and restoration can only come from Jesus.

As the hymn says, “Let Jesus in, poor soul; Let Jesus in, His love alone can make the wounded whole.” Jesus comes to us with open arms, ready to embrace us in His unconditional love. He wants to heal our hearts, mend our brokenness, and bring us into a new and beautiful life. All we need to do is open the door of our hearts and let Him in.

But why do we need Jesus? The hymn gives us a simple and powerful answer: “He died that sinners might go free, He paid their debt with blood.” Jesus came to this world, not only to teach us about love, forgiveness, and compassion, but also to sacrifice Himself for our sins. He willingly shed His blood on the cross to pay the price for our mistakes and shortcomings. His death and resurrection offer us the opportunity to be free from the burden of sin and find everlasting life.

When we let Jesus into our hearts, we receive so much more than just forgiveness. The hymn tells us, “Let Jesus in, He’ll give thee rest; Thou canst not find elsewhere.” Jesus offers us rest from the weariness of our lives, release from the weight of our burdens, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. In Him, we can find solace and comfort that cannot be found anywhere else.

Furthermore, welcoming Jesus into our lives means having Him as our faithful Friend and Guide. The hymn says, “Let Jesus in, He pleads with thee, in low sweet tones of love; Thy dearest Friend, and Guide He’ll be unto the home above.” Jesus desires nothing but the best for us and longs to walk alongside us, leading us to an eternal home filled with love, joy, and complete fulfillment.

So, how do we let Jesus in? It’s as simple as opening the door of our hearts and sincerely inviting Him in. We can do this through , expressing our to have a personal relationship with Him. We can confess our sins, ask for forgiveness, and surrender our lives to His care. When we open ourselves up to Jesus, we allow Him to transform us from within and guide us in the path of .

Now, you might be thinking, “But how can I know if Jesus is calling me? How can I be sure that it’s really Him knocking at my door?” The truth is, Jesus is constantly seeking us, calling us, and desiring to enter our lives. His voice may come in various forms – through the words of a friend, the lyrics of a , the beauty of nature, or even the stillness of our own hearts.

When we feel a longing deep within us, a desire for something more, that’s Jesus knocking. When we experience a sense of peace, joy, and comfort in His presence, that’s Jesus gently whispering His love to us. And when we find ourselves drawn to His teachings and the message of the Gospel, that’s our invitation to open the door and let Him in.

In conclusion, the hymn “Now Jesus Knocks: O Let Him In” reminds us of the incredible opportunity we have to welcome Jesus into our lives. He knocks on the door of our hearts, waiting for us to invite Him in. When we do, we receive His love, forgiveness, and healing. We find rest and peace that cannot be found anywhere else. We gain a faithful Friend and Guide who leads us to an eternal home. So, my dear friend, don’t hesitate. Open the door of your heart and let Jesus in. He’s been knocking for you, and His love alone can make you whole.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Open the door of your heart and let Jesus in. Experience His love, find peace, and be transformed. Don't hesitate, He's been knocking for you.
Now Jesus Knocks O Let Him In - Hymn Lyric - Open the door of your heart and let Jesus in. Experience His love, find peace, and be transformed. Don't hesitate, He's been knocking for you.