O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beautiful story of Jesus through this hymn. Experience his compassion

O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The “O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord” provides a captivating glimpse into the remarkable life and teachings of Jesus . It showcases his humility, compassion, and ultimate sacrifice, reminding us of the enduring impact his story has on our lives. This beautiful story of Jesus continues to inspire and captivate hearts, offering hope, redemption, and a profound reminder of ‘s unwavering love for us.


O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

Oh, beautiful story of Jesus our Lord,
That brightens and hallows each page of His Word,
It tells us how humble and lowly His birth,
How many His trials and sorrows on earth.

Sweet story of Jesus, the tender and meek,
Who came in His mercy lost sinners to seek,
Sweet story of Jesus! though oft it is told,
We love it, we love it-it never grows old.

How full of compassion was Jesus our Lord,
The sick and afflicted to health He restored,
The He remembered, the hungry He fed,
And gave to the their friends from the dead.


But when in that story we read how He prayed
Alone in the garden, beneath its dark shade,
How, scorned and insulted, He died for our sake,
Our hearts at his anguish are ready to break.


But now He has triumphed o’er death and the grave,
He lives our Redeemer, and mighty to save;
To Him who exalted forever shall live,
All honor, dominion, and we give.



Meaning of O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord

O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord

The hymn “O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord” gives us a glimpse into the incredible life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the profound impact he had on humanity and how his story continues to inspire and touch our hearts.

The first verse of the hymn tells us that Jesus’ story brightens and hallows each page of his Word, meaning that his life and teachings light and holiness to the scriptures. It speaks of his humble and lowly birth, emphasizing his humanity and the challenges he faced during his time on earth.

The refrain of the hymn highlights the tender and meek nature of Jesus. It describes him as someone who came in mercy to seek the lost sinners. This highlights Jesus’ compassionate nature and his mission to save humanity from their . The refrain also emphasizes that despite hearing the story of Jesus many times, its impact never diminishes. It is a story that we continue to love and cherish.

The second verse of the hymn focuses on the compassion of Jesus. It highlights his ability to heal the sick and afflicted and provide for the poor and hungry. These acts of kindness and generosity demonstrate Jesus’ deep love and concern for all people, particularly those who are suffering. It is through these actions that he showed the true meaning of compassion and service.

The refrain is repeated once again, emphasizing the timeless and unwavering love we have for the story of Jesus. It is a story that continues to resonate with people of all generations and backgrounds. Its message of love, redemption, and hope is universal and transcends time and cultural barriers.

The third verse takes us to a pivotal moment in Jesus’ story – his prayer in the garden and his subsequent crucifixion. It speaks of the scorn and insults he endured and how he willingly gave his life for the sake of humanity. The verse acknowledges the immense sacrifice Jesus made and the anguish he experienced during his final moments.

As the hymn progresses, it draws attention to Jesus’ triumphant victory over death and the grave. It declares that he is now our Redeemer and is mighty to save. This speaks to the core beliefs of Christianity – that through his resurrection, Jesus conquered death and offers salvation to all who believe in him. The verse ends by proclaiming that Jesus deserves all honor, dominion, and glory. It acknowledges his nature and the eternal significance of his life and teachings.

In conclusion, the hymn “O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord” celebrates the incredible journey of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of his humble birth, his compassionate acts, his selfless sacrifice, and his triumphant resurrection. The story of Jesus continues to inspire and touch the hearts of people worldwide. It brings hope, redemption, and a reminder of the unconditional love that God has for each and every one of us. May we never tire of hearing this beautiful story and may its message live on in our hearts forever.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful story of Jesus through this hymn. Experience his compassion, sacrifice, and triumph over death. Find hope, love, and redemption in his teachings. O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord.
O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beautiful story of Jesus through this hymn. Experience his compassion, sacrifice, and triumph over death. Find hope, love, and redemption in his teachings. O Beautiful Story Of Jesus Our Lord.