O Blessed Hour When First I Knew – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of encountering Jesus

O Blessed Hour When First I Knew – Hymn Lyric

“O Hour When First I Knew: A Journey of Faith and Gratitude” is a hymn that speaks to the transformative power of encountering Jesus, the Savior. With heartfelt gratitude, the author reflects on the profound impact Jesus has had in their life, bringing peace, , and a renewed sense of purpose. This hymn serves as a reminder to seek Jesus, embrace His love, and experience the life-changing power of faith.


O Blessed Hour When First I Knew – Hymn Lyric

O blessed hour when first I knew
Jesus, my dear Savior,
When to the my soul He drew,
Jesus, my dear Savior;

‘Twas there I found sweet peace and rest,
A trembling within my breast,
A precious Friend, a ‘nly Guest,
Jesus, my dear Savior.

He rolled the burden from my soul,
Jesus, my dear Savior,
He made my wounded spirit whole,
Jesus, my dear Savior;

He banished all my grief and pain,
He washed my guilty stain;
He made my heart rejoice again,
Jesus, my dear Savior.

What can I do for this kind Friend,
Jesus, my dear Savior?
I’ll love Him, serve Him to the end,
Jesus, my dear Savior;

And when at last my is o’er,
And I shall reach the heav’nly shore,
I’ll sing His ,
Jesus, my dear Savior.


Meaning of O Blessed Hour When First I Knew

O Blessed Hour When First I Knew: A Journey of Faith and Gratitude

In life, there are pivotal moments that shape our beliefs, values, and perspective. For me, that moment arrived when I first encountered Jesus, my dear Savior. It was a blessed hour, one that forever altered the trajectory of my life.

As a young person navigating the complexities of the world, I often felt lost and adrift. The weight of my worries and insecurities burdened my soul, leaving me searching for solace and meaning. Little did I know that the answer to my was waiting for me at the foot of the cross.

Jesus, my dear Savior, drew me towards Him with a love so profound and unconditional that it brought me to my knees. In that sacred space, I found peace and rest like never before. The trembling joy that enveloped my breast was unlike any earthly pleasure I had ever experienced. Jesus, my dear Savior, became my most precious Friend and a heavenly Guest in my life.

In that blessed hour, Jesus rolled the burden from my soul. He cast away the heavy weight of my worries and fears, replacing them with the lightness of His presence. His divine touch healed my wounded spirit, mending the broken pieces of my heart and making me whole once more. It was as if all my grief and pain were banished by His loving embrace, leaving behind a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Moreover, Jesus, my dear Savior, did not merely heal my wounds; He cleansed my soul. His forgiveness washed away the stains of my guilt, reminding me of the infinite mercy and grace He offers to all who seek it. In His presence, I stood redeemed and liberated from the mistakes and regrets of my past. It was through His relentless love that I found the courage to let my heart rejoice again.

Now, faced with the overwhelming magnitude of this extraordinary gift, I am compelled to ask myself, “What can I do for this kind Friend?” Jesus, my dear Savior deserves my utmost love and devotion. I am committed to serving Him with unwavering loyalty until the very end.

Every day, I will strive to live a life that reflects the love and teachings of Jesus. I will treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect, extending the love I have received from Him to those in need. I will seek out opportunities to lend a helping hand, to be a vessel of His love and grace in a world that oftentimes feels devoid of such virtues.

As I journey through life, I know that my work will eventually come to an end. But even then, when I finally reach the heavenly shore, my connection to Jesus, my dear Savior, will remain steadfast. I will sing His praises evermore, for He has transformed my life and guided me through the darkest of times.

O Blessed Hour When First I Knew… these words hold immense meaning and gratitude in my heart. They signify the moment my life intersected with the divine, the instant when Jesus, my dear Savior, revealed Himself to me in all His glory. May these words serve as a reminder to seek Him, to open our hearts to His love, and to embrace the life-changing power of faith.

In conclusion, O Blessed Hour When First I Knew encapsulates the beauty and transformative nature of encountering Jesus, my dear Savior. It is a hymn that resonates with countless souls who have experienced the profound impact of His love and presence. May this hymn touch the hearts of those who hear it, leading them on a journey of faith, gratitude, and everlasting joy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of encountering Jesus, my dear Savior in O Blessed Hour When First I Knew. Discover the joy, peace, and gratitude that come with a life-changing journey of faith.
O Blessed Hour When First I Knew - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of encountering Jesus, my dear Savior in "O Blessed Hour When First I Knew." Discover the joy, peace, and gratitude that come with a life-changing journey of faith.