O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joyous anticipation of Christ's return with "O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting." Embrace the welcome in your heart for Jesus to come.

O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting – Hymn Lyric

“O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting: Embracing the Joyous Anticipation of Christ’s Return” takes readers on a journey of hopeful expectation as believers eagerly await the glorious return of Jesus. This captures the eager hearts of a devoted remnant who long for His presence. It encourages readers to have a deep, welcoming and to be prepared for the day when our Redeemer will come.


O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting – Hymn Lyric

O blessed Jesus, for Thee we are waiting,
Waiting in joy for that glorious morning dawn;
Thou hast a remnant that Thy appearing;
Welcome Thy coming, dear Lord, for Thine own.

Have you a welcome down in your bosom,
For Christ to come this very day in final doom?
Yes, hallelujah! come, my Redeemer,
Even this moment, oh, come, Jesus, come.

Lo, Thou art coming, the heavens betoken,
Foreboding wonders astonish eye and ear;
Omens now thunder the signs Thou hast spoken,
Truly, O Savior, Thy coming is near.


Thrones have arisen and crumbled to ruin,
Since we await Thy returning from above;
Sinners emboldened say, “Where is His coming?”
Truth disbelieving, Thy wrath they must prove.


Many ungrateful, despise and reject Thee,
Others professing by works deny Thee more;
But all the ransomed, Thy bride meek and holy,
Joyfully welcome Thy voice at the door.



Meaning of O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting

O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting: Embracing the Joyous Anticipation of Christ’s Return

Imagine a beautiful morning, where the sun rises with a burst of light and warmth. Birds sing harmonious melodies as colorful bloom, creating a vibrant tapestry of nature’s wonders. In this idyllic setting, we find ourselves eagerly awaiting the arrival of a beloved visitor – none other than our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Just the thought of His glorious presence fills our hearts with joy and excitement, as we anxiously anticipate that long-awaited day.

The hymn “O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting” captures the essence of this joyful anticipation. It speaks of a remnant, a devoted group of individuals who have deep love in their hearts for Christ and eagerly await His appearing. Each verse of this hymn reminds us of the hope and expectation we carry in our hearts, while the refrain echoes our resounding welcome to our Redeemer.

Have you ever thought about how you would welcome Jesus if He were to come back today? Would you open your heart wide and say, “Yes, hallelujah! Come, my Redeemer,” with enthusiasm and gratitude? This hymn encourages us to have a welcome down in our bosom, a deep within our souls where we can embrace the anticipation of Christ’s return. It encourages us to be ready at any moment, to be prepared to express our joyous welcome to Jesus, knowing that He will come in final doom to set all things right.

The hymn also acknowledges the signs and wonders that foretell Christ’s second coming. It speaks of the heavens betokening His arrival, with thunderous omens awakening our senses to the imminent reality of His return. These signs, as spoken by Jesus Himself, serve as reminders of the truth that His coming is near. We are not left in the dark, unaware of the approaching day; instead, we are given glimpses of His and majesty through these very signs.

Throughout history, thrones have risen and crumbled to ruin, kingdoms have flourished and fallen, yet through it all, we patiently await the return of our Savior. Some may mock and question His coming, dismissing it as nothing more than a myth or fairy tale. They fail to realize the truth that awaits them, for their disbelief will crumble beneath the weight of His divine wrath. But as believers, as those who have been redeemed, we stand firm in our , knowing that Jesus will return and fulfill His promises.

While there are those who reject and despise Him, there are also many who profess to follow Him, but their actions deny their professed love. The hymn reminds us that there are those who claim to know Jesus, yet do not truly live by His teachings. However, amidst this divided landscape, there is a bride, a holy and meek bride, composed of all the ransomed souls who have placed their faith and trust in Christ. They eagerly await His voice at the door, anxiously longing for Him to come and take them to their eternal home.

The words of this hymn not only stir our hearts, but they also serve as a reminder of the importance of embracing the hope and anticipation of Christ’s return. It encourages us to live each day with an eagerness for His arrival, knowing that we have a role to play in this grand narrative. We are called to love and serve others, to extend the same grace and mercy that we have received, and to shine His light brightly in a that so desperately needs it.

As we reflect on the lyrics of “O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting,” let us embrace the joyous anticipation of Christ’s return. Let us cultivate a welcoming spirit within our hearts, eagerly preparing ourselves to say, “Yes, hallelujah! Come, my Redeemer,” whenever that glorious day may come. For in doing so, we not only align ourselves with the truth that He is near, but we also open ourselves up to experience the abundant joy and that only His presence can bring. So let us stand united as believers, awaiting the dawn of that glorious morning when Jesus will return, and let our hearts resound with the refrain, “Even this moment, oh, come, Jesus, come.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joyous anticipation of Christ's return with O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting. Embrace the welcome in your heart for Jesus to come.
O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joyous anticipation of Christ's return with "O Blessed Jesus For Thee We Are Waiting." Embrace the welcome in your heart for Jesus to come.