O God If Thy Beloved Son – Hymn Lyric
“O God If Thy Beloved Son: A Hymn of Salvation and Hope” is a heartfelt expression of gratitude for Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. This hymn recognizes that without His descent to earth and death on the cross, our souls would be condemned to eternal damnation. Through Jesus, we find peace, rest, and salvation, and our hope is firmly anchored in Him.
Table of Contents
O God If Thy Beloved Son
O God, if Thy beloved Son
Had not to earth descended,
Nor by His death salvation won,
My woe would not be ended.
This sinful, wretched soul of mine
Would then in hell forever pine
Because of my transgression.
But now sweet peace and rest I find,
My soul no more despairing,
Since He, the sin of all mankind
I wondrous patience bearing,
For me has true atonement made,
Thine ever righteous wrath allayed,
And wrought my soul’s salvation.
I trust in Him with all my heart,
And all my sorrow ceases;
His wounds abiding peace impart,
His blood from guilt releases,
Enables me free grace to gain
And washes me from ev’ry stain,
That snow-white I am rendered.
His blood affords me sure relief,
He is my joy forever;
Now from Thy love no pain or grief
My ransomed soul shall sever.
The crown of life, by Thy dear Son
For me, a wretched sinner, won.
No devil can wrest from me.
All human righteousness is vain,
Our works can never save us;
True righteousness by faith we gain,
The blood of Christ’s must lave us.
His death, that perfect sacrifice,
Has paid the all-sufficient price;
In Him my hope is anchored.
Meaning of O God If Thy Beloved Son – Hymn Lyric
O God, If Thy Beloved Son: A Hymn of Salvation and Hope
In this hymn, we find a heartfelt expression of gratitude and praise for the incredible sacrifice made by God’s beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The lyrics beautifully convey the notion that without the descent of Christ to earth and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, our souls would forever pine in hell.
It is through the death of Jesus that salvation is made possible. His wondrous patience in bearing the sins of all mankind has brought sweet peace and rest to our souls. The hymn acknowledges that our transgressions would have condemned us to eternal damnation, but Jesus’ true atonement and the righteous wrath of God being pacified through His sacrifice have wrought our soul’s salvation.
Trusting in Jesus with all our hearts brings a cease to our sorrows. The wounds He bore on the cross bring us abiding peace, and His blood releases us from the guilt of our sins. Through Him, we are able to gain free grace, and He washes away all our stains, leaving us pure and snow-white in the eyes of God.
The hymn celebrates the fact that Jesus’ blood brings relief, joy, and deliverance. Through His love, there is no pain or grief that can separate us from our ransomed souls. The crown of life, won by God’s dear Son, is promised to those who put their trust in Him, even though we are but wretched sinners. No devil can wrest this crown from us when Jesus has claimed it for our sake.
Here, the hymn takes a contemplative turn, recognizing the futility of relying on human righteousness and good works for salvation. Our efforts alone can never save us, as true righteousness is only attained through faith and the cleansing power of Christ’s blood. His death on the cross serves as the perfect sacrifice, paying the all-sufficient price for our redemption. It is in Jesus that our hope is firmly anchored.
As we reflect on these profound truths expressed in this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and mercy of God. Despite our sinful nature and inability to save ourselves, God sent His beloved Son to offer the ultimate sacrifice for our sake. It is through Jesus’ atoning work that we find peace, rest, and salvation for our wretched and deserving souls.
This hymn touches our hearts and reminds us of the fundamental message of Christianity that through Jesus, we are reconciled with our Creator and assured of eternal life. It fills us with a renewed sense of gratitude and reverence for the boundless love and grace that God has bestowed upon us.
In conclusion, “O God, If Thy Beloved Son” serves as a beautiful expression of faith, hope, and gratitude. It reminds us of the immense sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for our salvation and the incredible peace and rest that is found in Him. Through His blood, we are washed clean, and through faith in Him, we find true righteousness. May this hymn continue to resonate in our hearts as we reflect on the unfathomable love of God displayed through His beloved Son.
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