O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun – Hymn Lyric
“O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun: A Glimpse of the Promised Paradise” takes readers on a journey to a place of eternal peace and joy. With vivid imagery and a message of hope, this hymn reminds us to look beyond our earthly troubles and strive to live in a way that aligns with the virtues of that sacred realm. As we anticipate the day when we will enter that heavenly land, we are filled with anticipation and a longing for a world untouched by sorrow and pain.
Table of Contents
O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun – Hymn Lyric
O heavenly land, beyond the sun,
Far away,
Where pilgrims rest, their wanderings done,
Far away.
Where sin and sorrow, grief and pain,
Shall ne’er afflict the soul again,
Far away.
O heavenly land, of promise sweet,
Far away,
Where Christ and His redeemed shall meet,
Far away.
Where love and peace shall fill the heart,
And joy respond in every part,
Far away.
O blessed land, where Jesus is,
Far away,
Where all shall come He claims as His,
Far away.
The pure in heart, the meek, are there,
And oh, that land is passing fair,
Far away.
O blessed land, beyond the sun,
Far away,
I’ll share thy joys when earth is done,
Far away.
Lord Jesus, fit me by Thy grace,
And in Thy love prepare a place,
Far away.
Meaning of O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun
O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun: A Glimpse of the Promised Paradise
Have you ever dreamed of a place that is far beyond the reach of sin and sorrow? A place where love and peace fill every corner, and joy resounds in every heart? Such a heavenly land exists, far away from the troubles of this world. It is a land promised to us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. In this enchanting hymn titled “O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun,” the songwriter beautifully captures the essence of this sacred place, offering us a glimpse into its unparalleled beauty and serenity.
As the hymn begins, it paints a vivid image of a land far beyond the sun, a place where pilgrims find eternal rest after their arduous wanderings. Imagine a land where the burdens of sin and sorrow no longer afflict the soul. In this wondrous realm, there is only everlasting peace and tranquility. It is a place where pain evaporates like mist, never to be felt again. Oh, what an extraordinary thought! To envision a realm untouched by the troubles that plague us here on earth.
A heavenly land of promise sweet beckons us to gaze upon its grandeur. It is a place where Christ and His redeemed shall gather, a divine meeting ground. Imagine the joy and love that would fill every heart when we finally unite with our Savior and those who have gone before us. In this celestial haven, love overflows, and peace envelops every being. It is a place where our deepest longings find fulfillment and our souls find solace.
Our blessed land, where Jesus reigns supreme, awaits us in the distance. The pure in heart and the meek, those who have strived to live in righteousness and humility, will have a place there. Just imagine the beauty of its landscapes, the purity of its inhabitants, and the overwhelming sense of harmony that permeates every aspect. It is a land that surpasses our wildest dreams, a paradise that far exceeds anything we could ever imagine.
The hymn emphasizes the desire for each one of us to share in the joys of this heavenly land. When our earthly journey comes to an end, we long to enter this sacred realm. Lord Jesus, in His infinite grace, will prepare a place for us in this celestial abode. We can only imagine the warmth of His love as He lovingly fits us into His plans. With every passing day, we strive to live in His love and prepare ourselves to be worthy of that heavenly place.
The hymn “O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun” inspires us to look beyond the difficulties of this world and fix our gaze on the eternal promise that awaits us. It serves as a reminder that there is more to life than our present circumstances, and that beyond the sun lies a land of unimaginable beauty and joy. Though we may experience trials and tribulations here on earth, our souls find solace in the thought that one day we will enter that wondrous realm.
As we reflect upon these words, may we be filled with hope and anticipation for the heavenly land that awaits us. Let us strive to live with love, kindness, and humility, emulating the qualities that will secure our place in that blessed abode. Each day, as we encounter challenges and difficulties, let us remember that they are fleeting. The grandeur of the heavenly land beyond the sun far outweighs any momentary setbacks we may face.
In conclusion, the hymn “O Heavenly Land Beyond The Sun” offers us a beautiful glimpse of the paradise promised to us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. It encourages us to lift our eyes from the troubles of this world and fix our gaze on the eternal beauty that awaits us. The words evoke a sense of longing and anticipation for that day when we will share in the joys of that heavenly land. With each passing day, may we strive to live in a way that aligns with the virtues of that sacred realm, eagerly awaiting the moment when we will enter its gates.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!