O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love of God in "O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise". Explore the concept of divine incarnation and be transformed by encountering the Christ child.

O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise – Hymn Lyric

“O Highest In Lowliest Guise” is a hymn that beautifully captures the divine incarnation, reminding us of ‘s profound love for humanity. Through the act of becoming a helpless infant, God revealed himself to us in the humblest way possible. The hymn calls us to recognize and respond to this love by bowing in gratitude and allowing ourselves to be transformed by encountering the .


O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise – Hymn Lyric

O highest love, in lowliest guise,
To this our fallen world displayed,
May I discern with cleansed eyes
The Godhead in our flesh arrayed!

O Love, the very Word of God,
Content an infant shape to wear,
And in a stable’s mean abode
To shield Thee from December’s air.

O Babe divine, before face
Be mine to bow the thankful knee,
And by Thy soul converting grace
Become a child myself in Thee!

One only God, the Father, Son,
And Holy , we revere,
The everlasting Three in One,
Creator, , Comforter.


Meaning of O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise

O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise: The Divine Incarnation

In this hymn, we are reminded of the profound love that God has for humanity. It speaks of how God, in his highest form, chose to reveal himself to us in the humblest way imaginable – as a helpless infant. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning behind these words and explore the concept of the divine incarnation.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the extraordinary love displayed by God, as he condescended to our fallen world. Despite his divine nature, God chose to take on human flesh, becoming one of us. This act of love allowed us to see the Godhead, the very essence of God, in human form.

We are invited to see beyond the external appearance and perceive the divine presence within this meek and unassuming guise. The hymn uses the phrase “May I discern with cleansed eyes” to emphasize the need for spiritual clarity and insight to recognize God’s presence in our midst. It is a call for us to see beyond the surface and truly grasp the significance of the incarnation.

The hymn highlights the paradoxical nature of the incarnation. The second verse speaks of the Word of God, who has chosen to take on the form of an infant. This imagery evokes a vivid picture of vulnerability and fragility. We are reminded that the God who created the heavens and the earth willingly submitted himself to the limitations of a human body. He dwelt among us in a stable, shielding himself from the chill of December’s air.

The third verse of the hymn moves from contemplation to personal reflection. It expresses a desire to be in the presence of the divine infant and to offer gratitude. The act of bowing the knee symbolizes humility and reverence. By doing so, we acknowledge that this little child is more than just an ordinary baby; he is the source of salvation and transformation.

The hymn eloquently expresses the transformative power of encountering the Christ child. It speaks of being converted by the grace of his soul. This conversion leads to a profound inner change, described as becoming a child ourselves in Christ. It is a recognition that to truly understand and embrace the message of love brought by the incarnation, we must approach it with childlike and openness.

The final verse of the hymn brings our attention to the concept of the Holy Trinity. We are reminded that despite the different roles they play, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one and the same, deserving of our reverence and worship. They are the everlasting Three in One, working harmoniously to create, save, and comfort humanity.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible depth of God’s love for us. It is a love that goes beyond our comprehension, as it manifests in the divine incarnation. The hymn encapsulates the mystery and wonder of God becoming human and invites us to contemplate and appreciate this transformative event.

In conclusion, “O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise” reminds us of the extraordinary love displayed by God through the incarnation. It challenges us to see beyond the external appearances and perceive the divine presence within. The hymn calls us to respond to this love by bowing in gratitude and allowing ourselves to be transformed by the grace found in encountering the Christ child. May we always hold in our hearts the profound truth that God, in his highest form, chose to dwell among us in the humblest of ways.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love of God in O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise. Explore the concept of divine incarnation and be transformed by encountering the Christ child.
O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound love of God in "O Highest Love In Lowliest Guise". Explore the concept of divine incarnation and be transformed by encountering the Christ child.