O How Love I Thy Law It Is – Hymn Lyric

Fall in Love with God's Law: Find Joy

O How Love I Thy Law It Is – Hymn Lyric

“O How Love I Law, It Is”: A Song of Deep Affection for God’s WordThis beautiful hymn expresses the speaker’s unwavering love for God’s law and the impact it has on their . Through its verses, we see the transformative power of studying and following God’s commandments, which brings wisdom, understanding, and protection. The hymn encourages us to embrace God’s word and find and fulfillment in living according to His teachings.


O How Love I Thy Law It Is – Hymn Lyric

O how I love thy law! it is
my study all the day:
It makes me wiser than my ;
for it doth with me stay.

Than all my teachers now I have
more understanding far;
Because my meditation
thy testimonies are.

In understanding I excel
those that are ancients;
For I endeavoured to keep
all thy commandements.

My feet from each ill way I stayed,
that I may keep thy word.
I from thy judgments have not swerved;
for hast taught me, Lord.

How sweet unto my taste, O Lord,
are all thy words of truth!
Yea, I do find them sweeter far
than honey to my mouth.

I through thy precepts, that are pure,
do understanding get;
I therefore every way that’s false
with all my do hate.


Meaning of O How Love I Thy Law It Is

O How Love I Thy Law, It Is: A Song of Devotion to God’s Word

In this beautiful hymn, the speaker expresses their deep affection for God’s law and the impact it has on their life. The words convey a sense of joy, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to follow the commandments. The hymn highlights the transformative power of God’s word, illustrating how it provides guidance, understanding, and protection against the snares of the world.

The first verse opens with a declaration of love for God’s law. The speaker expresses their joyful devotion, stating that they engage with it throughout the entire day. This suggests that God’s word is not just a set of rules, but a source of inspiration and guidance for everyday life.

The hymn then proceeds to highlight the wisdom that comes from immersing oneself in God’s law. The speaker acknowledges that through their study, they have become wiser than their adversaries. This wisdom surpasses that of their teachers, which reveals the transformative power of God’s word on their understanding.

Moreover, the hymn emphasizes the importance of meditation on God’s testimonies as a means to gain understanding. The speaker recounts that their meditation on these testimonies has brought them greater understanding than even the ancients possessed. This verse teaches us that by taking the time to reflect and internalize God’s word, we can surpass the wisdom of those who came before us.

The hymn then acknowledges the speaker’s commitment to keeping God’s commandments. They boast about their efforts to adhere to all of God’s teachings and acknowledge that this commitment has helped them stay on the right . This verse reminds us of the importance of obedience to God’s laws, as they act as a guide to protect us from the pitfalls of wrongdoing.

The next verse underscores the the speaker finds in God’s words of truth. They describe the taste of God’s words as sweeter than honey, suggesting that the nourishment and satisfaction they derive from the scriptures surpasses any worldly pleasures. This imagery invites us to consider the spiritual nourishment that comes from immersing ourselves in the study and application of God’s word.

The hymn also emphasizes the purity and transformative effect of God’s precepts. The speaker testifies that through these precepts, they have gained understanding. This verse reminds us that it is through a sincere devotion to God’s teachings that true wisdom and discernment can be attained.

Finally, the hymn concludes with a declaration of the speaker’s deep aversion to falsehood. They proclaim that with all their heart, they hate every false way. This sentiment emphasizes the importance of discerning truth from deceit and staying steadfast in one’s dedication to God’s word.

In sum, “O How Love I Thy Law, It Is” is a heartfelt expression of devotion to God’s word. Through its verses, the hymn conveys the transformative power of God’s law, emphasizing its role in providing wisdom, understanding, and protection. It encourages us to immerse ourselves in the study and application of God’s word, recognizing that it is through this devotion that we can experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living in accordance with His teachings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Fall in Love with God's Law: Find Joy, Wisdom, and ProtectionDiscover the transformative power of God's word in this beautiful hymn. Experience the joy, wisdom, and protection that comes from immersing yourself in His teachings. Fall in love with the transformative impact of God's law.
O How Love I Thy Law It Is - Hymn Lyric - Fall in Love with God's Law: Find Joy, Wisdom, and Protection Discover the transformative power of God's word in this beautiful hymn. Experience the joy, wisdom, and protection that comes from immersing yourself in His teachings. Fall in love with the transformative impact of God's law.