O Jesus Christ My Fairest Light – Hymn Lyric
In “O Jesus Christ, My Fairest Light,” the author expresses their awe and gratitude for Jesus’ deep and everlasting love. They desire to fully embrace this love and make it the center of their life, casting aside anything that might distract them. The author longs for their heart to be filled with Jesus’ love, never cooling or fading away.
Table of Contents
O Jesus Christ My Fairest Light – Hymn Lyric
O Jesus Christ! my fairest Light,
Who in Thy soul dost love me,
I ne’er can tell it, nor its height
Mete, ’tis so high above me,
Grant that my heart may warm to Thee,
With ardent love ne’er ceasing,
Thee embracing,
And as Thy property,
Cleave to Thee, ever gazing.
Grant that an idol in me may
Dwell e’en a moment never,
Grant me to make Thy love, I pray,
My crown and prize for ever!
Cast all things out, take all away,
That Thee and me would sever,
So that ever
By Thy love, my pow’rs may
Be kindled, and cool never!
How friendly, blessed, sweet, and fair
Is Thy love, Jesus ever!
While this remains, distress and care
Can grieve my spirit never.
Then let me only think of Thee,
Be seeing, hearing, feeling,
Loving, telling
Of Thee, and Thy great love to me
Oh! be Thou more revealing!
Oh! that this greatest, highest good,
I might for aye be tasting!
Oh! that in me this noble blood
Might glow to everlasting!
Help me to watch, Lord! day and night,
This blessed treasure shielding
From unyielding
Foes, who ‘gainst us the might
Of Satan’s realm are wielding!
My Saviour! Thou in love to me
Hast down to death descended,
And like a murd’rer on the tree
And thief hast been suspended,
Spit on, despis’d and wounded sore,
The wounds which Thee have riven,
May it even
To me at the heart’s core
With love to feel be given.
The blood that hath been shed by Thee
Is good and precious ever,
My heart is wicked desp’rately,
Hard as a millstone nether.
Ah! let the virtue of Thy blood
My flinty heart be bending,
Entrance finding;
And may Thy love, life’s flood
Through all my veins be sending.
Oh! were my heart op’d to receive
The blood-drops that were falling
From Thee, wrung by my sin that eve
In agony appalling!
Oh! that the fountains of mine eyes
Were op’d, and with much sighing,
And sore crying,
Gush’d forth, as tears and sighs
Of men in love who’re dying.
Oh! that I as a little child
With weeping eyes might trace Thee,
E’en till Thy heart with love was fill’d
And Thine arms did embrace me.
And until Thou Thy heart to me
With sweet love flowing over,
Should’st discover,
And we united be,
Thy goodness for my cover.
Ah! draw me, Saviour! after Thee,
And so shall I be hasting,
I run, and in my heart shall be
Thy love with rapture tasting;
The gracious words from Thee I’ll hear
Sweet comfort shall give ever;
Me deliver
From sin, and every fear,
These shall o’ercome me never.
My Comfort, Treasure, Health, and Light,
My Life and Saviour tender!
Ah! take me for Thy portion quite
As I myself surrender!
There’s nought but pain apart from Thee,
I nought but gall discover,
Earth all over,
Nought ever comforts me,
No balm can me recover.
But Thou the Rest most blessed art,
In Thee are joys eternal.
Grant, Jesus! grant that my poor heart
Feed in Thy pastures vernal!
Be Thou the flame that burns in me,
My Balsam, ease that giveth,
And relieveth
Pain that here constantly
Makes me heave sighs, and grieveth.
Ah! fairest one, what faileth me
In Thy great love, of blessing?
It is my sun that lightens me,
My well-spring, me refreshing!
My sweetest wine, my heav’nly bread,
My cov’ring when before Thee,
And my glory,
My shield in hour of need,
My house that riseth o’er me!
Ah! dearest love, why was I born,
If Thou my soul forsakest?
If Thou withdraw’st, I’m all forlorn,
All good from me Thou takest.
O may I seek Thee as my guest,
With all my best endeavour
Keep Thee ever;
And when I Thee arrest,
Let Thee go from me never.
I’ve been belov’d by Thee for aye,
To follow Thou did’st move me;
Before I good could e’er essay,
E’en then did Thy heart love me:
Ah! noble Rock! Thy love below
May it for ever guide me,
And beside me
Be it where’er I go,
To aid whate’er betide me.
And may Thy love adorn my place,
Where’er my lot Thou’rt casting;
And if I wander from Thy ways,
To bring me back be hasting.
And let me ever counsel wise,
Good works from Thee be learning,
From sin turning,
And when from falls I rise,
Come back to Thee with yearning!
And ever be my joy in woe,
When weak, with Thy strength stay me;
And when my course is run below,
I down to rest will lay me.
Then may Thy love and truth with me,
O Christ! abide for ever,
Leave me never,
Till I Thy glory see,
Oh! may they waft me thither!
Meaning of O Jesus Christ My Fairest Light
O Jesus Christ, my fairest light, how wonderful it is to know that in your soul, you have a deep and everlasting love for me. It’s hard to comprehend the heights of your love, as it is so far beyond what my mind can grasp. But I pray that you will warm my heart with your love, so that I may constantly and passionately love you in return. I want to embrace you and make you my own, never taking my eyes off of you.
Please remove anything from my life that would separate me from you. Take away anything that would distract me from your love. I want to make your love the center of my life, my crown and my prize that I hold onto forever. I want to cast aside any idols that might dwell within me, never allowing them to have a place even for a moment. I long for your love to be the fire that ignites my heart, and may it never cool or fade away.
Your love, Jesus, is friendly, blessed, sweet and fair. It brings joy and comfort that nothing else can compare to. As long as I hold onto your love, nothing can bring me down or cause me distress. So, I will fix my thoughts on you, constantly seeing your beauty, hearing your words, feeling your presence, and loving you with all that I am. I want to tell the world about your great love for me, and your constant faithfulness.
Oh, how I wish that I could fully experience and taste this greatest and highest good always. I want your love to flow through me, like a noble blood that never ceases to bring life and warmth. Help me, Lord, to guard this precious treasure day and night, protecting it from the relentless attacks of the enemy. Because of your sacrificial love for me, you descended to death and willingly suffered on the cross. You were spit on, despised, and wounded, all because of your love for me. May this selfless act of love touch the deepest core of my being, causing me to love you all the more.
The blood that you shed, Jesus, is good and precious. It has the power to cleanse and transform me. My heart, though wicked and hard as a millstone, can be softened by the virtue of your blood. May it flow through my veins, bringing life and healing to every part of me. Oh, how I long for my heart to be opened to receive the blood that was shed for me, the blood that was poured out in the greatest act of love. May my eyes be like fountains, constantly pouring out tears of repentance and sighs of love for you, just like those who are deeply in love.
I yearn to come to you, Jesus, like a little child with weeping eyes, reaching out for your embrace. I want to experience the love that is overflowing from your heart, the love that unites us together. May your goodness cover me, like a protective shield. Draw me after you, Lord, and I will eagerly follow. I will run towards you, knowing that in my heart, I will find your love, and it will bring me indescribable joy. Your gracious words will always bring comfort to me, no matter what difficulties or fears I may face.
You are my comfort, my treasure, my health, and my light. You are the source of life and my tender Savior. Take me completely as your own, as I surrender myself to you. Apart from you, there is nothing but pain. Earthly things can never bring me true comfort or restoration. But in you, Jesus, I find the rest that my soul longs for. In you, there are eternal joys that surpass anything this world can offer. So, I pray that my heart may feed on your goodness and be satisfied in your presence. Be the flame that burns within me, my balm that brings relief and eases my pain. I look to you to heal me and carry me through life’s challenges.
Oh, my dearest love, what would my purpose be if you were to forsake my soul? If you were to withdraw from me, I would be left empty and without any good thing. So, I will seek you with all my heart, welcoming you as my guest. I will hold onto you and never let go. In your love, I have been chosen and cherished for eternity. Even before I could do anything good, you already loved me. You are the noble Rock that guides me, no matter where I go. When I stray from your ways, please quickly bring me back to you. Fill me with wise counsel and teach me to do good works that please you. Help me to turn away from sin and to yearn for your presence when I stumble.
In moments of weakness, Lord, be my joy and strength. When I am unable to carry on, may I find comfort in your power. And when my time on this earth is done, may I lay down to rest in the assurance of your love. Let your love and truth dwell within me, Jesus, until the day I see your glory. Let your love be my guide and companion, leading me safely to my eternal home.
O Jesus Christ, my fairest light, I am forever grateful for your boundless love for me. May your love shine through me and be a beacon of hope to those around me. Help me to share your love and goodness with others, so that they too may taste and see how wonderful you truly are. May your love be my constant source of joy and strength, as I eagerly await the day when I will be with you forever. Amen.
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