O Jesus Gracious Savior – Hymn Lyric

Experience the endless love and compassion of O Jesus Gracious Savior. Find hope and gratitude in His never-ending grace as we navigate life's trials and seek eternal rest in His heavenly embrace.

O Jesus Gracious Savior – Hymn Lyric

O Gracious Savior, a beautiful hymn that fills us with hope and gratitude for your endless love and compassion. As we sing these words, we are reminded of your on the Father’s throne and how you have made our cause your own. In times of trouble, we find solace knowing that you never refuse to share in our griefs. As pilgrims on this earthly , we long for the rest that is to and are grateful for your tender and understanding of our struggles. You are our constant source of strength and encouragement, and we are humbled by your unwavering love.


O Jesus Gracious Savior – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, gracious Savior,
Upon the Father’s throne-
Whose wondrous love and favor
Have made our cause Thine own;

Thy people to Thee ever
For and help repair,
For Thou, they know, wilt never
Refuse their griefs to share.

O , thro’ tribulation
Our pilgrim journey lies,
Thro’ scorn and sore temptation,
And watchful enemies;

Midst never-ceasing dangers
We thro’ the desert roam;
As pilgrims here and strangers,
We seek the rest to come.

O Lord, Thou too once hasted
This weary desert thro’,
Once fully tried and tasted
Its bitterness and ;

And hence Thy heart is tender
In truest sympathy,
Tho’ now the heavens render
All praise to Thee on high.


Meaning of O Jesus Gracious Savior

O Jesus Gracious Savior, what a beautiful hymn that reminds us of your endless love and compassion. As we sing these words, we are filled with hope and gratitude for your never-ending grace.

Upon the Father’s throne, you reign with majesty and power. Your love and favor have brought us into your fold, making our cause your own. It’s incredible to think that the King of kings and Lord of lords cares so deeply for each one of us. We are truly to have you as our Savior.

In times of trouble and despair, we turn to you, knowing that you never refuse to share in our griefs. Your compassion knows no bounds, and you are always there to ease our burdens and comfort our hearts. We find solace in your presence, knowing that you understand our struggles and hardships.

Life is not always easy, and as we journey through this world, we face tribulations, temptations, and enemies. But we take comfort in the fact that you have walked this path before us. Just like a pilgrim, you experienced the scorn, temptations, and hardships of this world. You know firsthand the never-ceasing dangers and challenges we face. We are not alone; you are with us every step of the way.

As pilgrims here on Earth, we long for the rest that is to come. We know that this world is not our final destination, but a place of temporary residence. Our ultimate home is with you in heaven, where all our sorrows will be turned into joy, and our struggles will fade away. Until then, we press on, knowing that you are our strength and our guide.

Reflecting on your own journey through this weary desert, our hearts overflow with gratitude. You tasted the bitterness and woe of this world, yet you remained steadfast in your mission to save us. Your heart is tender, filled with truest sympathy for us. You understand our and sorrow, and you offer us comfort and healing.

Even now, as the heavens render all praise to you on high, you never forget us. You are always attentive to our prayers and our needs. You are our constant source of strength and encouragement. We are humbled and grateful for your unwavering love.

So, O Jesus Gracious Savior, as we lift our voices in song, we thank you for your love, mercy, and grace. You are our rock, our refuge, and our hope. May we always find comfort and assurance in your loving presence. In times of tribulation, may we remember that you are our ever-present help. As pilgrims and strangers in this world, we look forward to the day when we will find eternal rest in your heavenly embrace. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the endless love and compassion of O Jesus Gracious Savior. Find hope and gratitude in His never-ending grace as we navigate life's trials and seek eternal rest in His heavenly embrace.
O Jesus Gracious Savior - Hymn Lyric - Experience the endless love and compassion of O Jesus Gracious Savior. Find hope and gratitude in His never-ending grace as we navigate life's trials and seek eternal rest in His heavenly embrace.