O Jesus My Lord And My Savior – Hymn Lyric

Draw closer to Jesus with the beautiful hymn "O Jesus My Lord And My Savior." Experience His love and find peace in His presence. Let this powerful song inspire you to seek a deeper connection with your Lord and Savior.

O Jesus My Lord And My Savior – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “O My And My ,” the singer expresses their deep longing to draw closer to Jesus. They acknowledge Jesus as a rock and refuge and His favor and presence in their life. This hymn beautifully captures the universal desire for a deeper connection with our Lord and Savior.


O Jesus My Lord And My Savior – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus my Lord and my Savior,
A rock and a refuge to me;
I long to be drawn by favor,
Still closer and closer to thee.

Closer to thee, closer to thee,
Closer my Lord and my Savior,
Closer to thee, closer to thee,
Draw me still closer to thee.

Let peace from thy presence possess me,
A peace that abiding shall be;
And when my temptations distress me,
O draw me still closer to thee. [Chorus]

When close by thy side I am keeping,
My pathway is mark’d out by thee;
And rich are the fields for my reaping,
While closer and closer to thee. [Chorus]

And when my life’s journey is ending,
The waves of the river I see;
Let angels from ,
My bear closer to thee. [Chorus]


Meaning of O Jesus My Lord And My Savior

O Jesus My Lord And My Savior: Drawing Closer to Thee

In the beautiful hymn, “O Jesus My Lord And My Savior,” we find a profound expression of the desire to draw closer to Jesus. The verses and chorus speak to the longing of the singer’s heart to be near the loving presence of their Lord and Savior.

The hymn begins with the acknowledgment that Jesus is a rock and a refuge. Just as a rock provides stability and protection, Jesus is a source of strength and security. The singer acknowledges that they long to be drawn closer to Jesus, to experience His favor and love in a deeper and more intimate way. This longing is something many of us can relate to, regardless of our age or background.

The chorus of the hymn reinforces the desire to draw closer to Jesus. It serves as a reminder of the central theme of the song and repeats the phrase, “Closer to thee, closer to thee.” This repetition emphasizes the importance and urgency of the longing for a deeper connection with Jesus.

The first verse speaks of the desire for peace from Jesus’ presence. The singer longs for a lasting peace that cannot be shaken by the trials and temptations of life. They recognize that only by drawing closer to Jesus can they find the peace they seek. It is a reminder that Jesus is the ultimate source of peace and comfort in the midst of life’s challenges.

The second verse acknowledges the guidance of Jesus in the singer’s life. By staying close to Jesus, their pathway is marked out. This implies that when we draw closer to Jesus, He reveals His will and purpose for our lives. The imagery of rich fields for reaping illustrates the and abundance that come from walking closely with Jesus.

The final verse refers to the end of life’s journey and the crossing of the river. The waves of the river symbolize the challenges and uncertainties we may face as our life nears its end. However, the singer finds in the image of angels descending from glory to carry their spirit closer to Jesus. This verse reminds us that even in our final moments, Jesus remains our faithful guide, leading us safely into His presence.

The hymn’s title, “O Jesus My Lord And My Savior,” encapsulates the essence of the entire song. It expresses a personal and heartfelt devotion to Jesus, recognizing Him as both Lord and Savior. The repetition of these titles reinforces the intimate relationship the singer desires to cultivate with Jesus.

In summary, “O Jesus My Lord And My Savior” is a hymn filled with the longing to draw closer to Jesus. It speaks to the universal desire for a deeper connection with our Lord and Savior, regardless of age or literacy level. The repetitive nature of the chorus emphasizes the urgency of this longing, while the verses explore different aspects of drawing closer to Jesus. This hymn serves as a beautiful reminder that Jesus is always ready to draw closer to us, if only we open our hearts and seek His presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Draw closer to Jesus with the beautiful hymn O Jesus My Lord And My Savior. Experience His love and find peace in His presence. Let this powerful song inspire you to seek a deeper connection with your Lord and Savior.
O Jesus My Lord And My Savior - Hymn Lyric - Draw closer to Jesus with the beautiful hymn "O Jesus My Lord And My Savior." Experience His love and find peace in His presence. Let this powerful song inspire you to seek a deeper connection with your Lord and Savior.