O Light Of Light By Love Inclined – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of love and divine light in "O Light Of Light By Love Inclined." Embrace a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal with heartfelt reflections and guidance towards embracing the eternal light within.

O Light Of Light By Love Inclined – Hymn Lyric

Follow the journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal through the embracing light of love and grace. “O Light of light, by love inclined,” reminds us of the potential within each of us to transcend our earthly struggles and unite with the eternal. As we seek true praise and live intentional, authentic lives, we embrace the divine within ourselves and others, rising towards the brightness of the skies through holy deeds. This spiritual guide invites you to walk the path towards inner illumination and genuine connection with the eternal light that guides us all.


O Light Of Light By Love Inclined – Hymn Lyric

O Light of light, by love inclined,
Jesu, Redeemer of mankind,
With loving-kindness deign to
From suppliant voices praise and .

Thou who to raise our souls from
Didst deign in fleshly form to dwell,
Vouchsafe us, when our race is run,
In fair body to be one.

More bright by day Thy face did show,
Thy raiment whiter than the snow,
When on the mount to mortals blest
Man’s Maker Thou was manifest.

Two prophets, that had faith to see,
With Thine elect found company,
Where unto each, shown,
The Godhead veiled in form was known.

The heavens above His glory named,
The Father’s voice the Son proclaimed;
To whom, the King of glory now,
All faithful hearts adoring bow.

May all who seek Thy praise aright
Through purer lives show forth Thy light;
So to the brightness of the skies
By holy deeds our hearts shall rise.

Eternal God, to we raise,
The King of kings, our hymn of praise,
Who Three in One and One in Three
Doth live and reign eternally.


Meaning of O Light Of Light By Love Inclined

Embracing Light: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Spiritual Renewal

Each day we walk upon this earth, we carry within us the latent potential for profound transformation, a divine light yearning to guide us back to our truest selves. As we tread this path, it is in moments of genuine vulnerability and reflection that we uncover the of our humanity and the expansive love that permeates our very existence.

Today, let us reflect upon the beautiful hymn that resonates with the collective journey of self-discovery and acceptance. “O Light of light, by love inclined,” it begins, reminding us that love is the beacon leading us through darkness, the force that gently inclines our hearts towards understanding and grace. Love, in its purest form, is the Redeemer of mankind, the whisper that calls us home to ourselves.

In our moments of prayer and earnest supplication, as we lift our voices in praise, we are not merely speaking to a distant deity but engaging in an intimate conversation with the deepest parts of our souls. It is in these quiet, sacred exchanges that we find solace and strength, knowing that our pleas are heard by a compassionate force greater than ourselves.

“Thou who to raise our souls from hell

Didst deign in fleshly form to dwell,

Vouchsafe us, when our race is run,

In Thy fair body to be one.”

These words call upon us to recognize the divine presence within our human experience. Despite the struggles and moments that feel like a personal hell, there is an intrinsic promise of unity and transcendence. When our journey reaches its end, we are not to be left in desolation but invited to merge with the divine, becoming one with a higher consciousness that transcends our earthly limitations.

As we go through our daily battles, let us remember the image on the mount where “Man’s Maker Thou was manifest.” This vision symbolizes the extraordinary within the ordinary, an invitation to see divinity in the everyday moments. Two prophets stood witness, accompanied by the elect, experiencing the divine in human form. This is a call for us to seek and recognize the holy in our companions, in our actions, and most importantly, within ourselves.

The realm, “named His glory,” and the Father’s voice proclaimed the Son, not as a distant king but as the very essence of divinity accessible to us all. This illumination is not reserved for the chosen few but for every heart that seeks it.

May all who seek Thy praise aright

Through purer lives show forth Thy light;

So to the brightness of the skies

By holy deeds our hearts shall rise.

Let these words inspire us to lead purer, more intentional lives. Every act of kindness, every moment of vulnerability, and every instance of authentic living collectively raise the vibrational frequency of our hearts, aligning us closer with the divine light.

In this journey, we are reminded that the Eternal God, the King of kings, lives and reigns within us. The trinity of existence—body, mind, and spirit—interconnected and alive with purpose. As we embrace our humanity, we are also embracing the divinity within each other.

So, dear seekers, let us continue this journey of self-discovery, embracing our truths, our vulnerabilities, and our humanity with a compassionate and loving self-view. In doing so, we connect more deeply with the world around us, drawing closer to the eternal light that guides us all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of love and divine light in O Light Of Light By Love Inclined. Embrace a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal with heartfelt reflections and guidance towards embracing the eternal light within.
O Light Of Light By Love Inclined - Hymn Lyric - Discover the transformative power of love and divine light in "O Light Of Light By Love Inclined." Embrace a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal with heartfelt reflections and guidance towards embracing the eternal light within.