O Lord How Lovely Is The Place – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of God's presence in the hymn "O Lord

O Lord How Lovely Is The Place – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “O Lord, How Lovely Is The Place” beautifully describes the and blessings of being in God’s presence in His house. It speaks of the peace and comfort found in seeking God’s guidance and protection, and the abundant blessings bestowed upon those who trust in Him. Through the hymn’s powerful imagery of birds flocking to His temple and the refreshment found in parched valleys, we are reminded of the beauty and joy of dwelling in the presence of our Lord.


O Lord How Lovely Is The Place – Hymn Lyric

O LORD, how lovely is the Place
Where thou, vouchsaf’st to shew Face,
In , ever bright array’d;
My Soul faints for thy blest Abode,
My Heart cries out to see her GOD
With Lustre unobscur’d display’d.

The Birds around thy Temple throng;
And there they build and hatch their Young.
O LORD of Hosts! how blest are they,
Who in thine House thy display,
Whose Hopes in thee are firmly plac’d;
Who with a pious Zeal do tread
The Ways that to thy Temple lead,
For they shall never be disgrac’d.

In parched Vales they know no Want,
For thou refreshing Rain shall grant.
Thus they proceed, from all Fear,
From Strength to Strength, ’till all appear
On Sion’s Mount, for ever bless’d.

LORD let my humble Pray’r be heard,
My Soul’s sincere Desires regard;
To thee, O Jacob’s GOD! address’d;
To us thy sure Protection bring,
And look on thine anointed King.

For in thy Courts one Day to dwell,
In solid Pleasure, doth excell
A Thousand Days, wherever spent.
A Habitation of my GOD,
I choose to be my fix’d Abode;
And, dwelling there, would be content,

Rather to keep his Temple Gate,
Than live with wicked Men in State.
For GOD, our great Defence and Light,
To guide us in the that’s right,
His Grace and Glory still ;

And to all those who justly live,
The LORD shall ev’ry Blessing give;
His plenteous Mercy ever flows.

O GOD, how highly blest is he,
Whose Trust is still repos’d in thee!


Meaning of O Lord How Lovely Is The Place

The hymn “O Lord, How Lovely Is The Place” paints a beautiful picture of God’s presence and the joy that comes from being in His house. It speaks of the birds flocking to His temple, the blessings that come from being in His presence, and the protection and guidance He provides to those who trust in Him.

When we think about how lovely God’s place is, we can’t help but feel a sense of peace and comfort. It’s a place where we can come to find solace, to seek guidance, and to experience the love and grace of our Father. Just like the birds flocking to His temple, we too are drawn to God’s presence, to bask in His glory and to feel His love surrounding us.

As the hymn mentions, those who place their and trust in God will never be disgraced. In His house, we find strength, protection, and abundance. We find refreshment in the midst of parched valleys, and we are led from strength to strength until we reach the ultimate blessing of dwelling on Sion’s Mount forever.

So let us take the words of this hymn to heart and earnestly seek to dwell in the presence of our Lord. Let us make His temple our fixed abode, finding contentment and joy in His house. Let us prioritize spending time in His presence over seeking the company of the wicked, for in God’s house, we find true pleasure and blessing.

The hymn also highlights the importance of trusting in God and relying on His guidance. When we place our trust in Him, He leads us in the way that is right and bestows His grace and glory upon us. His mercy flows abundantly to all who live justly and seek His ways.

So let us echo the sentiments of this hymn and place our trust in the Lord, for those who trust in Him are truly . Let us seek the beauty and peace of His presence, knowing that in His house, we find true joy and fulfillment. May we always choose to dwell in the presence of our loving God, finding our strength and protection in Him alone.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of God's presence in the hymn O Lord, How Lovely Is The Place. Find solace, guidance, and blessings in His house. Trust in Him for true joy and fulfillment.
O Lord How Lovely Is The Place - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beauty of God's presence in the hymn "O Lord, How Lovely Is The Place". Find solace, guidance, and blessings in His house. Trust in Him for true joy and fulfillment.