O Love Divine He Thought Of Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus on the cross with the hymn "O Love Divine He Thought Of Me." Reflect on His sacrifice and embrace His unconditional love that thinks of you and me.

O Love Divine He Thought Of Me – Hymn Lyric

“O Divine He Thought Of Me” is a powerful that reminds us of Jesus’ love and sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. Despite our flaws and sins, Jesus thought of each and every one of us, demonstrating an unfathomable love that is beyond our comprehension. This hymn invites us to reflect on the depth and magnitude of this love divine, a love that remains constant and unwavering.


O Love Divine He Thought Of Me – Hymn Lyric

O love divine! He tho’t of me
When on the cross of Calvary:
The sin that bowed His head so low,
Should make my forever flow.

O love divine! how can it be
He tho’t of you, He tho’t of me?
Upon the cross of Calvary
My blessed Savior tho’t of me!

He tho’t of me ‘mid pain and scorn,
When pierced His brow with crown of thorns;
Upon His sinless soul was laid
The ransom price, so freely paid.

O love divine! how can it be
He tho’t of you, He tho’t of me?
Upon the cross of Calvary
My blessed Savior tho’t of me!

He tho’t of me, the Son of God
When thro’ the vale of death he trod;
Tho’ reigning now in heav’n is He,
I my Savior thinks of me.

O love divine! how can it be
He tho’t of you, He tho’t of me?
Upon the cross of Calvary
My blessed Savior tho’t of me!


Meaning of O Love Divine He Thought Of Me

O Love Divine He Thought Of Me

In the depths of my heart, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of awe and as I reflect on the hymn “O Love Divine He Thought Of Me.” These powerful words remind me of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus demonstrated on the cross of Calvary. How can it be that He, the Son of God, would think of someone as insignificant as me? It is truly beyond my comprehension.

The first verse of this hymn tells the story of Jesus’ selfless act on the cross. He willingly bore the weight of our sins, enduring immense pain and suffering, all because He thought of me. Imagine that! In that moment, as He was hanging on that cross, His thoughts were not consumed with His own , but with the eternal impact His sacrifice would have on each and every one of us.

The chorus resounds with the same sentiment, inviting us to reflect on this unfathomable love divine. How can it be that Jesus thought of you, and He thought of me? The magnitude of this truth brings tears to my eyes. Despite our flaws, our mistakes, and our sinful nature, Jesus’ love remains constant and unwavering. It is a love that surpasses all understanding.

The second verse of this hymn transports us to the scene of Jesus’ crucifixion. With vivid imagery, it describes the pain and scorn He endured, even as His brow was pierced with a crown of thorns. Yet, in the midst of His suffering, He thought of me. He thought of you. Jesus’ love was not conditional upon our worthiness or the approval of others. It was a love that saw beyond the agony and looked towards the redemption that His sacrifice would bring.

As the verse continues, we are reminded that Jesus’ sacrifice was not just a physical torment, but also a spiritual one. The weight of our sins was placed upon His sinless soul, and He willingly paid the ransom price for our salvation. This act of love was a choice He made, out of His deep affection for us. It is a love that demands nothing in return but invites us into a relationship with Him, built on grace and .

The final verse of this hymn shifts our focus to the present reality of Jesus’ love for us. Though He is now reigning in heaven, it is comforting to know that He still thinks of me, and of each and every one of us. His reign is not distant or detached, but intimately connected to our lives. Knowing that the Son of God, the King of Kings, still has thoughts of me brings immeasurable joy and reassurance.

In a world that often seems cold and indifferent, where it is easy to feel alone and insignificant, the lyrics of this hymn serve as a reminder of the boundless love that Jesus has for us. It is a love that went to great lengths to ensure our salvation, a love that thinks of us in the midst of pain and suffering, and a love that continues to be present in our lives today.

As we sing this hymn, let us remember the title, “O Love Divine He Thought Of Me,” and allow its truth to deeply penetrate our hearts. Let us be reminded that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, no matter the mistakes we have made, Jesus’ love remains constant. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and invites us to embrace the fullness of His grace.

In conclusion, I am humbled and for the love divine that Jesus has shown me. It is a love that I can never fully comprehend, but one that I can wholeheartedly embrace. As I reflect on the hymn “O Love Divine He Thought Of Me,” I am reminded of the depth and magnitude of this love. It is a love that thought of me on the cross of Calvary, a love that thinks of me even now, and a love that will continue for all eternity. May we always remember and cherish this love divine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus on the cross with the hymn O Love Divine He Thought Of Me. Reflect on His sacrifice and embrace His unconditional love that thinks of you and me.
O Love Divine He Thought Of Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the overwhelming love of Jesus on the cross with the hymn "O Love Divine He Thought Of Me." Reflect on His sacrifice and embrace His unconditional love that thinks of you and me.