O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and rest in the divine love of Jesus. Sing praises through life's challenges and find peace in His boundless blessings. O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus.

O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“O Divine, O Blessed ” is a that reminds us of the extraordinary love and solace Jesus offers in the midst of life’s challenges and sorrows. It encourages us to trust in His boundless love, finding strength and peace even when we feel and burdened. His love is a constant source of joy and comfort, never failing us in our journey through life.


O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

O love divine, O blessed Jesus,
On we lay every woe,
Though long the way we tread and weary,
Thou wilt not fail us we know.

O Love most divine teach us to ,
Though long be life’s night and drear;
O Jesus on Thee our souls shall rest,
E’en though the dark valley be near.

O love divine upon Thee leaning,
Feeling our weakness and ,
Give us peace in time of trouble,
Make us more lowly within.

O love divine our richest blessing,
Boundless, yet ever so free,
Spring of life’s joy, in endless measure
May we drink deeply of Thee.


Meaning of O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus

In our journey through life, we often face various challenges, struggles, and sorrows. Yet, in the midst of it all, there is a divine love that surrounds us and gives us . This hymn, titled “O Love Divine, O Blessed Jesus,” beautifully captures the essence of that love and encourages us to find solace in it.

The verse begins by acknowledging the omnipotent power of God’s love. It describes this love as divine and blessed, emphasizing its extraordinary nature. It reassures us that no matter what difficulties we encounter along the way, we can lay all our burdens upon Jesus, knowing that He will not fail us.

In life, we often experience weariness. The journey can feel long and arduous. However, this hymn reminds us that even when we are tired and weary, we can find comfort in the love of Jesus. It teaches us that His love is a source of strength and encouragement. It is a love that will sustain us through the darkest and loneliest nights.

The refrain of the hymn emphasizes the power and importance of divine love. It encourages us to learn how to sing praises to this love, even when life’s nights seem endless and dreary. It reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, we can always find rest for our souls in Jesus. Even when we are faced with the uncertainty of the dark valley, His love will guide and protect us.

As we lean on Jesus, we become aware of our weaknesses and sins. This acknowledgment leads us to seek His peace in times of trouble. The hymn beautifully describes how His love is a balm for our troubled hearts. It brings comfort and serenity amidst chaos and turmoil. It also humbles us, encouraging us to become more lowly within, recognizing our need for His love and .

The third verse of the hymn highlights the richness and freedom of divine love. It describes it as a boundless blessing that is available to all. This love is compared to a spring, symbolizing a source of joy and abundance. We are invited to drink deeply from this wellspring of love, receiving its endless blessings and finding fulfillment in it.

In conclusion, “O Love Divine, O Blessed Jesus” is a hymn that speaks to the depths of our souls. It reminds us of the extraordinary and boundless love that Jesus offers us. It encourages us to trust in His love, even in the midst of life’s challenges and sorrows. This hymn teaches us that His love is a wellspring of joy and peace, one that we can rely on when we feel tired, weak, and burdened. May we always remember to seek solace and rest in the love divine, for it will never fail us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and rest in the divine love of Jesus. Sing praises through life's challenges and find peace in His boundless blessings. O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus.
O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Find solace and rest in the divine love of Jesus. Sing praises through life's challenges and find peace in His boundless blessings. O Love Divine O Blessed Jesus.