O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Dive deeper into the hymn "O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior" and discover the irresistible call to confess Him today. Explore the selfless sacrifice of Jesus and the urgency to respond to His love.

O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

“O The Wonderful Of The Savior” is a powerful hymn that calls us to reflect on the incredible love of . It reminds us of His and urges us to respond to His call today. Let us embrace His love and allow it to transform our lives, so that we can share that love with others.


O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

O the wonderful love of the Savior, who died
That I from my might be free!
How can I refuse Him–to give Him my life,
When I how He suffered for me?

Him today, confess Him today!
O why will you linger, why longer delay?
Just now while He’s pleading, O give Him your heart,
Believe and confess Him today.

While He gently is calling, take heed to His voice!
Sometime He’ll turn sadly away;
Come, then, while He calls–while He patiently waits;
Not tomorrow, but answer today! [Chorus]

You are almost persuaded! You know it is right!
Your has counted the cost!
Then, doubting no longer, in Jesus believe;
You must either be saved, or be lost! [Chorus]


Meaning of O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior

O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior: An Irresistible Call to Confess Him Today

Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible love of the Savior? It’s a love that knows no bounds, a love so great that He willingly laid down His life so that we might be free from our sins. When we truly grasp the magnitude of His sacrifice, how can we refuse to give Him our lives?

In the hymn “O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior,” we are reminded of the depths of His love. The verses speak of His suffering on our behalf, the pleading in His voice, and the urgency of responding to His call. As we dive deeper into the hymn, let’s explore these ideas and see how they can resonate in our own lives.

The first verse paints a vivid picture of the Savior’s sacrifice. It says, “O the wonderful love of the Savior, who died. That I from my sins might be free!” Just imagine the immense love it took for Jesus to willingly lay down His life for us. He endured unimaginable pain and suffering so that we could have the opportunity for redemption. This realization should lead us to reflect on our own lives and consider how we can respond to such selfless love.

The chorus echoes the urgent call to action, urging us not to linger or delay. “Confess Him today, confess Him today! O why will you linger, why longer delay?” it implores. These words are a gentle reminder that there is no better time than the present to answer the call of the Savior. He is patiently waiting for us to come to Him, to give Him our hearts. And when we do, the chorus reassures us that we will be met with open arms.

The second verse speaks directly to those who find themselves “almost persuaded.” Perhaps you have been contemplating the claims of Jesus, contemplating the call to follow Him. The hymn acknowledges that your conscience has counted the cost and recognized the rightness of the . But it also challenges you to move beyond uncertainty and doubt. “Then, doubting no longer, in Jesus believe,” it urges. You cannot remain in a state of hesitation forever. It is a pivotal moment where you must make a decision. To be saved or to be lost.

As the hymn comes to a close, the repetition of the chorus serves as a final plea to respond to the call of the Savior. It implores us to take heed to His voice, for there may come a time when He sadly turns away. It reminds us not to put off our response until tomorrow, but to answer today. This is a powerful reminder that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and delaying our decision to follow Jesus only puts us at risk of losing out on the incredible love and He offers.

So, how do we go about confessing Him today? It starts with believing in our hearts and acknowledging that Jesus is Lord. It begins with surrendering our lives to Him and accepting His gift of forgiveness. Confessing Him today means making Him the center of our lives and allowing His love to transform us from the inside out. It means living each day in a way that reflects His love for others, serving and extending grace just as He did for us.

In conclusion, “O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior” is a hymn that serves as an irresistible call to confess Him today. Through its powerful verses, it reminds us of the selfless sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. It urges us not to delay in our response, for today is the day of salvation. Let us not linger or doubt, but wholeheartedly believe in the Savior and allow His love to guide our lives. May we embrace His wonderful love and, in turn, extend it to the around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Dive deeper into the hymn O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior and discover the irresistible call to confess Him today. Explore the selfless sacrifice of Jesus and the urgency to respond to His love.
O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior - Hymn Lyric - Dive deeper into the hymn "O The Wonderful Love Of The Savior" and discover the irresistible call to confess Him today. Explore the selfless sacrifice of Jesus and the urgency to respond to His love.