O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound message of the hymn "O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine." Seek divine light

O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine – Hymn Lyric

“O Who Makest Souls To Shine” is a hymn that reminds us of the divine light and love that guides us from above. It emphasizes the importance of education, both for teachers and learners, and encourages us to seek a life filled with faith, hope, and love. Through its powerful message, this hymn inspires us to embrace God’s grace and strive for a life that reflects His goodness.


O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine – Hymn Lyric

O Thou Who makest souls to shine
With light from brighter worlds above,
Now send Thy glistening dew divine
On all who seek a ‘s love!

Do Thou Thy benediction give
On all who teach, on all who learn,
That all Thy Church may holier live,
And every lamp more burn.

Give those that teach pure hearts and wise,
Faith, hope, and love, all warmed by prayer;
Themselves first training for the skies,
They best will raise their people there.

Give those, who learn, the willing ear,
The spirit meek, the guileless mind;
Such gifts will make the lowliest here
Far better than a kingdom find.

O bless the shepherd, bless the sheep,
That guide and guided both be one –
One in the watch they keep,
Until this hurrying life be done.

If thus, good , Thy grace be giv’n,
In Thee to live, in Thee to die,
Before we upward pass to Heav’n,
We taste our immortality.


Meaning of O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine

O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine: A Hymn That Inspires and Guides Us

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the divine light that upon us from the worlds above. It is a call for us to seek the love of our Savior and to be with His glistening dew of grace. As we delve deeper into the verses, we discover the profound message of this hymn – the importance of education, guidance, and the pursuit of a life filled with faith, hope, and love.

The first verse of this hymn encourages us to seek the light of God’s love, for it is this light that makes our souls shine bright. Just as the sun’s rays bring warmth and illumination to the earth, God’s light can bring warmth and illumination to our inner beings. We are invited to open our hearts to the Savior’s love and to embrace His divine guidance.

It is not just our own souls that are meant to shine, but also those who teach and those who learn. The second verse emphasizes the importance of both teachers and students, and how their interactions contribute to the of the Church. Teachers are called upon to have pure hearts, , and an unwavering faith. By first training themselves to be closer to God, they will better lead their students on the path of righteousness.

On the other hand, learners are encouraged to approach education with a willing ear, a meek spirit, and a guileless mind. Having these qualities will enable them to receive knowledge and wisdom with humility and sincerity. The hymn suggests that such students will find themselves in a better position than those who attain worldly success but lack these virtues.

Both teachers and students are seen as shepherds and sheep, guiding and guided. They are united in their faithful watch, looking out for each other as they navigate through the challenges and uncertainties of life. This imagery reminds us that education should be a collaborative effort, with both parties working together to grow spiritually and intellectually.

In the final verse of this sublime hymn, we are reminded that it is by God’s grace that we can truly live and die in Him. As we strive to follow His teachings and walk in His light, we begin to taste the immortality that awaits us in Heaven. This hope of eternal life strengthens our resolve to live a life of God’s love.

In summary, “O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine” is a hymn that encourages us to seek the divine light, both as individuals and as a community. It highlights the significance of education, the virtues of teachers and learners, and the importance of unity and mutual support within the Church. As we incorporate the lessons from this hymn into our lives, may our souls shine ever brighter, reflecting the goodness and love of our Creator.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound message of the hymn O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine. Seek divine light, embrace education, and live a life filled with faith, hope, and love.
O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound message of the hymn "O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine." Seek divine light, embrace education, and live a life filled with faith, hope, and love.