On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Journey to the Land of Pure Delight on Joyful Wings - Find Comfort

On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls – Hymn Lyric

“On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls: A Journey to the Land of Pure ” takes us on a grand adventure, envisioning a where our souls soar on joyful wings. With vivid imagery and heartfelt lyrics, this hymn reminds us of our true , where our Lord and Savior dwells. It instills in us a blessed hope that sustains us and keeps us pressing forward.


On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls – Hymn Lyric

On joyful wings our raptured souls
Would mount and spread their flight,
And from Mount Pisgah’s top behold
The land of pure delight.

Above the clouds, above the stars,
That heav’nly region fair,
Where He, our Lord and Savior, dwells,
Our home, our home is there.

Sweet visions oft His love reveals,
Of that abode;
And with His kind, protecting hand,
He leads us on the road.

Above the clouds, above the stars,
That heav’nly region fair,
Where He, our Lord and Savior, dwells,
Our home, our home is there.

O blessed hope that bears us up,
And stills each throb of care!
The will pass, the morn will come,
And we shall soon be there.

Above the clouds, above the stars,
That heav’nly region fair,
Where He, our Lord and Savior, dwells,
Our home, our home is there.


Meaning of On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls

On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls: A Journey to the Land of Pure Delight

Imagine a place where our souls soar on joyful wings, reaching heights we never thought possible. From the summit of Mount Pisgah, we gaze upon a land of pure delight, a region fair. This hymn reminds us of the hope that resides within us and the promise of our true home.

As we sing these words of praise, we are transported to a realm above the clouds, above the stars. It is a place where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, dwells. What a comforting thought that our true home is with Him! In this distant land, our souls find solace and .

Although we may not physically see this heavenly abode, our gracious God often reveals to us sweet visions of His love. Through these visions, we catch glimpses of the divine dwelling where we are destined to reside. It is a place unimaginable in its beauty and splendor.

With His kind and protecting hand, God guides us on the road that leads to this celestial land. He walks beside us, reassuring and comforting us in times of doubt and uncertainty. His presence serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path we must tread. We can trust in His guidance, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

This hymn reminds us of the blessed hope that bears us up, giving us strength and courage to face the trials of . It is this hope that quiets the throb of care within our hearts. No matter how dark the night may seem, we can rest assured that the morning will come. Like the sun breaking through the clouds, the dawn of a new day will arrive, and we will find ourselves nearing the realization of our heavenly home.

As we sing the refrain of this hymn, its words echo in our hearts, “Our home, our home is there.” We can almost taste the sweetness of that final destination, the place where our souls find true belonging. It is a home filled with love, unending joy, and perfect peace.

In times of uncertainty and tribulation, this hymn serves as a reminder of the ultimate destination for our souls. It encourages us to keep pressing forward, knowing that this world is not our permanent dwelling place. Our true home awaits us beyond the horizon.

On joyful wings, our raptured souls continue their ascent, propelled by the hope and faith instilled within us. We look to Mount Pisgah, a symbol of reaching new heights, and imagine the breathtaking view that lies before us. It fuels our anticipation and fuels our perseverance on the journey of life.

Let these words resonate within your hearts, dear friends. Embrace the hope that is offered to you. Allow your souls to soar on joyful wings as you hold onto the promise of a land of pure delight. Trust in the Lord, for He will lead you safely home.

In conclusion, the hymn “On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls” invites us to envision a grand journey to our true home. With vivid imagery and heartfelt lyrics, it encourages us to fix our eyes on the heavenly region where our Lord and Savior resides. This hymn serves as a reminder of the hope that sustains us, the divine visions that reassure us, and the blessed promise that we shall soon be home. May these words uplift and inspire you as you embark on your own journey through life, always keeping in mind the ultimate destination for your raptured soul.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Journey to the Land of Pure Delight on Joyful Wings - Find Comfort, Hope, and a Promised Home with Our Lord and Savior.
On Joyful Wings Our Raptured Souls - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Journey to the Land of Pure Delight on Joyful Wings - Find Comfort, Hope, and a Promised Home with Our Lord and Savior.