On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound meaning behind the hymn "On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me" and the priceless redemption bought with the blood of Jesus. Reflect on the boundless love that sets us free. Journey with us to Calvary and find hope in the sacrificial act that made us whole.

On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me – Hymn Lyric

On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me: A Priceless RedemptionIn this hymn, we explore the profound significance of Jesus shedding His blood on the cross of Calvary for the sake of our redemption. It is a story of sacrificial love, a priceless act that sets us free from the burdens of sin. Let us reflect on the immeasurable value of the blood of Jesus and express our eternal gratitude for His selfless .


On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me – Hymn Lyric

On the cross of Calvary,
Jesus shed His blood for me;
From the law to set me free,
the great ransom none else could give.

Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ’twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.

I was helpless and undone,
Hope of pardon had I none;
But the just and holy One
Gave the great ransom none else could give.

Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ’twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.

When my peace with God He made,
All my guilt on Him was laid;
He my debt has fully paid
With the great ransom none else could give.

Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ’twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.

I am His and His alone,
For He left His glorious throne,
And to make me all His own,
Gave the great ransom none else could give.

Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ’twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.

When I stand before my King,
Endless I will bring,
And thro’ years eternal sing
Of the great ransom none else could give.

Bought with a price not of silver nor gold,
Bought with a price of value untold;
Yes, ’twas the blood of Jesus shed for me,
Purchased my redemption and made me free.


Meaning of On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me

On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me: A Priceless Redemption

In the depths of despair and hopelessness, there is a glimmer of light that shines through the darkness. It is the story of Jesus Christ, who willingly gave His on the cross of Calvary to shed His blood for the sins of humanity. This act of sacrificial love, this price paid, has paved the way for redemption and eternal freedom. Let us delve into the meaning and significance of this hymn, reflecting on the boundless value of the blood of Jesus.

The first verse of the hymn sets the scene for the rest of the song. It speaks of Jesus shedding His blood for us on the cross, ransoming us from the clutches of the law that held us captive. In a where material possessions often define our worth, this verse reminds us that the price paid for our redemption surpasses any earthly treasure. It is not with silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus that we are bought.

As we delve into the chorus, we are drawn deeper into the magnitude of this redeeming sacrifice. The price of our freedom, the value of our , cannot be quantified by any finite measure. It is beyond riches or wealth, beyond what we can comprehend. The blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary, is the epitome of Love itself. It is this love that sets us free, that washes our sins and makes us whole.

Moving on to the second verse, we are reminded of our own helplessness and the absence of hope for pardon before Christ intervened. In our sinful state, we were bound by guilt, with no way to repay the debt we owed. But the just and holy One, Jesus, paid our debt in full. He took upon Himself the weight of our sins and laid them to rest, forever. What a profound act of mercy that is beyond our understanding!

The third verse speaks of the intimate relationship between Jesus and those who believe in Him. By leaving His glorious throne and coming to earth, He made us His own. We become part of His divine family, beneficiaries of His immeasurable grace. In a world that often prioritizes individualism and self-importance, this verse reminds us that we belong to God, and He has claimed us as His precious .

Finally, the fourth verse paints a beautiful picture of the eternal future that awaits believers. When we stand before our King in heaven, our hearts overflowing with gratitude and awe, we will offer endless praises for the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. Throughout countless ages, we will sing of this great ransom, of the blood shed on the cross of Calvary, which none else could give. It is a song of redemption, a song of victory, a song that celebrates the limitless love of our Savior.

In conclusion, the hymn “On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me” encapsulates the essence of the . It invites us to reflect on the priceless redemption bought with the precious blood of Jesus. Beyond silver or gold, this irreplaceable offer of freedom reflects the boundless love of God. As we sing these words, let us remember the significance of the cross, the magnitude of the sacrifice made, and our eternal gratitude for the One who shed His blood for us. May the truth of this hymn resonate in our hearts and guide us in living lives worthy of the great ransom none else could give.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound meaning behind the hymn On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me and the priceless redemption bought with the blood of Jesus. Reflect on the boundless love that sets us free. Journey with us to Calvary and find hope in the sacrificial act that made us whole.
On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound meaning behind the hymn "On The Cross Of Calvary Jesus Shed His Blood for Me" and the priceless redemption bought with the blood of Jesus. Reflect on the boundless love that sets us free. Journey with us to Calvary and find hope in the sacrificial act that made us whole.