Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was – Hymn Lyric
Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was: Living on the Hallelujah Side is a powerful hymn that tells the story of finding salvation in Christ. It reminds us of the amazing transformation and joy that comes from turning to Jesus. No matter our past or what the world offers, the hallelujah side is where true happiness and eternal hope can be found. Praise be to Jesus!
Table of Contents
Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was – Hymn Lyric
Once a sinner far from Jesus,
I was perishing with cold,
But the blessed Savior heard me when I cried;
Then He threw His robe around me,
And He led me to His fold,
And I’m living on the hallelujah side.
Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll;
Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide,
For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven
All the windows of my soul,
And I’m living on the hallelujah side.
Tho’ the world may sweep around me
With her dazzle and her dreams,
Yet I envy not her vanities and pride,
For my soul looks up to heaven,
Where the golden sunlight gleams,
And I’m living on the hallelujah side.
Not for all earth’s golden millions
Would I leave this precious place,
Tho’ the tempter to persuade me oft has tried,
For I’m safe in God’s pavilion,
Happy in His love and grace,
And I’m living on the hallelujah side.
Here the sun is always shining,
Here the sky is always bright;
‘Tis no place for gloomy Christians to abide,
For my soul is filled with music
And my heart with great delight,
And I’m living on the hallelujah side.
And upon the streets of glory,
When we reach the other shore,
And have safely crossed the Jordan’s rolling tide,
You will find me shouting Glory
Just outside my mansion door
Where I’m living on the hallelujah side.
Meaning of Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was
Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was: Living on the Hallelujah Side
Let me share with you a wonderful hymn that celebrates the joy of finding salvation in Jesus Christ. It’s called “Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was” and it speaks of the transformation that takes place when we turn to Him and find a new life on the hallelujah side.
The hymn starts by describing the state of the author before encountering Jesus. They were lost and cold, without hope or direction. But then, something amazing happened – the blessed Savior heard their cry! Just imagine that! Jesus, the Son of God, the one who loves us unconditionally, heard their plea and rescued them from their despair.
The hymn continues, and we learn that Jesus didn’t just save the author, but He also clothed them with His robe. This imagery symbolizes how Jesus covers us with His righteousness, making us clean and new. Not only that, He also led them to His fold, a safe and secure place where they could experience His love and grace. It’s an incredible picture of the care that Jesus has for each one of us, wanting to bring us closer to Him.
Oh, glory be to Jesus! Let the hallelujahs roll! This refrain reminds us to lift our voices in praise and worship to our Lord. We are encouraged to share His praises far and wide, letting others know about the incredible change that has happened in our lives. Through the power of Jesus, we have opened up toward heaven, allowing His light to shine through the windows of our souls.
The hymn acknowledges that the world may try to tempt us with its dazzle and dreams. It recognizes that the temptations of this world might seem enticing, but the author declares that they are not envious of its vanities and pride. Instead, their soul looks up to heaven, where the golden sunlight gleams. They have found something more precious and fulfilling than anything this world can offer.
Even if offered all the gold in the world, the author wouldn’t trade their place on the hallelujah side. They have found safety in God’s pavilion, surrounded by His love and grace. They understand that true happiness lies in the embrace of the Divine, not in earthly treasures or temporary pleasures.
On the hallelujah side, the sun is always shining, and the sky is always bright. It’s a place where gloom and despair have no room to reside. The author vividly describes the joy and music that fills their soul, bringing great delight to their heart. It’s an infectious happiness that stems from knowing Jesus and experiencing His presence in their lives.
And what a glorious future awaits us on the other side! When we reach the streets of glory, the hymn tells us that we will find the author shouting glory just outside their mansion door. Can you imagine the excitement and anticipation? The author has a glimpse of the eternal joy that awaits them, and it fills their heart with an overflowing desire to praise and worship the Lord.
In conclusion, “Once A Sinner Far From Jesus I Was” is a hymn that proclaims the transformation and joy that comes from finding salvation in Christ. It encourages us to lift our voices in praise and share the good news with others. It reminds us that no matter what the world offers, nothing compares to the love, grace, and eternal hope found on the hallelujah side. So let us join in the celebration and declare, “Glory be to Jesus!”
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!