Only Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus for forgiveness

Only Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Only Coming to Jesus”: The Path to Forgiveness, Love, and FulfillmentDiscover the transformative power of seeking forgiveness, turning away from sin, and starting anew by coming to Jesus. This hymn reminds us of the relief that comes from unburdening our souls to someone who loves and understands us completely. By embracing His forgiveness and love, we embark on a journey of fulfillment, guided by His wisdom and grace


Only Coming To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Only coming to Jesus,
Coming to tell him all;
Seeking his full forgiveness,
While at his feet we fall.

Only coming to Jesus,
Only turning from sin;
This is the life of the ,
This is the way to begin.

Only coming to Jesus,
Losing our fear and doubt;
Hearing his gracious promise,
“I will not cast thee out.”


Only coming to Jesus,
Coming to learn his will;
Bringing our empty vessels,
Vessels his grace will fill.


Only coming to Jesus,
Coming to learn his love,
Love, like the light of ,
Shining for us above.



Meaning of Only Coming To Jesus

“Only Coming to Jesus”: The Path to Forgiveness, Love, and Fulfillment

Have you ever felt the weight of your mistakes and wished there was a way to be forgiven? Have you ever longed for guidance, love, and fulfillment in your life? Well, my friends, look no further, for there is a path that can lead you to all of these . It is a path that begins with one simple act: coming to Jesus.

In this beautiful hymn, “Only Coming to Jesus,” we are reminded of the transformative power of seeking forgiveness, turning away from sin, and starting anew. It emphasizes the foundational step of approaching Jesus and opening our hearts to Him. Let’s take a closer look at the profound ideas conveyed within each verse.

The first verse tells us that by coming to Jesus, we have the opportunity to share all our burdens, struggles, and shortcomings with Him. Just imagine the relief and comfort that comes from unburdening your soul to someone who loves and understands you completely. Jesus is ready to embrace us with open arms, offering us His full forgiveness and acceptance.

The refrain echoes the central message of the hymn: by solely coming to Jesus and turning away from sin, we embark on the journey of becoming true Christians. This journey is not about perfection, but rather about acknowledging our mistakes and actively seeking a better path. It is about the transformation of our hearts and minds.

The second verse reminds us that when we come to Jesus, our fears and doubts dissipate. How comforting it is to know that the One who holds the universe in His hands will not cast us aside. His promise of unfailing love and support is resounding, giving us the strength to face our struggles and uncertainties.

Furthermore, the third verse illustrates the importance of coming to Jesus to learn His will. In a world filled with noise and distractions, it is easy to lose sight of our purpose and direction. However, by coming to Jesus, we invite His guidance into our lives. Like empty vessels, we come to Him, ready to be filled with His grace and wisdom. Our lives become vessels through which His love and compassion can flow, touching the lives of others.

Lastly, the fourth verse paints a beautiful picture of the love we will discover as we come to Jesus. It compares His love to the light of heaven, constantly shining above us. This love is pure, unconditional, and illuminating. When we open our hearts to Jesus, we are enveloped in His love and experience a profound sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the significance of these cherished words found in “Only Coming to Jesus.”

Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of the Christian . We all make mistakes, big and small, and sometimes these mistakes can weigh heavily on our hearts. However, through coming to Jesus, we can find solace and the assurance of complete forgiveness. Unlike human beings, Jesus does not hold grudges or condemn us for our past wrongdoings. His love extends infinitely, reaching out to us with arms overflowing with grace and understanding.

When we truly come to Jesus, we are also called to turn away from sin. This means making a conscious choice to leave behind behaviors and attitudes that are not aligned with His teachings. It requires self-reflection, humility, and a genuine desire to change. Turning away from sin does not mean we will never make mistakes again, but it signifies our commitment to continuously seek His guidance and live according to His will.

However, coming to Jesus is not just about leaving behind our old ways—it is also about embracing a new way of life. It is about learning to love as He loves, to forgive as He forgives, and to serve others selflessly. Through Him, we discover our purpose and the joy that comes from living a life rooted in faith. Our empty vessels are filled with His grace, and we become vessels through which ‘s love can overflow into the world around us.

As we come to Jesus, we realize that His love is like no other. It is not dependent on our achievements, our appearance, or our worldly success. His love surpasses all human limitations and shines upon us, beckoning us to live in the radiance of His truth. This love, experienced in the depths of our souls, has the power to heal, transform, and true fulfillment.

In conclusion, my dear friends, “Only Coming to Jesus” is not just a hymn but a profound reminder of the transformative power of seeking forgiveness, turning away from sin, and embarking on a journey toward love, fulfillment, and purpose. Through the timeless words of this hymn, we are invited to open our hearts to Jesus, the source of all forgiveness, guidance, and love.

So, whether you are burdened by your mistakes, seeking direction, or yearning for a love that goes beyond anything you have ever experienced, remember that the path to finding what your longs for starts with one simple act: coming to Jesus. Embrace His forgiveness, turn away from sin, and allow His love to fill your empty vessel. Only then can you truly embark on a life of fulfillment, walking hand in hand with the One who will never cast you out.

Remember, my dear friends, “Only Coming to Jesus” is not just a title or a key phrase, but a journey that can transform your life. So, take the first step, come to Jesus, and experience the joy and blessing of a life lived in His loving embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus for forgiveness, love, and fulfillment. Find guidance, acceptance, and purpose on the path of only coming to Jesus. Start your transformative journey today.
Only Coming To Jesus - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the transformative power of coming to Jesus for forgiveness, love, and fulfillment. Find guidance, acceptance, and purpose on the path of only coming to Jesus. Start your transformative journey today."