Redeeming Power of Love – Hymn Lyric

Unlock the Transformative Power of Love: Embrace forgiveness & spread kindness. Discover how the "Redeeming Power of Love" hymn reveals the path to a harmonious and peaceful world.

Redeeming Power of Love – Hymn Lyric

The “Redeeming Power of Love” emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and love in overcoming and transforming our world. It teaches us that harsh words and physical means cannot true victory, but rather a loving and forgiving spirit. By imitating the example set by and showing love and forgiveness to others, we can redeem and transform lives.


Redeeming Power of Love – Hymn Lyric

What precept, Jesus, is like thine,
Forgive, as ye would be forgiven!
In this we see the power divine,
Which shall transform our earth to .

O, not the harsh and scornful word
The victory over sin can gain,
Not the dark prison, or the sword,
The shackle, or the weary chain.

But from our spirits there must flow
A love that will the wrong outweigh;
Our lips must only know,
And wrath and sin shall die away.

‘Twas heaven that formed the holy plan
To win the wanderer back by love;
Thus let us save our brother, man,
And imitate our God above.


Meaning of Redeeming Power of Love

The hymn “Redeeming Power of Love” emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and love in our lives. It reminds us that in order to overcome sin and transform our world into a better , we must embody the power of forgiveness and love in our actions and words.

The first verse of the hymn asks the question, “What precept, Jesus, is like thine – Forgive, as ye would be forgiven!” This verse highlights the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized the importance of forgiveness in our lives. Jesus taught us that in order to receive forgiveness, we must also forgive others. This divine power of forgiveness has the ability to transform our earth into a more peaceful and harmonious place, resembling heaven itself.

The hymn also highlights that harsh and scornful words cannot bring about the victory over sin. It states, “Not the harsh and scornful word, The victory over sin can gain.” This verse reminds us that using harsh words, instigating conflicts, or engaging in violent actions will never lead to true victory over our own sinful tendencies. Instead, it is through the power of love and forgiveness that we can overcome sin and bring positive change in our lives and the lives of others.

The hymn continues by stating that it is not through physical means like prisons, swords, shackles, or weary chains that we can conquer sin. Rather, true transformation comes from within, from the love that flows out of our spirits. It says, “But from our spirits there must flow, A love that will the wrong outweigh.” This verse emphasizes the importance of cultivating a loving and compassionate . When love outweighs the wrong in our lives, we can overcome sin and bring about positive change in the world around us.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us that our words hold great power. Our lips must only know blessings, and anger and sin will fade away. It states, “Our lips must only blessings know, And wrath and sin shall die away.” This verse teaches us the significance of speaking kind and uplifting words. By using our words to spread love and encouragement, we can combat anger, wrath, and sin, fostering a more peaceful and harmonious environment.

Moreover, the hymn reflects on the divine plan that was created to redeem humanity through love. It acknowledges that it was heaven that formed the holy plan to win back the wanderer through love. The hymn encourages us to follow this example and save our fellow human beings by imitating the divine love of God. It states, “Thus let us save our brother, man, And imitate our God above.” By showing love and forgiveness to others, we can help them find their way back to a life filled with love, joy, and .

In conclusion, the hymn “Redeeming Power of Love” reminds us of the transformative power of forgiveness and love in our lives. It teaches us that harsh words, violence, and physical means cannot bring true victory over sin. Instead, it is through a loving and forgiving spirit that we can overcome sin and bring about positive change in our lives and the world around us. By imitating the example set by Jesus Christ and showing love and forgiveness to others, we have the power to redeem and transform lives, just as the power of love redeemed humanity. Let us embrace this truth and strive to embody the redeeming power of love in our daily lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlock the Transformative Power of Love: Embrace forgiveness & spread kindness. Discover how the Redeeming Power of Love hymn reveals the path to a harmonious and peaceful world.
Redeeming Power of Love - Hymn Lyric - Unlock the Transformative Power of Love: Embrace forgiveness & spread kindness. Discover how the "Redeeming Power of Love" hymn reveals the path to a harmonious and peaceful world.