Scatter Smiles And Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Spread joy and kindness with smiles and sunshine. Brighten someone's day with simple acts of kindness. Let's be the light in someone's darkness. Scatter Smiles And Sunshine.

Scatter Smiles And Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Do you the power of a smile? Scatter smiles and sunshine wherever you go, bringing light and joy to those around you. Your kindness can be a beacon of light guiding others towards a better path, creating a ripple effect of love and positivity. Let’s be the ones who cheer and brighten the world, one smile at a time.


Scatter Smiles And Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Scatter smiles and sunshine
In some gloomy place;
Fill each passing moment
With some kindly grace;
Many hearts are aching,
Many homes are sad:
With your smiles and sunshine
You can make them glad.

Scatter the sunshine,
Its light along to cast;
Cheer and brighten
Passing kindness on steadfast.
Scatter the blessed sunshine,
Its light along to cast;
Cheer and brighten
In kindness everlast.

words, when spoken,
Down the years, they roll,
Help the fallen up,
Drying tears of ;
Deeds of little kindness,
Words of love like a dove,
Lead the weary travellers
To the above. [Chorus]

When the soul is hopeless
In ‘s darkest depth,
words softly spoken,
Let the sunshine adept.
Brighten the path
With a smile or song;
Help the fallen brethren,
In kindness be strong. [Chorus]


Meaning of Scatter Smiles And Sunshine

Do you know the power of a smile? It may seem like a small thing, but a smile can brighten someone’s day and make a world of difference. Just like the hymn says, we can scatter smiles and sunshine wherever we go, bringing light and joy to those around us.

Imagine walking down the and seeing someone with a frown on their face. You have the power to change that frown into a smile simply by offering a friendly greeting or a kind gesture. Your smile can be like a ray of sunshine, breaking through the clouds of gloom and lifting someone’s spirits.

Kind words and loving actions have a lasting impact. They can inspire and uplift, giving hope to those who are feeling lost or alone. It doesn’t take much to show kindness – a simple act of generosity or a heartfelt compliment can make someone’s day brighter.

When someone is feeling hopeless or trapped in darkness, your kindness can be a beacon of light guiding them towards a better path. A kind word or gesture can break through the barriers of despair and show them that there is still goodness in the world.

So, let’s make a conscious effort to scatter smiles and sunshine wherever we go. Let’s be the light in someone’s darkness, the warmth in someone’s coldness. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness that spreads far and wide, touching hearts and changing lives.

As the hymn reminds us, let’s pass on the of sunshine and light. Let’s be the ones who cheer and brighten the world around us. Let’s be the bearers of kindness and love, leading others towards a place of peace and joy.

So, the next time you see someone in need of a smile, don’t hesitate to share yours. The impact of a simple smile can be profound, bringing hope and happiness to those who need it most. Scatter smiles and sunshine wherever you go, and watch as the world becomes a brighter, more beautiful place because of your kindness.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread joy and kindness with smiles and sunshine. Brighten someone's day with simple acts of kindness. Let's be the light in someone's darkness. Scatter Smiles And Sunshine.
Scatter Smiles And Sunshine - Hymn Lyric - Spread joy and kindness with smiles and sunshine. Brighten someone's day with simple acts of kindness. Let's be the light in someone's darkness. Scatter Smiles And Sunshine.