Sing A New Song To The Lord God – Hymn Lyric
Sing A New Song To The Lord God Sing a new song to Jehovah for the wonders he has wrought; his right hand and arm most holy triumph to his cause have brought. In his love and tender mercy he has made salvation known, in the sight of ev’ry nation he his righteousness has shown. Sing A New Song To The Lord God is a hymn that encourages us to lift our voices in gratitude and awe for the countless wonders Jehovah has created. From his triumphs to his love and mercy, his righteousness shines brightly for all nations to see. Let us rejoice and sing praises to our Lord and King, as we are reminded of the beauty and power of creation.
Table of Contents
Sing A New Song To The Lord God – Hymn Lyric
Sing a new song to Jehovah
for the wonders he has wrought;
his right hand and arm most holy
triumph to his cause have brought.
In his love and tender mercy
he has made salvation known,
in the sight of ev’ry nation
he his righteousness has shown.
Truth and mercy toward his people
he has ever kept in mind,
and his full and free salvation
he has shown to all mankind.
Sing, O earth, sing, to Jehovah,
praises to Jehovah sing;
with the swelling notes of music
shout before the Lord, the King.
Seas with all your fullness thunder,
all earth’s peoples now rejoice;
floods and hills in praise uniting,
to the Lord lift up your voice.
For, behold, the Lord is coming,
robed in justice and in might;
he alone will judge the nations,
and his judgment shall be right.
Meaning of Sing A New Song To The Lord God
Sing A New Song To The Lord God: Celebrating the Wonders of Creation
Oh, how wonderful it is to lift our voices and sing a new song to Jehovah! We sing not just for the beauty of music, but to celebrate the countless wonders that He has wrought. From the depths of His love and tender mercy, His right hand and arm have triumphed in bringing forth His holy cause.
Jehovah’s salvation is not limited to just a select few. No, in His infinite kindness, He has made salvation known to all nations. His righteousness shines brightly for all to see. His truth and mercy have always been a guiding light for His people, never wavering, always steady. And the best part? His salvation is freely given and readily available for all mankind.
Oh, earth, join us in song! Lift your voice and sing praises to Jehovah, our Lord and King. Let the music swell and fill the air, a joyful symphony echoing our gratitude and adoration. Seas, with all your magnificent fullness, let your thunderous chorus join in. All peoples of the earth, rejoice and unite in praise. Let floods and hills lift their voices high, proclaiming the greatness of the Lord.
Why should we sing, you may ask? Because, behold, the Lord is coming! He will come robed in justice and might. He alone will judge the nations, and His judgment will be just and fair. In a world filled with chaos and injustice, knowing that we have a righteous judge gives us hope and comfort.
As we sing this hymn, the words remind us of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. From the smallest flower to the grandest mountain, Jehovah’s handiwork is evident everywhere. We are reminded to marvel at the intricate details of creation, to see the hand of our loving Creator in every blade of grass, every soaring bird, and every gentle breeze.
So often, we get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to appreciate the simple joys of existence. But when we stop and truly look around us, we see that every second is a miracle. The rising sun, the stars that twinkle at night, the changing colors of the seasons these are all reminders of Jehovah’s love and His amazing creation.
When we sing this hymn, we are invited to join in a chorus of gratitude and awe. It is a reminder that no matter what challenges we may face, we are not alone. Jehovah is with us, guiding us, and offering us His salvation. It is a call to lift our voices and hearts in praise, to be filled with a sense of wonder and reverence for the world around us.
Let us never forget the power of a new song. It has the ability to transform our hearts, to lift our spirits, and to bring us closer to Jehovah. As we sing, let us remember that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. We are part of a grand symphony of life, with Jehovah as our composer and conductor.
So, let us sing a new song to the Lord God, celebrating the wonders of creation. Let us sing with joy, with gratitude, and with a deep sense of awe. Let our voices join together, filling the heavens with praise. And as we sing, may our hearts be filled with the love and mercy of our Heavenly Father, knowing that He is always with us, guiding us, and bringing forth His righteousness in the world.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!