Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber – Hymn Lyric

Discover the comfort and strength in God's mercies with "Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber." Reflect on the unfathomable blessings that shield and guide us through life's challenges. Find solace in His unwavering love.

Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber – Hymn Lyric

reader, let us embark on a journey contemplating the words of this powerful hymn, “Sink Not Yet, My Soul, to Slumber.” Through its verses, we are reminded of the unfathomable bestowed upon us by the divine. These words, filled with gratitude and praise, invite us to reflect upon the protective embrace of God’s that sustains us through life’s trials and tribulations.


Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber – Hymn Lyric

SINK not yet, my soul, to slumber,
Wake, my heart, go forth and tell,
All the mercies without number
That this by-gone day befell:

Tell how God hath kept afar,
All things that against me war,
Hath upheld me and defended,
And His grace my soul befriended.

Father, merciful and holy,
Thee to-night I praise and bless,
Who to labor true and lowly,
Grantest ever meet success;

Many a sin and many a woe,
Many a fierce and subtle foe
Hast Thou checked that once alarmed me,
So that naught today has harmed me.

Yes, our wisdom vainly ponders,
Fathoms not Thy loving thought.
Never tongue can tell the wonders
That Thy hand for me hath wrought;

Thou hast guided me today,
That no ill hath crossed my way;
There is neither bound nor measure
In Thy love’s o’erflowing .

Now the light that nature gladdens,
And the pomp of day is gone,
And my heart is tired and saddens,
As the gloomy night comes on;

Ah, then with Thy changeless light
Warm and my heat to-night;
As the shadows round me gather,
Keep me close to Thee, my Father.

Of Thy grace, I pray Thee, pardon
All my sins, and heal their smart;
Sore and heavy is their burden,
Sharp their sting within my heart;

And my Foe lays many a snare
But to tempt me to despair;
Thou alone canst help me, Savior,
Punish not my ill behavior.

Though I have from Thee departed,
Now I seek Thy face again,
For Thy Son, the loving-hearted,
Made our peace through bitter pain.

Yes, far greater than our sin,
Though it still be strong within,
Is Thy love that fails us never,
Mercy that endures forever.

Brightness of th’eternal city!
Light of every soul!
Safe beneath Thy sheltering pity
Let the tempests past me roll;

Now it darkens far and near,
Still, my God, still be Thou here;
Thou canst comfort, and Thou only,
When the night is long and lonely.

From the power of darkness save me,
And from Satan’s hellish snares,
Who endeavors to enslave me,
And assails me unawares;

Let me never lose the sight
Of Thy good and gracious light;
Thou canst fill my heart with gladness,
That it feel no pain in sadness.

Though my weary eyes are closing,
And my senses fall asleep,
Still my soul, on Thee reposing,
Ever must its vigils keep.

Let my spirit longingly
Always dream, my God, of Thee,
Firmly unto Thee e’er cleaving,
E’en in sleep Thy grace receiving.

Lord, the twilight now hath vanished,
Send Thy on my sleep,
Every sin and terror banished,
Let my rest be calm and deep.

Soul and body, mind and health,
Wife and children, house and wealth,
Friend and foe, the sick, the stranger,
Keep Thou safe from harm and danger.

O Thou mighty God, now hearken
To the prayer Thy child hath made;
, while the night-hours darken,
Be Thou still my Hope, my aid;

Holy Ghost, on Thee I call,
Friend and Comforter of all,
Hear my earnest prayer, O hear me!
Lord, Thou hearest, Thou art near me.


Meaning of Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber

Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber: Finding Strength in God’s Mercies

Dear reader, let us embark on a journey contemplating the words of this powerful hymn, “Sink Not Yet, My Soul, to Slumber.” Through its verses, we are reminded of the unfathomable mercies bestowed upon us by the divine. These words, filled with gratitude and praise, invite us to reflect upon the protective embrace of God’s grace that sustains us through life’s trials and tribulations.

Awakening our slumbering hearts, the hymn encourages us to share the multitude of blessings that have graced our path throughout the day. It compels us to recount the instances where God’s unwavering love has shielded us from all that stands against us. Like a loving Father, He has upheld and defended us, proving His faithfulness each step of the way.

Reflecting on the hymn’s verses, we become aware of our limitations in truly comprehending the vastness of God’s benevolence. Our human wisdom can only ponder in awe, unable to fully grasp the wonders that His hand has wrought upon our lives. We are reminded that our tongues could not articulate the magnitude of the blessings bestowed upon us.

As the pomp of the day gives way to the darkness of night, our hearts may grow weary and saddened. However, we find solace in the hymn’s plea for God’s changeless light to warm and cheer our hearts. In the face of encroaching shadows, we need not fear, for our Father is ever-present. He remains our steadfast companion, providing comfort and guidance even in the midst of the gloomiest nights.

In the humility of sincere prayer, we seek the grace and forgiveness of our merciful Father. We acknowledge the burden of our sins and their sharp sting within our hearts. Despite our many failures, this hymn assures us that there is hope in the loving heart of Jesus, who made our peace through His suffering. His love far surpasses the strength of our sins, for His mercy endures forever.

Here, the hymn points to the brilliance and safety found in the eternal city, a metaphorical representation of God’s divine presence. It beseeches God to shelter and protect us as the tempests of life rage around us. In times of darkness, when trials and tribulations threaten to overwhelm, we find solace in the assurance that we are not alone. Our God, the light of every faithful soul, gently guides us, even when the way forward seems impossible to discern.

Recognizing the adversaries that seek to ensnare us, we implore God to rescue us from the power of darkness and the cunning snares of Satan. We acknowledge that it is only through God’s grace that we can find freedom from these entanglements. His light pierces the deepest darkness and fills our hearts with gladness, shielding us from pain even in the midst of sadness.

As our weary eyes begin to close, and our physical senses surrender to sleep, our souls remain ever vigilant in their connection to God. Like a lover’s dream, our spirits continually yearn for Him, cleaving firmly to His presence. Even in our resting state, we long for the grace and comfort that He upon us.

With the twilight vanished, the hymn implores God to bless our sleep, banishing all sin and terror. It asks for calm and deep rest, not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones and all those who have supported us. In this final verse, the hymn refers to the holistic well-being, encompassing the soul, body, mind, health, relationships, and earthly possessions. It illustrates the depth of our reliance on God’s protection and care in all aspects of our lives.

In conclusion, “Sink Not Yet, My Soul, to Slumber” weaves together a tapestry of gratitude, faith, and reliance on God’s unwavering love. Through its verses, we are reminded to count our blessings, seek forgiveness, and surrender our burdens to the merciful Father. As we navigate life’s journey, we find solace in the divine assurance that God’s light will guide us, providing comfort and protection, even in the darkest of nights.

May we hold steadfast to these timeless truths and find strength in the abundant mercies of our Heavenly Father, knowing that He is always near, listening to our prayers, and ready to embrace us with His never-ending love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the comfort and strength in God's mercies with Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber. Reflect on the unfathomable blessings that shield and guide us through life's challenges. Find solace in His unwavering love.
Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber - Hymn Lyric - Discover the comfort and strength in God's mercies with "Sink Not Yet My Soul To Slumber." Reflect on the unfathomable blessings that shield and guide us through life's challenges. Find solace in His unwavering love.