Soldiers Of Jesus His Cross We Bear – Hymn Lyric

Stand for Truth and Right! Join the Valiant Soldiers of Jesus

Soldiers Of Jesus His Cross We Bear – Hymn Lyric

In the uplifting hymn, “ of Jesus, His Cross We Bear,” we are reminded of the importance of standing up for truth and righteousness. As valiant soldiers of a mighty King, we march forward with faith, armed with the armor of righteousness, determined to resist error and falsehood. This powerful hymn encourages us to be brave warriors for Jesus, bearing His cross with unwavering strength, as we strive for victory in our pursuit of justice and goodness.


Soldiers Of Jesus His Cross We Bear – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers of Jesus, His cross we bear,
For truth and for right all trials dare;
Clad in the armor of faith we come,
We’re marching to Zion our home.

Stand for the right! this our watchword shall ,
Valiant soldiers of a mighty King,
Right we’re pressing with sword and shield,
To error we never will yield.

Proudly our banner we bear on high,
The contest we seek is drawing nigh;
Jesus is leading our army on,
The victory soon will be won.


Ever upholding the cause we love,
Our trust in the pow’r of above,
Looking to Jesus, our , King,
This chorus we joyfully sing.



Meaning of Soldiers Of Jesus His Cross We Bear

Soldiers of Jesus, His Cross We Bear: Standing for Truth and Right

In this uplifting hymn, “Soldiers of Jesus, His Cross We Bear,” we are reminded of the importance of standing up for what is true and right. As valiant soldiers of a mighty King, we march forward with faith, armed with the armor of righteousness. Let’s delve deeper into the powerful message conveyed in this hymn and explore how it relates to our lives today.

The first verse of the hymn encourages us to be brave warriors for Jesus, willing to face any trials that come our way in the pursuit of truth and righteousness. It reminds us that we are clothed in the armor of faith, providing us with strength and protection on our journey. Just like soldiers who march with pride and purpose, we are marching towards our eternal home, Zion.

The chorus of the hymn reiterates our mission as valiant soldiers of the King, standing for what is right and true. The watchword rings out, urging us to persevere and overcome challenges with determination. With sword and shield in hand, we press onward, unwavering in our commitment to resist error and falsehood. This powerful imagery reminds us to in our beliefs and to never compromise our values.

When we proudly raise our banner high, we announce our presence in the contest against evil and injustice. We declare that we are actively engaging in the fight, under the leadership of Jesus Himself. As soldiers in His army, victory is certain, for with Him by our side, we cannot fail. The hymn’s chorus reinforces the idea that we are part of a divine purpose, and the we seek is within our grasp.

As we move forward, this hymn reminds us to remain faithful to the cause we love. Our trust lies not in our own strength, but in the power of God above. We fix our gaze on Jesus, our Savior and King, for it is through Him that we find the inspiration and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. With hearts full of joy, we joyfully sing this chorus, celebrating our unwavering commitment to truth and righteousness.

This hymn’s message resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds, for it speaks to the universal desire for justice and goodness. It encourages us to be soldiers in the army of Jesus, ready to take a stand against injustice, oppression, and falsehoods. Whether we face personal struggles or witness injustice in the around us, this hymn reminds us that we are called to be warriors for truth.

In today’s world, there are countless opportunities to stand up for what is right. We can speak out against bullying, advocate for the marginalized, and promote equality and respect. We can lend a helping hand to those in need, showing kindness and to everyone we encounter. By embodying the spirit of the hymn, we can make a profound difference in our communities and in the lives of others.

As we persist in our pursuit of truth and righteousness, let us remember the powerful message conveyed in this hymn. May we always be willing to bear the cross of Jesus, following His example of selflessness and love. And in doing so, may we stand united as soldiers of a mighty King, advancing towards a world where justice, compassion, and truth prevail.

So, let us heed the call to be valiant soldiers of Jesus, embracing His teachings, and spreading love and understanding wherever we go. Together, we will march towards victory, bearing His cross with unwavering strength and unwavering faith.

As we reflect on the inspiring words of this hymn, let us remember that we are not alone in this journey. Jesus leads our army, guiding us through every battle we face. With Him at the forefront, victory is not only possible but inevitable. So, let us take up the banner of truth and righteousness, and let our voices ring out, for we are the soldiers of Jesus, bearing His cross.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Stand for Truth and Right! Join the Valiant Soldiers of Jesus, Bearing His Cross. March onward with faith and righteousness, fighting for justice and victory. We are the soldiers of Jesus, standing strong.
Soldiers Of Jesus His Cross We Bear - Hymn Lyric - Stand for Truth and Right! Join the Valiant Soldiers of Jesus, Bearing His Cross. March onward with faith and righteousness, fighting for justice and victory. We are the soldiers of Jesus, standing strong.