Soul Soul On Lifes Journey Pressing – Hymn Lyric

Follow the path of righteousness on life's journey! Find solace in God's love and protection. Trust in His strength when facing challenges. Join the journey of the soul!

Soul Soul On Lifes Journey Pressing – Hymn Lyric

In this engaging hymn titled “Soul! Soul! On Life’s Journey Pressing,” we are reminded of the importance of following God’s path and staying from worldly temptations. Life can sometimes feel lonely and challenging, but God’s boundless and love are there to guide and protect us. By trusting in Him, clinging to His strength, and walking on the narrow way, we can find solace, rest, and eternal fulfillment.


Soul Soul On Lifes Journey Pressing – Hymn Lyric

Soul! soul! on life’s journey pressing
Swiftly on from day to day;
List! list! to the ‘s entreating,
Walk in the narrow way.

Will you follow where He leads?
Hear the call, gentle call;
Hear the blessed invitation,
Yet He calls, Jesus calls!

Long! long! you have lonely wandered,
Knowing not the Father’s love;
Still! still! in His boundless mercy,
He doth beckon thee above.

Will you follow where He leads?
Hear the call, gentle call;
Hear the blessed invitation,
Yet He calls, Jesus calls!

Flee! flee! ere the storm clouds lower,
To the shelter of His breast;
Safe! safe! from the pow’r of evil
You for shall rest!

Will you follow where He leads?
Hear the call, gentle call;
Hear the blessed invitation,
Yet He calls, Jesus calls!

Cling! cling! in weakness ever,
Close to Jesus’ bleeding side;
Trust! trust! in His pow’r to strengthen,
Cling to Him whate’er betide.

Will you follow where He leads?
Hear the call, gentle call;
Hear the blessed invitation,
Yet He calls, Jesus calls!


Meaning of Soul Soul On Lifes Journey Pressing

Soul! soul! on life’s journey pressing,

Swiftly on from day to day;

! listen! to the Lord’s entreating,

Walk thou in the narrow way.

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the importance of following the path that the Lord has set for us. Life can sometimes feel like a long and lonely journey, but the Lord is always there, ready to guide and protect us. He calls us to walk on the narrow way, to choose the righteous path and stay away from worldly temptations.

As we go through life, it’s easy to get lost and wander aimlessly. We may feel a sense of loneliness, not fully understanding or experiencing the Father’s love. But the good news is that God’s mercy is boundless, and He beckons us to experience His love and find solace in His arms.

Sometimes, life throws storms our way. The dark clouds of troubles and challenges may gather, and it’s in those moments that we should flee to the shelter of His breast. In God’s embrace, we find safety and protection from the power of evil. When we surrender ourselves to Him, He promises us eternal rest.

In our weaknesses and struggles, it’s crucial to cling to Jesus’ bleeding side. This means staying close to Him, relying on His strength to overcome any obstacles that come our way. He has the power to strengthen us, and if we trust Him no matter what happens, He will carry us through.

The title of this hymn, “Soul! Soul! On Life’s Journey Pressing,” encapsulates the urgency and importance of our spiritual journey. Our soul is precious and needs constant nourishment in order to grow and thrive. Life’s journey is a pressing matter, as every decision we make and every step we take has eternal consequences.

When it comes to writing an 800-word piece that ranks in search engines, it’s crucial to include the title, “Soul Soul On Life’s Journey Pressing,” as an SEO keyword throughout the content. This helps search engines understand the relevance of the article and increase its chances of appearing in relevant searches.

In examining the hymn’s verse, we can expand on the ideas of journey, following the Lord’s calling, seeking His guidance, experiencing His love, finding rest and safety, depending on His strength, and persevering in the face of challenges.

Life is often described as a journey, and just like any journey, it has its ups and downs. We face different challenges, make choices, and encounter various experiences along the way. However, for believers, life’s journey takes on an added spiritual dimension.

The hymn encourages us to listen to the Lord’s entreatings. It’s important to develop a spirit of discernment and actively seek His guidance in our lives. This requires us to be attentive, to immerse ourselves in His Word, and to spend time in prayer and reflection. By doing so, we align ourselves with God’s plan and are able to walk in the narrow way.

The narrow way mentioned in the hymn refers to a life of faith, righteousness, and obedience to God’s commandments. It’s not an easy path to walk on, as it requires discipline and sacrifice. However, it’s in following this narrow way that we find true joy, peace, and fulfillment.

The refrain of the hymn poses a question to us: “Will you follow where He leads?” This question invites us to examine our willingness to surrender to God’s will and follow His guidance. It’s a gentle call, reminding us that Jesus is inviting us to walk alongside Him. Through this invitation, we have the opportunity to experience a deeper relationship with Him and receive His blessings.

Loneliness is a common feeling we may encounter on our journey through life. We may feel disconnected from others, misunderstood, or unloved. However, the hymn reminds us that even in our loneliest moments, God’s boundless mercy reaches out to us. He longs for us to experience the depth of His love, to know that we are never alone, and to find our true belonging in Him.

Storm clouds are a metaphor for the trials and challenges that come our way. They represent the difficulties, hardships, and temptations that can threaten to overshadow our lives. Yet, through faith and by seeking refuge in God’s presence, we can find shelter and protection from the power of evil.

The dark clouds of life may be formidable, but they are no match for the love and power of God. When we trust in Him and cling to His promises, we can find solace and peace in the midst of any storm. By holding tight to Jesus’ bleeding side, symbolizing His sacrifice on the cross, we can draw strength from His and overcome whatever difficulties we face.

Trusting in God’s power to strengthen us enables us to face any adversity that comes our way. In times of weakness, doubt, or fear, we can rely on His support and guidance. Clinging to Him means staying close to Him in prayer, reading His Word, and seeking His wisdom. It also means surrendering our plans, desires, and anxieties to Him, trusting that He will all things together for our good.

In conclusion, “Soul! Soul! On Life’s Journey Pressing” is a hymn that speaks to the importance of following God’s calling, seeking His guidance, experiencing His love, finding rest and safety in Him, and relying on His strength. Life’s journey is a pressing matter, and it’s essential for our souls to stay connected with our Creator. When writing a piece around this hymn, it’s important to use the title as an SEO keyword to increase its visibility in search rankings. By expanding on the ideas presented in the hymn and providing insights and reflections, we can offer encouragement and spiritual guidance to those who come across this content. May we all find the strength, courage, and faith to press on along the narrow way, following the Lord’s gentle call as we navigate life’s journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Follow the path of righteousness on life's journey! Find solace in God's love and protection. Trust in His strength when facing challenges. Join the journey of the soul!
Soul Soul On Lifes Journey Pressing - Hymn Lyric - Follow the path of righteousness on life's journey! Find solace in God's love and protection. Trust in His strength when facing challenges. Join the journey of the soul!