Spirit of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Spirit of Jesus - a force of love and redemption. Experience His mission to bring peace

Spirit of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The of Jesus is a powerful force of love and compassion that continues to inspire and guide us today. Through the hymn, we see Jesus’ mission on Earth – to bring peace, raise up the lowly, and show ‘s love to all. His love knows no bounds, and He is always with us, ready to guide and comfort. Let us open our hearts to the Spirit of Jesus and allow His love to transform our lives.


Spirit of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

not to crush with abject fear
The burdened of man
Did Jesus on the earth appear,
And open heaven’s high plan:

He came to bid him find repose,
And God his Father know;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.

not in coldness nor in pride
His holy he trod;
‘Twas his delight to turn aside
And win the lost to God;

And sorrowing guilt disclose
The fount whence peace should flow;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.

not with cold, unfeeling eye
Did he the suffering view;
Not on the other side pass by,
And deem their tears untrue;

‘Twas to him to heal their woes,
And heaven’s sweet refuge show;
And thus with love to raise up those
That once were bowed low.


Meaning of Spirit of Jesus

The Spirit of Jesus is one of love, compassion, and redemption. Throughout the hymn, we see the message of Jesus’ mission on Earth – to bring peace, to raise up the lowly, and to show God’s love to all. In this expansion, we will explore the themes of fear, burden, and finding repose in Jesus, as well as how Jesus turned aside to help those who were lost, and how he brought and refuge to the suffering. The Spirit of Jesus is a powerful force that continues to inspire and guide us today.

The hymn begins by acknowledging that Jesus did not to crush us with fear, but rather to relieve the burdened soul of man. Fear is a common emotion that many people experience, and it can be overwhelming and paralyzing at times. However, Jesus came to earth to show us that we do not need to be afraid. He came to open heaven’s high plan, to reveal the truth that God is our Father and that in Him we can find repose and peace.

“Raising up those that once were bowed low” is a central message in the hymn. Jesus did not come in coldness or pride, but with love and compassion. He deliberately turned aside to help those who were lost, guiding them back to God. His mission was not only to bring salvation, but also to reveal the fount of peace and love that could wash away their guilt and . In this act of raising up the lowly, Jesus demonstrated God’s infinite love for all of humanity.

The hymn emphasizes that Jesus did not view the suffering with a cold, unfeeling eye. He did not ignore their tears or pass by on the other side. Instead, it brought Him joy to heal their woes and offer them the sweet refuge of heaven. The Spirit of Jesus is one of empathy and understanding. He sees our pain and suffering, and He is always there to provide comfort and solace. He is a source of healing and in times of difficulty.

The Spirit of Jesus is not bound by time or place. While the hymn describes Jesus’ earthly ministry, His love and compassion continue to permeate our lives today. The message of the hymn is timeless, reminding us that we can still experience the Spirit of Jesus in our daily lives. Through our faith and belief in Him, we can find solace, guidance, and healing.

In conclusion, the Spirit of Jesus is a powerful force of love and compassion. This hymn illustrates Jesus’ mission on Earth – to relieve fear and burdens, to raise up the lowly, and to bring healing and refuge to the suffering. His love knows no bounds, and He is always with us, ready to guide and comfort. As we reflect on the message of this hymn, let us open our hearts to the Spirit of Jesus and allow His love to transform our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Spirit of Jesus - a force of love and redemption. Experience His mission to bring peace, raise the lowly, and offer healing. Find solace and guidance in His everlasting presence.
Spirit of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the Spirit of Jesus - a force of love and redemption. Experience His mission to bring peace, raise the lowly, and offer healing. Find solace and guidance in His everlasting presence.