Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight – Hymn Lyric

Discover True Joy in God | Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight | Find lasting happiness in the presence of God. Let go of worldly distractions and embrace eternal treasures. Seek fulfillment in Him alone.

Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight – Hymn Lyric

Discovering lasting happiness and contentment in God is the central theme of the “Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight.” With a powerful call to rise above worldly distractions and focus on truths, the poet reminds us to let go of fleeting pleasures and find true in our connection with God. By prioritizing our relationship with Him and fixing our gaze on His unchanging , we can experience a deep and abiding contentment that surpasses the transitory allure of this world.


Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight – Hymn Lyric

Spring up, my soul, with ardent flight,
Nor let this earth delude thy sight
With glitt’ trifles, gay and vain.

Wisdom directs thy view
To objects ever grand and new
And faith displays the train.

Be dead, my hopes, to all below;
Nor let unbounded torrents flow,
When mourning o’er my wither’d joys.

So this deceitful world is known:
Possess’d, I call it not my own,
Nor glory in its painted toys.

The empty pageant rolls along;
The giddy inexperienc’d throng
Pursue it with enchanted eyes:

It passeth in swift march away;
Still more and more its charms decay,
Till the last gaudy colour dies.

My God! to thee my soul shall turn;
To thee my noblest passions burn,
And drink in bliss from thee alone.

I fix on that unchanging home,
Where never-fading pleasures bloom,
Fresh-springing round thy radiant throne.


Meaning of Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight

Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight: Finding True Joy in God

In the hymn “Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight,” the poet beautifully captures the essence of finding true joy and contentment in God rather than in the fleeting pleasures of this world. With a heart full of optimism and a yearning for something greater, the poet urges their soul to rise above the distractions and vanities of earthly and focus on the eternal treasures that await.

The opening verse encourages the soul to not be deceived by the glimmering but shallow allure of worldly delights. The poet reminds us that true wisdom lies in seeking divine guidance and fixing our gaze on truths, instead of being captivated by the transient and superficial. So often, our own desires blind us to the beauty and purpose that God has planned for us.

Dear friends, it is important for us to recognize that all that the world offers us is nothing more than a passing illusion. The poet advises us to let go of our earthly hopes and sorrows, refusing to let them consume us. Instead, we are encouraged to recognize that this world is not our true home. We should not attach ourselves to material possessions or accomplishments, for they are mere toys, fading in their significance over time.

Just as a pageant swiftly passes by, eliciting temporary fascination from the onlookers, so too does the allure of this world lose its appeal with the passage of time. Its once vibrant and enchanting colors fade away, leaving only emptiness and dissatisfaction in their wake. The poet cautions against allowing ourselves to be ensnared by this ever-changing and deceptive reality.

To counter this evanescent illusion, the hymn directs us to turn our souls towards God – the only source of lasting joy and fulfillment. It is in Him that our noblest passions find their true purpose. The poet paints a picture of an unchanging home, where pleasures never fade and continually spring around God’s radiant throne. This imagery reminds us that the eternal blessings and joys we find in our relationship with God far surpass anything this world can offer.

In essence, dear reader, the message of “Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight” is a call to refocus our priorities and find true contentment in the presence of God. We are urged to let go of the fleeting distractions that surround us and turn our hearts towards that which is eternal. By doing so, we will find a deep and abiding joy that surpasses the short-lived pleasures of this world.

It is not an easy task to resist the allure of worldly pleasures. The constant bombardment of advertisements, social media, and societal pressures can make it difficult to maintain a steadfast focus on God. However, by regularly engaging in prayer, meditation, and studying scripture, we can create a strong foundation for our faith. These practices allow us to align our desires with God’s will and cultivate a deeper connection with Him.

When we choose to prioritize our relationship with God, we open ourselves up to His blessings and grace. We allow Him to guide our steps, shape our desires, and bring true joy into our lives. Through His love, we can experience a contentment that is not contingent upon external circumstances but rather derived from the knowledge that we are loved unconditionally by our Creator.

In conclusion, dear friends, let us heed the wisdom found in the hymn “Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight.” May we be inspired to look beyond the glittering trifles of this world and seek the everlasting treasures that God has in store for us. May our hearts be filled with an unwavering desire to know Him more deeply and to find our true joy in His presence. Let us embrace the unchanging home where eternal pleasures bloom, and may our souls spring up with ardent flight towards the embrace of our loving God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover True Joy in God | Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight | Find lasting happiness in the presence of God. Let go of worldly distractions and embrace eternal treasures. Seek fulfillment in Him alone.
Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight - Hymn Lyric - Discover True Joy in God | Spring Up My Soul With Ardent Flight | Find lasting happiness in the presence of God. Let go of worldly distractions and embrace eternal treasures. Seek fulfillment in Him alone.