Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Sweetness of Worshiping Together in Sacred Spaces. Join a community of believers in the presence of our Lord. Find solace

Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls – Hymn Lyric

“Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls”: The Joy of Worshiping Together Step inside the hallowed walls of the house of prayer and feel the sweet and inviting voice that calls us to worship. In this sacred space, we find solace, unity, and the presence of our . Let us cherish this privilege and let our worship gatherings be a testament to the power of community and the peace that comes with worshiping together.


Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls – Hymn Lyric

Sweet is the voice that solemn calls
The Christian to the house of prayer
I love to stand within these walls
For Thou, O Lord, art present there

I love to tread the courts hallowed
Where two or three for worship meet
For Christ Himself resorts, behold
And makes the little band complete

‘Tis sweet to raise the common song
To join in and love, holy
And imitate the blessed throng
That hearts and songs above doth mingle

Within these walls, may peace abound
May all our hearts in one agree
Where meet, where Christ is found
May peace and concord ever be


Meaning of Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls

Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls: The Joy of Worshiping Together

Worshiping in a community is a truly beautiful experience. When we gather together in a sacred , the very walls seem to radiate with a sense of reverence and tranquility. It is within these walls that we are reminded of the presence of our Lord, who welcomes us with open arms.

As we step inside the house of prayer, we leave the chaos and distractions of the outside world behind. It is here that we find solace, comfort, and a sense of purpose. The voice that calls us to worship is sweet and inviting, like the warm embrace of a loved one. It beckons us to come closer, to draw near to the source of our strength and hope.

Within these hallowed courts, we find a gathering of hearts and . It is a place where two or three come together to worship, to lift their voices in praise, and to seek the presence of Christ. In this gathering, we find that we are not alone. Our Lord Himself joins us, completing our little band with His grace and love.

What a sweet privilege it is to raise our voices together in a common song. As we join in holy praise and love, we become a reflection of the heavenly throng above. We imitate the blessed souls who stand before God, mingling their hearts and songs in eternal harmony. In this sacred space, we catch a glimpse of the unity and joy that us in the presence of our Creator.

But worship is not just about songs and offering prayers. It is about cultivating peace and concord within our hearts and among our fellow brethren. As we gather together, may peace abound within these walls. May our hearts be in perfect agreement, from discord and divisions. In the presence of Christ, may we find the strength to let go of our differences and embrace the unity that comes from being part of His family.

Let this be the legacy of our worship gatherings – a legacy of love, peace, and understanding. May our collective worship be a testament to the transforming power of Christ’s presence. Within these walls, where His name is proclaimed and His grace is abundant, let peace and concord reign supreme.

So let us cherish the sweet voice that calls us to worship. Let us treasure the moments we spend within these hallowed courts. For in these moments, we find a sense of belonging, a taste of heaven on earth. We find the strength to face the world outside, knowing that we are not alone.

Let us raise our voices in song and join in holy praise. Let us imitate the saints of old, who worshiped with passion and . Let us seek the peace and unity that Christ offers, both within ourselves and among our brethren. And as we do so, may our worship gatherings be a beacon of hope, an oasis of love, and a testament to the power of community.

In conclusion, sweet is the solemn voice that calls us to the house of prayer. Within its walls, we find solace, unity, and the presence of our Lord. Let us cherish this privilege and make the most of each gathering. May our worship be a reflection of the heavenly throng above, as we join our hearts and songs in praise to our Creator. And in this sacred space, may peace and concord reign forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Sweetness of Worshiping Together in Sacred Spaces. Join a community of believers in the presence of our Lord. Find solace, unity, and peace within the hallowed walls. Cherish this privilege and let your voices and hearts join in praise to our Creator.
Sweet Is The Solemn Voice That Calls - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Sweetness of Worshiping Together in Sacred Spaces. Join a community of believers in the presence of our Lord. Find solace, unity, and peace within the hallowed walls. Cherish this privilege and let your voices and hearts join in praise to our Creator.