Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Experience the sweeter-than-all love of the Savior. Overflowing grace

Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

The love of the Savior is sweeter than anything on earth. It fills our hearts and souls, giving us worth and joy. Let His love make us whole and guide us in every aspect of our lives.


Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Sweeter than all is the love of the Savior,
Dearer by far than earth’s jewels so rare,
Flooding my soul by the grace of His favor,
Filling my heart with the spirit of .

Pardoning grace the Master has spoken,
Pardoning grace has now made me whole;
On Calv’ry’s brow His poor heart was broken-
Pardoning grace for my sin sick soul.


Wonderful thought! how it fills me with singing!
Jesus has spoken, His word is divine;
I can rejoice, for His is bringing
Life that is blessed and sweet into mine.


I am content, for I He is near me,
Keeping me pure by His wonderful grace,
Whispering words full of comfort to cheer me,
Lighting my soul with a glimpse of His face.


There is a refuge beyond pain and sorrow!
When He shall call me to dwell with Him there
I shall behold, in a brighter tomorrow,
Jesus my king, all His glory to share.



Meaning of Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior

In our journey through life, we encounter countless emotions, experiences, and relationships, but there’s one special kind of love that stands out as unique and incomparable: Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior. This phrase captures the essence of a feeling many people hold dear to their hearts—the love and grace felt from their faith and spiritual connection with the divine, especially within the Christian tradition.

“Sweeter than all is the love of the Savior,” Hymn to the love that outshines all others, purer, more faithful, and infinitely more precious than the rarest jewels on Earth. But what exactly makes this love so extraordinary?

For starters, there’s the idea of unconditional love. Imagine a love that doesn’t change, no matter what you do, a love that’s always there for you even when you make mistakes. That’s how the love of the Savior is often described. Unlike human love that can be fickle and sometimes dependent on what we do, this divine love is steadfast and unwavering.

Now, think of the most comforting person you know—the one who always seems to have the right words, who makes you feel better just by being there. That’s a tiny glimpse of what the love of the Savior feels like—a flood of grace and comfort that fills the soul, giving us the feeling of security and .

The hymn speaks of a “pardoning grace,” a forgiveness that’s freely given, not because we’ve earned it, but simply because of compassionate love. Everyone makes mistakes, but to have those mistakes forgiven without any lingering resentment, that’s another aspect of the love we’re talking about. It’s a clean slate, a fresh start, and a chance to try again, knowing you’re still loved and accepted.

Then there’s the refrain that touches on the joy this love brings. “Wonderful thought! How it fills me with singing!” Picture feeling so and that you can’t help but burst into song—that’s the effect of knowing and accepting this divine love into one’s life. It’s a source of deep and abiding joy that’s not dependent on external circumstances, but comes from within.

If you’ve ever felt or afraid, there’s comfort in believing that the love of the Savior is always close by. It’s as if you have a constant companion, someone to talk to at any time, someone who listens and understands. That’s incredibly reassuring, especially in moments of doubt or uncertainty. The hymn describes this as “whispering words full of comfort to cheer me,” a gentle, supporting presence that lights up life with .

Finally, the hymn paints a picture of a future filled with joy, away from life’s pain and sorrow. Many people find strength in the hope that their faith offers a promise of eternal peace and happiness. It’s a refuge, a place to look forward to where hardships are no longer present, and where one can be in the full presence of this loving Savior.

The love of the Savior is indeed sweeter than all, providing not just a to spiritual fulfillment but serving as a guiding light through the ups and downs of life. It’s a love that encourages kindness, forgiveness, and hope, and that’s something worth sharing and celebrating. Many people find comfort and strength in their faith journeys, and, for them, hymns like this resonate deeply with their experiences and aspirations.

When you a hymn or any song with such impactful lyrics, it’s more than just a pleasant tune—it’s a message, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of the principles that make life more meaningful. For those who believe, it’s one of the many ways they can connect with their faith, reflect on the love they experience from their Savior, and spread that love through their actions and interactions with others.

The love of the Savior isn’t something you can touch or see, but for many, it’s as real as anything tangible. It’s found in acts of kindness, in moments of serenity, and in the community of believers sharing their beliefs and supporting one another. So, as the hymn suggests, this love is indeed a treasure worth more than any earthly possession—it’s a beacon of hope, a source of solace, and a wellspring of joy for all who embrace it.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the sweeter-than-all love of the Savior. Overflowing grace, mercy, and blessings that fill your soul. Feel His unconditional love, guiding you to a brighter tomorrow. Cherish this divine love, it's the ultimate treasure.
Sweeter Than All Is The Love Of The Savior - Hymn Lyric - Experience the sweeter-than-all love of the Savior. Overflowing grace, mercy, and blessings that fill your soul. Feel His unconditional love, guiding you to a brighter tomorrow. Cherish this divine love, it's the ultimate treasure.