Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound joy and freedom found in the hymn "Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me." Discover how Jesus' cleansing power sets us free from sin and leads to eternal salvation.

Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn, the author expresses deep gratitude for Jesus’ cleansing power, which has freed them from the bondage of sin. They rejoice in the freedom they have found in Jesus and confidently anticipate eternal salvation. This hymn serves as a reminder of the transformative and redemptive work of Jesus in our lives.


Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me – Hymn Lyric

Thank God my Jesus cleanseth me
From all sins I committed,
He paid my debt and set me free,
I, therefore, am acquitted.

Of sin’s and Satan’s bondage fell;
My faith now laughs at death and hell,
Because my life is Jesus.

Why should I grieve? He who fulfilled
The Law, thus to release us,
He who His Father’s wrath has stilled
By His own death, this Jesus.

Still liveth, and all that He hath
He giveth unto me through faith;
Is there a greater ?

Because my Jesus cleanseth me
From sin by His own merit,
I am from pain and fear set free,
Death cannot daunt my .

I trust in Jesus’ righteousness,
His and blessedness
Are now my life and treasure.

Now I, like Simeon, can end
My life in and gladness,
And to my God I can commend
My spirit without sadness.

For when my weary eyes I close,
My death becomes a sweet repose,
I see the joys of heaven.

How , therefore, shall I be,
When life’s frail thread is broken;
When holy angels carry me
To joys that ne’er were spoken.

When I behold Him face to face,
When I have gained that blessed place,
Prepared for me by Jesus.

Lord, grant that e’er prepared I be,
That naught from Thee me sever.
And when I die, let me with Thee
In glory live forever.

quickly to deliver me,
Lord, by Thy death and agony,
Yea, come, Lord Jesus! Amen.


Meaning of Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me

Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me: Rejoicing in the Freedom from Sin

In this heartfelt hymn, the author expresses deep gratitude for the cleansing power of Jesus, who has freed them from the shackles of sin. With joyful confidence, the hymn reveals the unwavering faith in Jesus’ righteousness and the hope of eternal salvation. Let us explore the profound ideas contained within the hymn and bask in the comforting assurance of a life transformed by Jesus.

The hymn opens with the powerful declaration, “THANK God my Jesus cleanseth me.” The author immediately acknowledges their gratitude towards God for the cleansing work of Jesus in their life. This gratitude stems from the understanding that they were burdened by the weight of their sins, but Jesus graciously paid the debt and set them free. This realization is life-changing, as the author now stands acquitted from sin’s bondage and Satan’s grasp. It is through faith in Jesus that the author finds the courage to confront death and hell itself.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus as the fulfillment of the law, highlighting His role in releasing mankind. By fulfilling the law, Jesus was able to appease the wrath of God the Father through His sacrificial death. The hymn underscores the eternal significance of Jesus’ , stating that He not only lives today but also shares all He has with those who trust in Him. This encompasses a remarkable truth – that believers become recipients of Jesus’ life and treasure through faith.

The second verse underscores the immediate implications of Jesus’ cleansing power. By being cleansed from sin through Jesus’ merit, the author experiences freedom from pain and fear. Death itself no longer holds any power over their spirit. This newfound liberation stems from a profound trust in Jesus’ righteousness, innocence, and blessedness. For the author, these qualities have now become their own life and treasure.

The hymn recalls Simeon, a biblical figure who, upon seeing the baby Jesus, declared that he could now depart from this in peace. Similarly, the author confidently proclaims that when their earthly journey reaches its end, they too will experience peace and gladness. They entrust their spirit into the hands of God without any sadness or fear. In death, a sweet repose awaits them as they anticipate the joys of heaven and the glorious presence of Jesus.

The hymn expresses the author’s anticipation of the moment when they will meet Jesus face to face. This for the ultimate reunion with their Savior reflects a deep yearning for the promised joys of an eternal home. The author’s faith is unwavering, for they believe that Jesus has prepared a special place for them in heaven. Such anticipation is grounded in the unshakable belief that Jesus, through His death and agony, will personally deliver them into eternal glory.

In the concluding portion of the hymn, the author humbly prays that they may always be prepared to meet God. They desire nothing to separate them from Him. With a profound sense of urgency, they implore Jesus to come quickly and deliver them. This signifies a longing for the day when their faith will be transformed into sight and they will forever dwell in God’s presence.

In conclusion, “Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me” is a testament to the transformative power of Jesus in one’s life. The hymn beautifully captures the joy, gratitude, and hope that emanate from a liberated by the cleansing blood of Jesus. It speaks to the relentless pursuit of righteousness and the ultimate longing to be in the eternal presence of God. May this hymn serve as a reminder of the immense love and grace Jesus offers to all who believe in Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the profound joy and freedom found in the hymn Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me. Discover how Jesus' cleansing power sets us free from sin and leads to eternal salvation.
Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the profound joy and freedom found in the hymn "Thank God My Jesus Cleanseth Me." Discover how Jesus' cleansing power sets us free from sin and leads to eternal salvation.