The Clover Blossoms Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the beauty of summer with the sweet scent of clover blossoms and the gentle messages of dandelions

The Clover Blossoms Sweet – Hymn Lyric

In the midst of a vibrant summer day, the clover blossoms bloom at our feet, their tiny cups lifting with perfume to greet us. Alongside the and daisies, these blossoms whisper messages of beauty, hope, and divine love, urging us to embrace our worth and cherish the simple joys of life. As we immerse ourselves in the presence of these sweet messengers, we are reminded that we, too, are precious blossoms in the garden of life, connected by the thread of divine love.


The Clover Blossoms Sweet – Hymn Lyric

The clover blossoms sweet,
Are blooming at our feet,
Each tiny cup is lifted up
With perfume sweet to greet.

The dandelions gay
Like little ones at play
Are here and there and everywhere
The live-long summer day.

They from God above
Sweet gifts for you and me.

The daisies seem to be,
Fair stars for you and me,
So free and bright, so pure and white,
These day-stars we see.

The of gold
So many sunbeams hold
They fill the hours with golden show’rs,
Their is never told.


O, summer blossoms dear,
We’re bending very near.
Your message sweet, to us repeat
Your words we’ll try to .

The blossoms seem to say,
All in their own sweet ,
From God above, whose name is Love,
We come to you today.



Meaning of The Clover Blossoms Sweet

As we find ourselves amidst the tender embrace of a summer day, let us take a moment to observe the world around us, to breathe in the delicate fragrance of the clover blossoms sweet, blooming vibrantly at our feet. Each tiny cup, lifted towards the heavens, carries a message of hope and beauty, a fragrant whisper from the Divine.

When we look closer, we notice the dandelions, their golden heads swaying gently, reminding us of little ones at play. They scatter across the greenery, a spontaneous army of joy, reminding us of the simplicity and that life offers if we only look for it. Their presence, constant and persistent throughout the summer, teaches us the value of embracing life’s continual surprises and the unexpected blessings that come our way.

Think, too, of the daisies, those fair stars that dot the fields like tiny beacons of purity and light. Their carefree existence and pure white petals speak to us of freedom and innocence. In the busyness of our lives, we tend to lose sight of the innate beauty within and around us. The daisies are a gentle nudge, urging us to reconnect with our true selves, reminding us that we are inherently worthy, bright, and beautiful, just as they are.

Then there are the buttercups, golden and radiant, holding onto sunbeams as if they were precious jewels. They teach us generosity, showering us with their golden glow and asking for nothing in return. Their wealth, indeed, is never told – it’s boundless. Just like the buttercups, we have within us an infinite capacity to share our inner light, our love, and our kindness.

The presence of these blossoms, dear friends, is not merely a coincidence. They have come close to our hearts to repeat a message so profound and essential: “From God above, whose name is Love, we come to you today.” They dwell among us as simple yet profound gifts, gentle reminders of the ever-present divine love that surrounds and nurtures us.

Amidst our vulnerabilities and truths, the blossoms stand as a testament to life’s simple yet profound truths. Their message is clear: Embrace your humanity with kindness, accept yourself with compassion, and connect deeply with the world around you. Listen to what these sweet messengers whisper. They ask us to recognize our worth, to appreciate the simple joys, and to understand that we, too, are blossoms in the garden of life, unique and beautiful in our way.

As you move through your days, remember these little guides. Allow the clover, the dandelions, the daisies, and the buttercups to remind you of the divine gifts you hold within. Embrace your journey of self-discovery with an open heart. Know that you are a cherished part of this vast, intricate tapestry of existence, connected deeply to everything around you by the thread of divine love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the beauty of summer with the sweet scent of clover blossoms and the gentle messages of dandelions, daisies, and buttercups. Discover the divine love that surrounds you.
The Clover Blossoms Sweet - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the beauty of summer with the sweet scent of clover blossoms and the gentle messages of dandelions, daisies, and buttercups. Discover the divine love that surrounds you.