The Death Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience comfort and joy in the death of Jesus Christ

The Death Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

“The Death of Jesus Christ Our Lord: A Source of Comfort and Joy” In the hymn “The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It brings us comfort in times of distress and fills our hearts with joy and happiness. We should take a moment to reflect on the significance of His death and what it means for us.


The Death Of Jesus Christ Our Lord – Hymn Lyric

The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
We celebrate with one accord;
It is our comfort in distress,
Our heart’s sweet joy and happiness.

He blotted out with His own
The judgment that against us stood;
He full atonement for us made,
And all our debt He fully paid.

That this is now and ever true
He gives an earnest ever :
In this His holy Supper here
We taste His love so sweet, so near.

His Word proclaims, and we believe.
That in this Supper we receive
His very body, as He said,
His very blood for sinners shed.

A precious food is this indeed,
It never fails us in our ,
A manna for our soul,
Until we safely reach our goal.

Oh, blest is each guest
Who in this promise finds His rest;
For Jesus will in love abide
With those who do in Him confide.

The guest that comes with true intent
To turn to God and to repent,
To live for Christ to die to sin,
Will thus a holy life begin.

They who His Word do not believe,
This food unworthily receive,
Salvation here will never find,
May we this warning keep in mind!

us sincerely to believe
That we may worthily receive
Thy Supper and in Thee find rest.
Amen, he who believes is blest.


Meaning of The Death Of Jesus Christ Our Lord

The Death of Jesus Christ Our Lord: A Source of Comfort and Joy

In the hymn “The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord,” we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It brings us comfort in times of distress and fills our hearts with joy and happiness. We should take a moment to reflect on the significance of His death and what it means for us.

The hymn speaks of how Jesus blotted out the judgment that stood against us with His own blood. He made full atonement for our sins and paid our debt in full. These words remind us that Jesus’ death was not in vain. It had a purpose, and that purpose was to save us from our sins.

We are also reminded that this truth is not something of the past, but is still relevant and true for us today. The hymn states that Jesus gives us an “earnest ever new.” In other words, He continually confirms the truth of His sacrifice and its significance in our lives. This affirmation is especially evident in the holy Supper we partake in.

During the holy Supper, we have the opportunity to taste and experience the love of Jesus so intimately. This symbolic act of receiving His body and blood reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice He made for us. We can find solace and reassurance in this act, knowing that Jesus’ love is always sweet and near.

The hymn also emphasizes the importance of faith and belief. It proclaims that in this holy Supper, we truly receive Jesus’ body and blood as He said. It is not just a metaphor or a symbol but a profound spiritual experience. Through faith, we can fully embrace this truth and find nourishment for our souls.

This precious food, the hymn tells us, never fails us in our need. It is like heavenly manna that sustains us throughout our in life. Whenever we face challenges and obstacles, we can turn to Jesus and find the strength and nourishment we need. He is our ultimate source of comfort and sustenance.

The hymn continues by highlighting the blessedness of those who believe in this promise. Those who trust and confide in Jesus will find rest in Him. It is a promise of His constant presence and love in our lives. When we have faith in Him, we can experience His love and grace in a profound .

However, it is important to also the warning in the hymn. Those who do not believe in Jesus’ sacrifice and partake in the holy Supper unworthily will not find salvation. It serves as a reminder for all of us to approach the Supper with reverence and a genuine desire to turn to God and repent.

In conclusion, “The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord” hymn reminds us of the comfort and joy we can find in Jesus’ sacrifice. It assures us that His death was not in vain and that through faith, we can receive His body and blood in the holy Supper. Through this act, we find sustenance for our souls and the assurance of His abiding love. May we always approach the Supper with sincerity and belief, keeping in mind the warning for those who do not believe. Let us embrace the promise and find rest in Jesus. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience comfort and joy in the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Reflect on His sacrifice, receive His love in the holy Supper, and find rest in Him. Believe and embrace His promise.
The Death Of Jesus Christ Our Lord - Hymn Lyric - Experience comfort and joy in the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Reflect on His sacrifice, receive His love in the holy Supper, and find rest in Him. Believe and embrace His promise.