The Maker Of The Sun And Moon – Hymn Lyric

Discover the extraordinary power and beauty of The Maker of the Sun and Moon. Witness the birth of Jesus Christ

The Maker Of The Sun And Moon – Hymn Lyric

The Maker of the sun and moon, the Creator of all things, holds unimaginable power and beauty. Late in time, He gifted the with an even fairer boon – He brought Himself to birth. The birth of , the Savior of the world, was a pivotal moment in history, bringing righteousness and to a broken and sinful world. Through His love and sacrifice, He seeks to heal the hearts of all people, shining a light of hope and redemption in our lives.


The Maker Of The Sun And Moon – Hymn Lyric

The Maker of the sun and moon,
the Maker of our earth,
lo! late in time, a fairer boon,
himself is brought to birth!

How blest was all creation then,
when God so increase;
and Christ, to heal the hearts of men,
brought righteousness and peace!

No star in all the heights of
but burned to see him go;
yet unto earth alone was given
his human form to know.

His human form, by man denied,
took death for human sin:
his endless love, through faith descried,
still lives the world to win.

O perfect Love, outpassing sight,
O Light beyond our ken,
come down through all the world tonight,
and heal the hearts of men!


Meaning of The Maker Of The Sun And Moon

The Creator of the sun and moon holds unimaginable power and beauty. When we look up at the sky and see the sun shining brightly during the day, or the moon casting its silvery glow at night, we are reminded of the greatness of the One who made them. But there is something even more amazing that this Maker has done. Late in time, He gifted the world with an even fairer boon – He brought Himself to birth.

Imagine that! The Creator of the entire universe, the one who shaped our planet and set the stars in motion, chose to come down to our level and be born as a human being. This act of humility and love is truly beyond our comprehension. How blessed was all of creation then, when God chose to increase His presence on earth in such a remarkable way!

The birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was a pivotal moment in history. He came not only to heal the physical ailments of men, but also to heal their hearts. Through His , teachings, and ultimate sacrifice, He brought righteousness and peace to a broken and sinful world.

When Jesus descended from the heavens, the stars themselves burned with excitement to witness this extraordinary event. They knew that something extraordinary was happening, something that would hope and redemption to humanity. Yet, it was to the inhabitants of the earth alone that the privilege was granted to truly know Him in His human form.

Unfortunately, not everyone recognized Jesus for who He truly was. Many people denied Him and what He stood for. They rejected the love, grace, and salvation that He offered freely to all who believed in Him. It was in the midst of this rejection that Jesus willingly took upon Himself the weight of all human sin, enduring the agony of the cross so that we may be reconciled to God.

His love for us knows no bounds. Even though He suffered and died for our sins, His love remains eternal and unchanging. Through faith, we can see that His love still lives on, continuing to work in the world, seeking to win over the hearts of all people.

It is a love so perfect, so beyond our understanding, that it surpasses our sight. It is a love that shines bright like a light that cannot be contained. This light, the Light of the World, came down to us, breaking through the darkness and illuminating our lives. It is a light that brings hope, , and healing to all who embrace it.

Tonight, and every night, we invite this perfect Love to come down and dwell among us. We ask for His healing touch to mend the brokenness within our hearts and in the hearts of all people. In a world plagued by division, hatred, and suffering, we long for His light to shine through, bringing peace and unity.

So let us embrace this incredible gift that has been given to us – the birth of the Maker of the sun and moon, the Creator of all things. Let us open our hearts to receive His love and allow it to transform us from the inside out. And as we do so, may we become bearers of this light, sharing it with others and helping to bring healing and restoration to a world in need.

In conclusion, we are reminded of the that speaks of the Maker of the sun and moon, a hymn that echoes the deep longing of our souls. O perfect Love, outpassing sight, O Light beyond our ken, come down through all the world tonight, and heal the hearts of men! Let us hold onto this prayer, believing that His love is indeed capable of healing, restoring, and transforming our lives and the world around us.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the extraordinary power and beauty of The Maker of the Sun and Moon. Witness the birth of Jesus Christ, the ultimate act of love, bringing righteousness, peace, and healing to the world. Embrace the light and let it transform your heart and the hearts of others. Experience the perfect Love that heals and restores all.
The Maker Of The Sun And Moon - Hymn Lyric - Discover the extraordinary power and beauty of The Maker of the Sun and Moon. Witness the birth of Jesus Christ, the ultimate act of love, bringing righteousness, peace, and healing to the world. Embrace the light and let it transform your heart and the hearts of others. Experience the perfect Love that heals and restores all.