The Sun Is Rising In The East – Hymn Lyric

Join us in celebrating the beauty and power of the rising sun in the East. Discover the joy

The Sun Is Rising In The East – Hymn Lyric

“The Sun Is In The East: A Celebration of and Life” is a poetic tribute to the beauty and power of the sun as it ascends in the eastern sky. With its radiant warmth and illuminating light, the sun brings life, joy, and hope to all it touches, reminding us to embrace each new day with gratitude and the belief that we have the power to rise and shine in our own unique way.


The Sun Is Rising In The East – Hymn Lyric

The sun is rising in the east,
It gilds the heavens wide,
And scatters light on mountain crest,
On and countryside.

It rises from the valley bright,
Where Paradise once lay,
And bringeth life, and joy and light
To all upon its way.

It greets us from the land afar
Where man with grace was crowned,
And from that wondrous Morning Star,
Which Eastern sages found.

The starry host bow down before
The sun that passes them;
It seems so like that star of yore
Which shone on Bethlehem.

Thou Sun of Suns, from heaven come,
In Thee our praises rise
For every message from home
And from Thy Paradise.


Meaning of The Sun Is Rising In The East

The Sun Is Rising In The East: A Celebration of Light and Life

As the dawn breaks and the sun begins its ascent in the eastern sky, a golden glow spreads across the horizon. Its rays reach out, touching the heavens above and casting a warm light upon the mountains, the shores, and the peaceful countryside. In this simple act, the sun heralds the start of a new day, bringing with it life, joy, and an abundance of light.

Imagine a time long ago, when the valley was a paradise, lush and green, teeming with vibrant life. It was in this very place that the sun first rose to greet the world. Its radiant warmth enveloped the land, nurturing every living thing and infusing the surroundings with a sense of tranquility. Oh, what a sight it must have been!

But the sun’s does not end there. As it continues to rise, it travels beyond the valley, illuminating the beauty of far-off lands. It its grace upon the people, who, in turn, bask in its gentle glow. From the ancient land of the East, with all its wisdom and , to the humblest abodes of humanity, the sun spreads its warmth and light, offering solace and hope.

In the ethereal skies above, the host of stars, seemingly at odds with their diminutive size, bow down before the magnificent sun. They acknowledge its supremacy as it passes them by, shining with a brilliance that rivals the brightest starry night. It is reminiscent of a celestial event long ago, when a star guided wise men to a humble stable in Bethlehem, heralding the birth of a child who would illuminate the world with and compassion.

Oh, Sun of Suns, you are a radiant messenger, sent from the heavens above! In your glorious presence, our praises soar, as we recognize each message you convey from your celestial home and the paradise from which you originate. Your warmth and light remind us of the beauty that exists in the simplest moments, the joy that can be found in the embrace of a new day.

The sun, with its ascending glory, teaches us valuable lessons about life and the world around us. Just as it rises each day, we are granted the opportunity to start anew, to leave behind the struggles of yesterday and embrace the possibilities of today. The sun’s warming rays remind us of the importance of nurturing our own inner light, allowing it to guide us through the darkness and inspire us to share our radiance with others.

In a world that often feels divided and burdened, the sun’s majestic ascent offers us a sense of unity and hope. Across cultures and continents, people gaze upon the sunrise, awestruck by its beauty and humbled by its power. It reminds us that, beneath our superficial differences, we are all interconnected, basking in the same shared light and life-giving energy.

So, let us the rising sun, a true miracle that unfolds before our very eyes each day. Let us embrace its warmth, its joy, and its light, allowing them to permeate every aspect of our lives. And let us reflect on the lessons it teaches us – the importance of harmony, the beauty of diversity, and the infinite capacity of the human spirit to rise and shine.

As the sun continues its ascent, let us remember that we are all part of a greater whole, intricately woven into the fabric of life on . Just as the sun greets us with its radiant smile, may we, too, greet each other with grace, compassion, and love. For in the presence of the rising sun, and in the embrace of each other, we find hope, inspiration, and the power to create a brighter, more harmonious world.

So, rise with the sun, dear friends, and let us greet each new day with gratitude, wonder, and the unwavering belief that, like the sun, we have the power to rise and shine brilliantly in our own unique way.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join us in celebrating the beauty and power of the rising sun in the East. Discover the joy, light, and wisdom it brings to our world. Rise and shine with the sun each day.
The Sun Is Rising In The East - Hymn Lyric - Join us in celebrating the beauty and power of the rising sun in the East. Discover the joy, light, and wisdom it brings to our world. Rise and shine with the sun each day.