There Is Always Sunrise Somewhere – Hymn Lyric
In the quiet moments of the night, when darkness surrounds us and it feels like the weight of the world is upon our shoulders, it’s essential to hold on to the hope that there is always sunrise somewhere. This beautiful hymn reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is light on the horizon, waiting to bring warmth and brightness to our lives. Imagine a world where no matter how long the night may seem, somewhere, in a distant corner of the earth, the east is brightening with the rosy flush of dawn.
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There Is Always Sunrise Somewhere – Hymn Lyric
There is always sunrise somewhere!
Tho’ the night be round thee drawn,
Somewhere still the east is bright‘ning
With the rosy flush of dawn,
What tho’ near the bat is flitting,
And the raven croaks his lay,
Somewhere still the sunbirds greeting
Hails the rising of the day.
Should bereavement’s heavy shadow,
Pall-like clothe thy stricken heart,
And the very stars above thee,
Cease their lesson to impart,
Think, the dear one, whose departure,
Round thy soul such darkness cast,
Somewhere finds the heav’nly morning
That may rise on thee at last.
Gropest thou in failure’s valley,
Sad, disheartened and dismayed,
Lest as in the past thy footsteps
May be yet again betrayed?
Fix thine eyes upon the orient,
Turn thee from thy sorrow’s feast,
Till the never failing sunrise
Glorifies thy darkened east!
Let us lay to heart the comfort
In this sweet reflection found,
That, however dense our darkness,
Somewhere still the world around
Dews are glistening, flow’rs uplifting,
Wild birds warbling as reborn,
Lakes and streams and woods and mountains
Melting in the kiss of morn!
Ne’er was night, however dismal,
But withdrew its wings of gloom;
Ne’er was sorrow, but a daystar
Hinted of the morrow’s bloom;
Ne’er was woe, but in its bosom
Was the seed of hope impearled;
There is still a sunrise somewhere
Speeding, speeding round the world!
Yes, there’s always sunrise somewhere;
Saddened heart, lookup up today!
Trust the Father’s gracious promise,
“He will wipe all tears away.”
Lift thine eyes unto the eastward,
Zion’s King may now be thine;
Lo, thy night hast now its sunrise
In the Prince of Peace divine.
Meaning of There Is Always Sunrise Somewhere
In the quiet moments of the night, when darkness surrounds us and it feels like the weight of the world is upon our shoulders, it’s essential to hold on to the hope that there is always sunrise somewhere. This beautiful hymn reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is light on the horizon, waiting to bring warmth and brightness to our lives.
Imagine a world where no matter how long the night may seem, somewhere, in a distant corner of the earth, the east is brightening with the rosy flush of dawn. The bat may be flitting by, and the raven croaks its melancholic tune, but these are just fleeting moments. For somewhere, the sunbird is awakening and celebrating the rising of a new day.
When we experience the pain of losing a loved one, and sadness shrouds our hearts like a heavy shadow, it may seem like the stars themselves have ceased to offer their guidance. But take solace in the thought that our dear departed ones have found their heavenly morning. Somewhere, they are basking in the eternal sunrise, a morning that may yet rise upon us.
In times of failure and disappointment, when we find ourselves wandering through the valley of despair, it’s easy to lose hope and distrust our own footsteps. But instead of dwelling on sorrow’s feast, let us fix our gaze upon the orient, the direction from which the sun rises. By turning away from our sadness, we open ourselves up to the ever-faithful sunrise that never fails to glorify our darkest east.
It is comforting to remember that no matter how dense our personal darkness may be, the world around us continues to unfold in beauty. In some distant place, dew glistens on delicate flowers, wild birds sing their joyous melodies, and nature celebrates the rebirth of each new day. From lakes and streams to woods and mountains, everything is kissed by the gentle embrace of the morning sun.
Even in the bleakest of nights, when sorrow envelops us, there is always a glimmer of hope. For no night lasts forever; every night must eventually withdraw its wings of gloom. Sorrow, too, is fleeting, merely a precursor to the blooming of tomorrow. It is in the deepest depths of our woe that the seed of hope is embedded, ready to sprout and bring forth new possibilities.
So, take heart, dear friends, for there is always a sunrise somewhere, speeding round the world to bring us hope and solace in our darkest moments. Let us lift up our saddened hearts and look up today, trusting in the Father’s gracious promise that He will wipe away all our tears. And as we lift our eyes unto the eastward, we may discover that Zion’s King is already with us, ready to bring a sunrise to our night in the form of the Prince of Peace divine.
In conclusion, always remember that no matter how long the night may seem, there is always sunrise somewhere. In our darkest moments, when sorrow and despair engulf us, let us find solace in the thought that light is just beyond the horizon. Have faith in the promise of a new day, where tears are wiped away, and the everlasting embrace of the sunrise brings us peace and hope.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!