Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the powerful compassion and saving grace of Jesus in "Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus." Reflect on His sacrifice

Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn titled “Thou Hast Stood Here Jesus,” we are reminded of Jesus’ compassionate nature and His ability to save. The lyrics describe Jesus standing beside a grave, showing His deep empathy for us. They also emphasize His sacrifice and victory over sin and death. The hymn concludes with the hope of Jesus’ second coming and our future reign with Him in His kingdom.


Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Thou hast stood here, Lord Jesus,
Beside the still cold grave;
And proved Thy deep compassion
And mighty power to save.
Thy tears of tender pity,
Thine agonizing groan,
Teach how for us Thou feelest,
Now seated on Thy throne.

Thou hast lain here, Lord Jesus,
Thyself the victim then,
The Lord of life and ,
Once slain for wretched men.
From sin and condemnation
When none but Thou couldst save,
Thy love than death was stronger
And deeper than the grave.

Yes, Thou wast here, Lord Jesus,
But Thou art here no more;
The terror and the darkness,
The of death, are o’er.
Great Captain of ,
Thy triumphs now we sing,
O grave! where is thy victory?
O death! where is thy sting?

We wait for Thine appearing;
We weep, but we rejoice;
In all our depths of
We still can hear Thy voice;
I am the resurrection;
I live who once was slain;
Fear not! thy friend and brother
Shall with me and reign.


Meaning of Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus

In this hymn, titled “Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus,” we are reminded of the powerful and compassionate nature of Jesus. The lyrics speak of Jesus standing beside a cold grave, demonstrating His deep compassion and ability to save. They highlight His tears of tender pity and agonizing groans, showing that He is able to understand and empathize with our feelings and struggles.

The hymn also emphasizes Jesus’ sacrifice and victory over sin and death. It states that Jesus himself was the victim, willingly laying down His life for humanity. Despite being the Lord of life and glory, Jesus chose to be slain for wretched men and women. This act of love and redemption displays His boundless love for us. The lyrics declare that Jesus’ love is stronger and deeper than the grave, illustrating the overcoming power of His sacrifice.

While Jesus once stood at the grave, the hymn acknowledges that He is no longer there. The darkness and terror of death have been conquered by Him. He is described as the Great Captain of salvation, and the lyrics express the and that come from His victory. The hymn declares the defeat of the grave and death, echoing the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:55: “O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?”

The hymn concludes with a look to the future, as we await Jesus’ second coming. While we may experience sorrow and grief in this present , we are reminded that Jesus is with us and that His voice can be heard even in the depths of our sorrow. He proclaims Himself as the resurrection and the one who once was slain but now lives. With Jesus as our friend and brother, we can find comfort and hope, knowing that we will rise with Him and reign in His eternal kingdom.

These powerful words convey a message of hope, comfort, and assurance. They remind us of Jesus’ love, compassion, and victorious power over sin and death. Whether we are facing our own grief and sorrow or reflecting on Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for us, this hymn serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of His life, death, and resurrection.

As we meditate on these timeless lyrics, we can find solace and encouragement in knowing that Jesus understands our pain, triumphs over all obstacles, and offers us the gift of eternal life. In a world full of uncertainties and difficulties, this hymn serves as a reminder of the unwavering love and faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has stood at the grave, conquered death, and promises to be with us always, offering us hope, peace, and everlasting joy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the powerful compassion and saving grace of Jesus in Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus. Reflect on His sacrifice, triumph over sin and death, and the promise of eternal life. Find hope, comfort, and assurance in His unwavering love.
Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience the powerful compassion and saving grace of Jesus in "Thou Hast Stood Here Lord Jesus." Reflect on His sacrifice, triumph over sin and death, and the promise of eternal life. Find hope, comfort, and assurance in His unwavering love.