Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the depth of love and sacrifice in "Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love." Experience the power of eternal love and find solace in its embrace.

Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love – Hymn Lyric

Love Whom Most I Love: Understanding the Depths of Love and Sacrifice” is a that explores the power of love and sacrifice. It describes a love that is to endure suffering and even death for the sake of others. This hymn encourages gratitude and a deeper connection with this all-encompassing love.


Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love

Thou Holiest Love, whom most I love,
Who art my longed-for only bliss,
Thou tenderest pity whom erst did move
To fathom the abyss of and death.

Thou once suffered for my good,
And died to pay my guilty debts,
Thou Lamb of God, whose precious blood
Can erase a ‘s misdeeds.

Thou Love, who endured such
Upon the Mount of ,
Yet with ceaseless watchful care,
Dost yearn over us tenderly.

Not to seek Thy own will, Thou camest,
But to obey all of Thy Father’s will,
Bearing the cross with meek patience,
To take away our curse.

O Love, enduring disgrace and shame
With an unflinching heart,
Even amid the dying pangs,
Thou remained the same.

Thy virtue proved unchanging,
Even with Thy parting breath,
Spaking words of gentle love,
As soul and body sank in death.

Through manifold sorrows, O Love,
Thou hast betrothed me as a bride,
With ceaseless gifts and untold love,
Thou hast bound me to Thy side.

Let the ache and smart of life’s pain,
Be stilled within my heart,
At the thought of Thine agony,
And of the cross Thou bore.

O Love, dying thus for me,
Won an eternal good through sorrow,
Upon the tree, I think ever on Thy blood,
And thank Thy sacred wounds.

Thou wounded Love, Thou Holiest,
Is thanked most as life’s bounds near,
And in Thy bosom, I find rest
From the turmoil and the fear.

For this cold heart, unworthy Thine,
Thou have unto death,
Once received by the chill, dark grave,
I thank Thee for Thy grief.

I thank Thee for dying,
And winning eternal life for me,
For bringing salvation from on high,
Draw me up through love to Thee!


Meaning of Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love – Hymn Lyric

Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love: Understanding the Depths of Love and Sacrifice

Love is a powerful and beautiful emotion that connects us all. It has the ability to move mountains, heal wounds, and bring hope in the darkest of times. In the hymn titled “Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love,” the depth of love and sacrifice is explored through heartfelt verses that resonate with our souls.

The hymn begins by addressing the object of love as the “Thou Holiest Love.” It recognizes this love as the ultimate source of happiness and bliss, the one that our hearts long for above all else. It acknowledges the tender pity that this love has shown, going to great lengths to understand the depths of woe and even facing death itself.

The hymn continues to describe the immense sacrifice made by this love, specifically referencing the suffering and death endured for our benefit. It mentions the precious blood shed, capable of taking away the misdeeds of the entire world. This love is no ordinary love, but one that can absolve guilt and bring about redemption.

The hymn then shifts its focus to the personal connection we can have with this love. It highlights the watchful care and yearning that this love has for us, as well as the willingness to submit to the will of another. The love described is not self-seeking, but rather selfless, bearing a cross with patience and carrying the weight of our curse.

As the verses unfold, the hymn emphasizes the unwavering nature of this love. It speaks of enduring disgrace, shame, and the keenest smart of dying pangs, all while maintaining its essence. It reminds us that even in the face of death, this love spoke words of utmost tenderness and care.

The hymn signifies the impact this love has on our lives, describing it as betrothing us as a bride through ceaseless gifts and unfathomable love. It is what binds us eternally to this love’s side. When we reflect on this love and the cross it bore, it has the power to calm the weary ache and heal the sharp pain of life’s trials and losses.

Moving on, the hymn acknowledges the sacrifice made by this love with gratitude. It thanks this love for enduring grief and suffering for the sake of a heart that may have been cold and unworthy. It recognizes the divine grief that led to death and the ultimate goal of bringing eternal life and salvation.

The final verses express an ongoing remembrance and appreciation for the wounds this love bore. It is a wounded love, yet holiest in its nature. The hymn speaks of drawing closer to this love, especially when nearing the end of life, finding solace and safety in its embrace.

In conclusion, “Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love” delves into the depths of love and sacrifice. Through its heartfelt verses, it invites us to ponder the immense love that has been bestowed upon us. It encourages us to express gratitude and to strive for a deeper connection with this love, knowing that it can bring us eternal good and salvation. May our hearts be forever touched by the magnitude of this love and may we always remember the sacrifice it willingly made for us.


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Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the depth of love and sacrifice in "Thou Holiest Love Whom Most I Love." Experience the power of eternal love and find solace in its embrace.