Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unending love and grace of God in the hymn "Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love." Discover how God's love removes evil

Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love – Hymn Lyric

In this beautiful hymn, titled “ Ceaseless Unexhausted ,” we are reminded of the unending, undeserved love and grace that pours out upon us. It tells us that God’s love is not dependent on our actions or worthiness; instead, it is a love that seeks to remove our evil and help us in our times of misery. His love is constant, unending, and available to all who seek it.


Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love – Hymn Lyric

Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love,
unmerited and free,
delights our evil to remove,
and help our misery.

waitest to be gracious still;
thou dost with bear,
that, saved, we may thy goodness feel,
and all thy grace declare.

Thy goodness and thy truth to me,
to ev’ry soul abound,
a vast, unfathomable sea,
where all our thoughts are drowned.

Its streams the whole creation reach,
so plenteous is the store,
enough for all, enough for each,
enough for evermore.

Faithful, O Lord, thy are,
a rock that cannot move;
a thousand promises declare
thy constancy of love.

Throughout the universe it reigns,
unalterably sure;
and while the truth of God remains
the goodness must endure.


Meaning of Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love,” we are reminded of the unending, undeserved love and grace that God pours out upon us. It tells us that God’s love is not dependent on our actions or worthiness; instead, it is a love that seeks to remove our evil and help us in our times of misery.

The hymn begins by referring to God’s love as “ceaseless” and “unexhausted.” This means that God’s love never runs out or diminishes. No matter how many times we may fall into sin or face hardships, God’s love remains constant and unwavering. It is a love that knows no bounds and has no limits.

The verse also mentions that God’s love “delights our evil to remove.” This means that God takes pleasure in taking away our and redeeming us from our wrongdoing. It is through His love that we can find forgiveness and be set free from the burden of our mistakes. God’s love is not a love that condemns us for our faults but rather seeks to rescue us from them.

The hymn goes on to say that God “waits to be gracious still.” This implies that God patiently waits for us to turn to Him so that He can pour out His goodness and grace upon us. It doesn’t matter how far we may have strayed or how undeserving we feel, God’s grace is always available to us. He patiently waits for sinners like us to to Him, so that we can experience His goodness and declare His grace to others.

God’s goodness and truth are described as a vast, unfathomable sea. This imagery emphasizes the abundant and limitless nature of God’s love. Just as we cannot measure the depth and expanse of the sea, we cannot fully comprehend the extent of God’s love and mercy. His love reaches out to the entire creation, encompassing every person and every soul. There is no shortage or scarcity in God’s love; it is more than enough for each and every one of us.

The hymn continues by acknowledging that God’s mercies are faithful and unmovable. It describes them as a rock that cannot be shaken or moved. This speaks to the steadfastness and reliability of God’s love. No matter what challenges or trials we may face, we can always rely on God’s promises and His constancy of love. He will never abandon us; His love is as unchanging as a rock.

The verse mentions that throughout the universe, God’s love reigns. This means that His love is not limited to a particular place or people. It extends across the entire universe, encompassing every corner and every being. His love is universal and all-encompassing, available to every person who seeks it.

As long as the truth of God remains, His goodness will endure. The hymn points out that the goodness of God is intertwined with His truth. As long as God remains true to His character and His promises, His goodness will never fade away. This is a comforting thought, knowing that God’s goodness and love will always be there for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love” brings us a message of hope, grace, and boundless love. It reminds us that God’s love is not limited by our actions or worthiness. His love is constant, unending, and available to all who seek it. We can find solace in knowing that no matter how far we may have strayed or how undeserving we may feel, God’s love is waiting to embrace us and us back into His arms. His love is a rock that cannot be moved, a sea where all our thoughts are drowned. Let us, therefore, declare His grace and goodness to the world, knowing that His love is enough for us, and it will endure forever.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unending love and grace of God in the hymn Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love. Discover how God's love removes evil, helps in times of misery, and remains constant no matter what. Find hope in His boundless love.
Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love - Hymn Lyric - Experience the unending love and grace of God in the hymn "Thy Ceaseless Unexhausted Love." Discover how God's love removes evil, helps in times of misery, and remains constant no matter what. Find hope in His boundless love.