Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth – Hymn Lyric

Experience a profound transformation with 'Tis Done

Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth – Hymn Lyric

In the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, we are reminded of the new and heavenly birth that re-creates us from the of earth. This transformation calls us to cleanse our souls from guilt and embrace our vulnerabilities marked by the cross upon our brow. As we guide and nurture others, we teach them to know a Father’s love and seek happiness above, leading them on a path towards and triumph before the judgment seat. Ultimately, this journey of self-acceptance and spiritual depth brings us closer to the divine and to a place of peace and .


Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis done! that new and heavenly birth,
Which re-creates the sons of earth,
Has cleansed from guilt of Adam’s sin
A soul which Jesus died to win.

‘Tis done! the cross upon the brow
Is marked for weal or sorrow now,
To shine with heavenly luster bright,
Or burn in night.

O ye who came that babe to lay
Within a Savior’s arms today,
Watch well and guard with careful eye
The heir of immortality.

Teach him to know a Father’s love,
And seek for happiness above,
To his heart and treasures give
And in the Spirit ever live.

That so before the judgment seat
In joy and triumph ye may meet;
The battle fought, the struggle o’er,
The kingdom yours forevermore.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, angelic host,
Praise Father, , and Holy Ghost.


Meaning of Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth

As we gather in this sacred space of reflection, let us journey together into the depths of our humanity, seeking wisdom in the quiet corners of our hearts. The passage shared with us speaks of a profound transformation, a new and heavenly birth that re-creates the sons of earth. This transformation is a deeply personal journey, one that calls us to cleanse our souls from the guilt and burdens we carry.

In the realm of spiritual growth, it is essential to acknowledge our vulnerabilities. We are reminded that this journey is marked upon our very being, as the cross upon the brow symbolizes. It is a constant reminder that we are on a path that can either lead us to a radiant light or leave us in a that feels endless.

Our journey towards self-discovery and acceptance is not always an easy one. There are moments of sorrow and joy, struggles and triumphs. It is through these experiences that we learn the true essence of our humanity. We learn to embrace our imperfections and see them as part of the beautiful tapestry of our lives.

To those who guide and nurture, the call is clear. Watch well and guard with careful eye the heir of immortality. Teaching one to know a Father’s love and seeking happiness above is an act of profound love and responsibility. It is through this guidance that we find our way to a deeper connection with the divine, and ultimately, with ourselves.

As we navigate this path, let us remember to give our hearts and treasures to Christ, and live in the Spirit. This spiritual practice is not just about following rituals, but about inviting a compassionate and loving view of ourselves and the world around us. Loving oneself deeply and unconditionally paves the way to loving others and finding happiness in even the simplest of blessings.

There will a day when we stand before the judgment seat, but let us approach this moment without fear. Instead, let us meet it with joy and triumph, knowing that we have fought the battles, struggled, and grown into our true selves. And when that day comes, the kingdom will be ours forevermore, a testament to our journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and spiritual depth.

Finally, in the spirit of gratitude and reverence, let us praise God, from Whom all blessings flow. Let our voices join all creatures here below and the angelic hosts above in a chorus of praise. Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for through this sacred journey, we find a deeper connection to the divine, to ourselves, and to the world around us.

Let us walk this path of self-exploration with open hearts, embracing our humanity, and finding the divine within each moment.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience a profound transformation with 'Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth. Embrace spiritual growth, self-discovery, and connection to the divine. Walk the path of self-exploration with open hearts.
Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth - Hymn Lyric - Experience a profound transformation with 'Tis Done, That New And Heavenly Birth. Embrace spiritual growth, self-discovery, and connection to the divine. Walk the path of self-exploration with open hearts.