Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unwavering love and care of Jesus

Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep – Hymn Lyric

In the “Tis Jesus The Who Cares For The ,” we are reminded of the unwavering and care that Jesus, our shepherd, provides for us. As we delve into the meaning behind these powerful words, we can find comfort and assurance in knowing that no matter what we face, Jesus will never forsake us. By staying close to Jesus, we can enjoy the abundance of his and find peace and fulfillment in our journey with him. Trusting in Jesus, our shepherd, is essential for experiencing his love, guidance, and eternal hope.


Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep – Hymn Lyric

‘Tis Jesus, the Shepherd, who cares for the sheep,
Who ever remembers his promise to keep;
He’ll never forget them while toiling below,
Who cling to his promise, and never let go.

Then follow the Shepherd; keep close to his side,
Green and waters his grace doth provide;
He’ll never forsake them while toiling below,
Who cling to his promise, and never let go.

‘Twas Jesus who found us away from the fold,
On rock barren mountains, astray in the cold,
Exposed to temptations, pollution and sin,
He opened the sheep-cote, and bade us come in.

‘Tis Jesus who washed the sheep white and clean;
As Friend of the friendless he standeth between;
To shield them from danger, from and loss,
He purchased salvation thro’ death on the cross.

‘Twas Jesus, who loved us, the mighty to save,
Who bore our transgressions, and slept in the grave;
He’s risen in triumph, Messiah and King,
And promised in glory his jewels to bring.

He knows all the faithful, he calls them by name;
He leads them and feeds them, tho’ blind, halt or lame;
He’s coming, he told us, his promise to keep,
Then surely he’ll sever the goats from the sheep.



Meaning of Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep

In the hymn, “Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep,” we are reminded of the unwavering love and care that Jesus, our shepherd, provides for us. As we delve into the meaning behind these powerful words, we can find comfort and assurance in knowing that no matter what we face, Jesus will never forsake us.

The verse begins by emphasizing Jesus’ role as the shepherd of his flock. Just like a shepherd who looks after his sheep, Jesus lovingly guides and protects us. He never forgets his promise to keep us safe and secure as we navigate through life’s challenges. This imagery of Jesus as the shepherd brings a sense of reassurance, knowing that we are under his watchful eye.

The chorus urges us to follow closely to the shepherd’s side. By staying close to Jesus, we can enjoy the abundance of his grace, symbolized by green pastures and refreshing waters. Just as a shepherd leads his flock to nourishing pastures, Jesus provides us with everything we need to thrive spiritually and emotionally. This imagery of green pastures and flowing waters represents the peace and fulfillment that come from walking closely with Jesus.

The hymn also highlights the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for us. It reminds us that Jesus found us when we were lost and astray, exposed to temptations and sin. It was Jesus who opened the sheep-cote and invited us into his fold, offering us protection and salvation. As a friend of the friendless, he stands between us and danger, shielding us from harm and guiding us on the right .

Furthermore, the verse tells us how Jesus washed us white and clean. Through his death on the cross, Jesus bore our transgressions and purchased salvation for us. This act of sacrificial love demonstrates his immense love for us and his desire to see us free from the burden of sin. He is not just a shepherd but also a savior who takes our sins upon himself, granting us forgiveness and redemption.

The hymn also highlights Jesus’ resurrection and his promise to return in glory. After sleeping in the grave, Jesus triumphantly rose from the dead, proving his power over death and sin. As the Messiah and King, he promises to come again and bring his faithful followers with him. This promise reminds us that our journey with Jesus does not end here on earth but extends into eternity, where we will experience the fullness of his glory.

In addition to Jesus’ love and care for his flock, the verse also highlights his personal knowledge of each believer. Jesus knows each one of us by name, and he leads and feeds us regardless of our limitations or shortcomings. This imagery of a shepherd caring for the blind, halt, or lame emphasizes Jesus’ inclusivity and his willingness to embrace and care for all his followers, no matter their circumstances.

Finally, the verse concludes by reminding us of Jesus’ promise to separate the goats from the sheep. In biblical imagery, the goats represent those who reject Jesus, while the sheep symbolize his faithful followers. Jesus, the righteous judge, will discern between the two and ensure that his faithful ones are rewarded with eternal life in his presence. This promise serves as a reminder that our choices and actions matter and that staying close to Jesus is essential in order to experience the fullness of his .

In conclusion, the hymn “Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep” beautifully communicates the love, care, and promises that Jesus extends to his flock. It reminds us of his role as our shepherd, leading, protecting, and providing for us. By keeping close to his side and holding onto his promises, we can find comfort, guidance, and eternal hope. Let us continue to trust in Jesus, our faithful shepherd, and never let go of his loving embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unwavering love and care of Jesus, our shepherd, in Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep hymn. Find comfort knowing Jesus will never forsake us. Follow the shepherd and hold onto his promises for eternal hope.
Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep - Hymn Lyric - Experience the unwavering love and care of Jesus, our shepherd, in "Tis Jesus The Shepherd Who Cares For The Sheep" hymn. Find comfort knowing Jesus will never forsake us. Follow the shepherd and hold onto his promises for eternal hope.