To Thee Eternal Soul Be Praise – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of gratitude and love for the eternal Soul through saints

To Thee Eternal Soul Be Praise – Hymn Lyric

Throughout history, souls of saints and prophets have illuminated our with light, love, and . From well-known figures to everyday individuals, each soul plays a unique role in guiding us towards the divine. Let us give thanks to the eternal Soul for the boundless love and powerful words that are spoken through these guiding lights in human form. To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be for sending us these beacons of light and love on our journey towards enlightenment.


To Thee Eternal Soul Be Praise – Hymn Lyric

To Thee, eternal Soul, be praise!
Who, from of to our own days,
Through souls of saints and prophets, ,
Hast sent Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.

We thank Thee for each mighty one
Through whom Thy living light hath shone;
And for each humble soul and sweet
That lights to heaven our wandering feet.

We thank Thee for the love divine
Made real in every saint of Thine;
That boundless love itself that gives
In service to each soul that lives.

We thank Thee for the Word of might
Thy spake in darkest .
Spake through the trumpet voices loud
Of prophets at Thy throne who bowed.

Eternal Soul, our souls keep pure,
That like Thy saints we may endure;
Forever through Thy servants, Lord,
Send Thou Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.


Meaning of To Thee Eternal Soul Be Praise

To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise

Have you ever stopped to about all the amazing souls throughout history who have spread light, love, and wisdom to the world? These souls, whether mighty saints or humble individuals, have all played a part in enlightening our paths and guiding us towards the divine.

One of the most beautiful things about these souls is that they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are well-known figures like saints and prophets, while others are everyday people who show kindness and love to those around them. Each one, in their own unique way, helps to a light on the path towards heaven.

We can’t forget to thank the eternal Soul for the love that is made real through each of these souls. It is through their actions and words that we see the boundless love of the divine manifested in our world. Whether it’s a saint performing miracles or a simple act of kindness from a stranger, the love of the eternal Soul shines through in all its forms.

And let’s not overlook the power of the Word that is spoken through these souls. The words of prophets and saints have the ability to cut through the darkness and bring light to even the most troubled hearts. It is through these words that we are able to connect with the divine and find guidance for our own journeys.

So, as we journey through life, let us strive to keep our souls pure and open to the light, love, and wisdom that the eternal Soul shines upon us. Let us look to the example of the saints and prophets who have come before us, and strive to embody their qualities of love, compassion, and service to others.

And let us always remember to give thanks to the eternal Soul for sending us these guiding lights in human form. May we be blessed with the presence of such souls in our lives, and may we in turn be a light to others on their own journeys towards the divine.

In closing, let us offer up a of gratitude to the eternal Soul, thanking Him for the light, love, and Word that He sends to us through the souls of saints and prophets. May we always be open to receiving His blessings and guidance, and may we never forget to offer praise and thanks for all that we receive.

To Thee, eternal Soul, be praise!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of gratitude and love for the eternal Soul through saints, prophets, and everyday souls. Let their light guide your path towards heaven. To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise.
To Thee Eternal Soul Be Praise - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of gratitude and love for the eternal Soul through saints, prophets, and everyday souls. Let their light guide your path towards heaven. To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise.