Today We Celebrate Jesus Birthday – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate Jesus' Birthday today with joy and reverence. Reflect on the humble birth that brought love and salvation to all. Sing praises to our King!

Today We Celebrate Jesus Birthday – Hymn Lyric

Today we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, a momentous event prophesied long ago that continues to touch hearts with its profound significance. As we reflect on Jesus’ humble in , we are reminded to embrace our vulnerabilities and the beauty within them. Let us crown Him Lord of all, accepting His gift of love and , and let our praises out in celebration of this sacred day.


Today We Celebrate Jesus Birthday – Hymn Lyric

Today we celebrate Jesus’ birthday,
That prophets spoke of long ago.
sent His to save us from sin
And show us how we should live.

Born to a virgin, poor and lowly,
Laid in a manger,
Our precious Lamb of God!

Sing our praises to our King!
Sing our praises, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born today!

Angels proclaimed to shepherds at that
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Quickly with joy they ran to the manger
Where the baby Christ-Child lay.

Bowing in worship, awe, and wonder,
They knelt before their
Dear little King of kings!

Sing all praises to the King!
Sing all praises, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born today!

Come, celebrate our Lord Jesus’ birthday,
Know that to save us He has come;
Accept His gift of love and salvation;
Let us crown Him Lord of all!

For He alone is worthy of glory,
Worthy of honor,
And all our praises!

Sing our praises to our King!
Sing our praises, let them ring!
Jesus Christ is born today!

Jesus Christ is born today!


Meaning of Today We Celebrate Jesus Birthday

As we find ourselves gathered in reflection and celebration of a momentous event, one can sense a profound transformation taking place within and around us. It’s a time of both deep reverence and compelling joy, as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ, an event prophesied long ago, an event that continues to ripple through time, touching hearts and souls with its profound significance.

Imagine, for a moment, the quiet night in Bethlehem. Picture a humble manger, the earthy scent of hay, the calmness of animals nearby, and an overwhelming sense of expectancy hanging in the air. Into this simple yet extraordinary scene, a baby is born—Jesus, the Son of God. He comes not as a mighty warrior or a king in a palace, but as a vulnerable infant in the most modest of settings. The inherent humility of His birth speaks to us on many levels, inviting us to explore our own vulnerabilities and the beauty that lies within them.

In our journey of self-discovery, let us consider the aspects of our lives that mirror the simplicity and purity of that Bethlehem night. How often do we hide our vulnerabilities, fearing they make us less than, rather than celebrating them as a testament to our humanity? Jesus’ birth in humbleness is a profound reminder that true strength and divinity can manifest in the most unassuming circumstances. It teaches us to embrace our humanity, with all its perceived imperfections, as a sacred and integral part of who we are.

The shepherds, upon hearing the angels’ proclamation, ran with joy to witness the miracle. They didn’t pause due to their lowly status or question their worthiness. In their awe and wonder, they simply knelt before the newborn King. In this spontaneous act of worship, there lies an invitation for us too. Can we approach our moments of joy, awe, and spiritual epiphany with the same openness and unconditional acceptance? Can we kneel before our deepest truths, surrendering our doubts and embracing our spiritual essence with humble reverence?

To celebrate Jesus’ birth is to accept His gift: the gift of love, salvation, and guidance. It’s a call to crown Him as the Lord of our lives and to acknowledge His worthiness of all glory and honor. This act of crowning isn’t just about a title; it’s about prioritizing love and compassion as the central pillars of our human experience. It’s about recognizing that each of us, in our everyday actions, holds the power to breathe life into the divine teachings of love, kindness, and .

As we sing our praises and let them ring out, we are not just participating in a ritual; we are connecting with a spiritual lineage that spans centuries. We are affirming our place within a tapestry of believers who have found strength, hope, and meaning in the message of Christ’s birth. In these moments of collective celebration, we find a deeper connection to those around us and to the world at large. We are reminded that, despite our individual struggles and triumphs, we are united in our quest for spiritual fulfillment and peace.

So, as we celebrate this sacred event, let us also embark on a personal journey of introspection. Let’s cultivate a compassionate self-view, accepting our vulnerabilities as gateways to deeper truths and greater self-awareness. In embracing our humanity and honoring our spiritual essence, we discover a profound connection not only to ourselves but to the divine and to each other.

In the spirit of this holy celebration, let your sing praises. Allow your voice to echo the joy, the wonder, and the profound love that Jesus’ birth signifies. Let this celebration be a transformative experience, guiding you towards a more compassionate and loving existence. Jesus Christ is born today; let this truth illuminate your journey of self-discovery and deepen your connection to the sacred and to all creation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate Jesus' Birthday today with joy and reverence. Reflect on the humble birth that brought love and salvation to all. Sing praises to our King!
Today We Celebrate Jesus Birthday - Hymn Lyric - Celebrate Jesus' Birthday today with joy and reverence. Reflect on the humble birth that brought love and salvation to all. Sing praises to our King!