Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy – Hymn Lyric

Experience the comforting touch of Jesus with the hymn "Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy." Feel His transformative power

Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Touch Me Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy” expresses a deep desire for the comforting touch of Jesus, to be molded and guided by Him, and to be fed and nurtured on our spiritual . The lyrics speak of surrendering our will to Him, trusting in His , and seeking His presence in every aspect of our lives. Ultimately, the is a prayerful plea for transformation, sustenance, and guidance from our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy – Hymn Lyric

Touch, touch me, Lord Jesus,
With Thy hand of mercy,
Make each throbbing heartbeat
Feel Thy pow’r divine.

O take my will forever,
I will doubt Thee never,
O Lord, please cleanse me, my dear Savior,
Make me wholly Thine.

Mold, mold me, dear Savior;
As I bow before Thee,
Prostrate, prostrate and helpless,
Make my heart Thy throne.

O purge my dross with hissop;
Burn me with Thy fire;
O Lord, please make, make me and use me;
Ever all Thine own.

Feed, feed me, dear Jesus,
From Thy holy table,
Rain, rain bread from ,
Let my cup o’erflow.

O naked, sick and hungry;
Poor and weak and lonely,
O Lord, please feed feed me, Lord Jesus
Till I want no more.

Guide, guide me, ,
Thro’ this vale of sorrow,
I am safe forever,
Trusting in Thy love.

O bear me thro’ the current;
O’er the chilly Jordan,
O Lord, please lead me, my dear Savior
To my home above.


Meaning of Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy

In the hymn “Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy,” we are reminded of the comforting and loving presence of our dear Savior. The lyrics express a deep desire to feel the touch of Jesus, to be molded and guided by Him, and to be fed and guided on our journey through .

The words of the hymn speak to the in our hearts to feel the touch of Jesus, to experience His mercy and grace in our lives. It is a prayerful plea for His presence to be felt in every heartbeat, for His power to transform us and make us whole. We are invited to surrender our will to Him, to trust Him completely, knowing that He will never fail us.

Just as clay is molded by the potter’s hands, we ask Jesus to mold us into vessels of His love and light. We humble ourselves before Him, recognizing our own weaknesses and limitations. We ask Him to cleanse us, purify us, and use us for His glory. We trust that He knows what is best for us and will shape us according to His perfect will.

Like a hungry child at a banquet table, we ask Jesus to feed us with the bread of heaven, to satisfy our spiritual hunger and thirst. We acknowledge our need for His nourishment, for His sustenance in our daily lives. We trust that He will provide all that we need, abundantly and without measure.

In the midst of life’s challenges and trials, we look to Jesus as our guide and protector. We acknowledge our dependence on Him, our trust in His unfailing love and . We ask Him to lead us through the valleys of sorrow, to carry us safely through the storms of life, and to bring us safely home to His eternal kingdom.

As we sing these words and meditate on their meaning, may we be filled with a sense of peace and assurance. May we be reminded of the love that surrounds us, the grace that sustains us, and the hope that awaits us. And may we go forth from this moment, knowing that we are touched, molded, fed, and guided by the hand of our merciful Lord Jesus. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the comforting touch of Jesus with the hymn Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy. Feel His transformative power, guidance, and nourishment in your life. Surrender to His will and trust in His love.
Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy - Hymn Lyric - Experience the comforting touch of Jesus with the hymn "Touch Me Lord Jesus With Thy Hand Of Mercy." Feel His transformative power, guidance, and nourishment in your life. Surrender to His will and trust in His love.