Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day – Hymn Lyric

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Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day – Hymn Lyric

“Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day: A Message of Hope and Guidance” reminds us of the power of trust in our lives. Trusting in Jesus allows us to navigate the ups and downs with confidence, knowing He is there to guide and support us. As we place our trust in Him, we can face any challenge and find strength, hope, and purpose in our journey.


Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day – Hymn Lyric

Trusting Jesus, trusting ev’ry day,
Trusting Jesus all along the way;
Trusting Him we never can fall,
He will hear whenever we call;
Swift to answer is the King who rules us all.

We will follow Thee,
We will follow Thee,
Tho’ the way be rugged and steep,
Tho’ it leads us over the deep;
We will follow Thee,
We will follow Thee,
wilt guide in tenderest care and safely keep.

Loving Jesus, who in deepest love
in mercy from His above;
Him we fervently ,
As we journey over the way,
We may love and serve Him better ev’ry day. [Chorus]

In a world of sorrow and distress,
Bearing burdens that so heavy press,
Cheerful words will brighten the way,
Willing hands will lighten the day;
“Ye have done it unto me,” shall Jesus say. [Chorus]


Meaning of Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day

Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day: A Message of Hope and Guidance

In this hymn, “Trusting Jesus, trusting every day,” we are reminded of the powerful impact that trust can have in our lives. Trusting in Jesus allows us to confidently navigate through the ups and downs that come our way. We can face any challenge with the assurance that He will be there to guide and support us.

Trusting Him doesn’t just mean relying on His help during times of . It means having faith in Him each and every day, in all aspects of our lives. Whether it’s a small decision or a major life event, we know that Jesus is there, to lend a helping hand and lead us in the right direction.

When we trust Jesus, we are assured that we will never fall. He is always watching over us, ready to catch us when we stumble. Just as the hymn says, “He will hear whenever we call.” We can take comfort in knowing that our prayers are never unheard or unanswered. Our King, who rules us all, is swift to answer and provide us with the guidance we .

As we place our trust in Jesus, we willingly choose to follow Him. We understand that the journey may not always be easy. It may be rugged and steep, leading us over deep and uncertain waters. However, we remain steadfast in our resolve to follow Him. With Jesus as our guide, we know that we are in the safest hands possible.

Loving Jesus is not simply an emotion; it is a deep and sincere commitment. We are reminded in this hymn that Jesus came from His heavenly throne out of sheer love for us. His mercy knows no bounds. As we journey through life, we fervently pray to love and serve Him better with each passing day. Our love for Jesus grows as we experience His unwavering love and faithfulness towards us.

Living in a world filled with sorrow and distress, it’s easy to become weighed down by the burdens that surround us. However, this hymn encourages us to find joy in our journey. It reminds us that cheerful words can light to even the darkest of circumstances. By extending kindness and offering helping hands to those in need, we can be a source of hope and positivity in a world that desperately craves it.

The hymn mentions Jesus saying, “Ye have done it unto me.” This reminds us that when we show love and compassion to others, we are ultimately serving Jesus Himself. Our acts of kindness and selflessness hold incredible meaning in the eyes of our Savior.

Trusting Jesus, trusting every day, empowers us to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith. It allows us to find hope in the midst of despair and to shine a light in the darkest of times. As we place our trust in Jesus, He guides us with tender care, keeping us safe and secure.

So, let us hold onto the message of this hymn and live each day with unwavering trust in Jesus. Let us follow Him, even when the path seems treacherous. Together, as we trust in Jesus, we can find strength, hope, and a sense of purpose in this journey called life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and hope of trusting Jesus every day. Find guidance, support, and unwavering faith in Him as you journey through life's challenges. Trust in Jesus to lead you with tender care and keep you safe.
Trusting Jesus Trusting Every Day - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power and hope of trusting Jesus every day. Find guidance, support, and unwavering faith in Him as you journey through life's challenges. Trust in Jesus to lead you with tender care and keep you safe.