Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Join us in rejoicing and praising our Savior Jesus in the name of dear friends. Experience the heavenly presence and warmth of His love as we gather together. Don't miss out on this joyous occasion.

Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name” emphasizes the importance of gathering together as believers in the name of Jesus. It highlights the and significance of coming together to worship, proclaim His praise, and feel His presence. Whether in person or online, let us always meet with cheerful hearts, ready to rejoice in the name of our Savior.


Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name – Hymn Lyric

Well met, dear friends in Jesus’ name,
let us now rejoice;
While we our Savior’s praise proclaim,
With cheerful hearts and voice.

But O! dear Jesus Lamb of God,
Send down the heav’nly ;
His graces to diffuse abroad,
To warm our hearts with love.

In vain, dear Savior here we meet,
Except thy face we see;
Thy presence makes a heav’n most sweet,
When e’er we meet with .

A dungeon shews a heav’nly dawn,
When there with thee we dwell;
But when thy presence is withdrawn,
A palace proves a hell.

Then O! dear Jesus, condescend
To meet us with a smile;
Thy ‘s quick’ning infl’ence send,
And purge our hearts from guile–
That at the close each one may say,
“We meet not here in vain;
“For we have tasted heav’n today,
“Nor could we more contain.”


Meaning of Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name

Well met, dear friends in Jesus’ name! What a joyous occasion it is to gather together and rejoice in the name of our Savior. As we come together, let us raise our voices and proclaim His praise with cheerful hearts.

In this hymn, we express our desire for the Lamb of God, our dear Jesus, to send down the heavenly dove. We long for His graces to be spread among us, warming our hearts with love. We understand that without His presence, our gatherings would be in vain. It is when we see His face and feel His presence that our meetings become a taste of .

Even in the darkest dungeons of our lives, when we dwell with Jesus, a heavenly dawn breaks forth. His light and love illuminate our surroundings, transforming our circumstances into something beautiful. However, when His presence is withdrawn, even the grandest palace loses its splendor and becomes hellish. We recognize that it is only through His presence that true joy and peace can be attained.

Therefore, dear Jesus, we humbly ask for your condescension. We plead for you to meet us with a smile and to send the quickening influence of your Spirit. We desire for our hearts to be purified from all deceit and guile. By doing so, we that each one of us may truly say at the end of our gathering, “We have not met in vain.”

For when we have tasted heaven today, we cannot contain the overflowing joy within us. Our souls are filled with the heavenly melodies and the sweet aroma of His . The fellowship we experience with one another and with our Lord is truly divine. Our hearts are lifted, and our spirits are renewed.

As we delve deeper into the meaning of this hymn, the importance of coming together in Jesus’ name becomes evident. The act of gathering with fellow believers is not merely a social event or a routine obligation. It is a sacred opportunity to worship together, to encourage one another, and to grow in our .

When we gather, we are reminded that we are not alone. We are part of a community, a family united by our love for Jesus. In the company of others, we find strength, support, and accountability. We can find solace in the fact that we are not the only ones facing trials and challenges. We can find inspiration and encouragement from those who have walked similar paths as ours.

Furthermore, gathering in Jesus’ name allows us to experience the power of collective worship. There is something extraordinary that happens when voices join together in praise. It creates an atmosphere where the Spirit of God can move and work in our lives. As we lift our voices and open our hearts, we invite His presence to dwell among us.

The act of gathering is not limited to the physical space of a church building. In today’s , technology has provided us with various means to connect and gather with fellow believers. We can come together through virtual platforms, sharing in worship, prayer, and fellowship. The important thing is not the location but the intention behind our gathering. When we come together with a sincere desire to seek God and build each other up, the blessings will flow.

In conclusion, “Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name” is a hymn that celebrates the joy of gathering as believers in the name of Jesus. It reminds us that our meetings are not in vain when His presence is welcomed and honored. It encourages us to seek genuine fellowship, where we can experience the transformative power of God’s love. Whether in a physical sanctuary or a virtual gathering, may we always come together with cheerful hearts, ready to rejoice in the name of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join us in rejoicing and praising our Savior Jesus in the name of dear friends. Experience the heavenly presence and warmth of His love as we gather together. Don't miss out on this joyous occasion.
Well Met Dear Friends In Jesus Name - Hymn Lyric - Join us in rejoicing and praising our Savior Jesus in the name of dear friends. Experience the heavenly presence and warmth of His love as we gather together. Don't miss out on this joyous occasion.